Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 14: Big Brother

Chapter 14: Big Brother

Editors and Proof Readers: King of mortals, Dervish

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[[[[[[[[[[Chapter Starts from here]]]]]]]]]]]

Fu Yan registered his company the next day and named his company "Evolutioners".

The same day he signed an employment contract with Fei Hong and also added an extra clause.

He gave her 2% of annual sales profits.

Though it might seem too little, from what Fu Yan was planning for the company, it would be a cut from millions or even billions.

He told Fei Hong what the company would be about and gave her free hand in choosing the office space and other personnel hiring.

They would need another 4 to 5 people for the company to run smoothly and many other things need to be taken care of.

Like internet domain registration and other legal stuff. It was not easy to open a company.

He was glad that he chose Fei Hong because she did not even complain once during the whole week.

She was running all day and was reporting to Fu Yan in the evening.

"I should give her a bonus for all her hard work after this month."

So after a whole week, the company was finally set up .

Fei Hong rented an office with a good view because she said.

"Good environment affects a lot when you work in an office"

Though it cost a little more, he still agreed.

While Fei Hong was busy setting up the company, Fu Yan did not sit idle also.

He kept on improving the code he wrote and made an FPS shooting game with it.

When he played the game himself, It felt really great.

The game environment was not the same as those games available now.

Most games these days were simple though more stuff and physics were being added to them, they were still far from realistic so Fu Yan's main focus was to develop a game which has the same theme as those existing games but is vastly different from them.

For this game, he developed a game engine that was very complicated and was able to run 3D graphics very easily and provided the user with real-life feelings while playing.

For example, in most games walking routes or playable areas were fixed and players were given only a limited space to play and the way they interacted with different objects in games was also fixed. Like how a box would fall from height and so on.

But with the new game engine players would be able to create their own walking routes (by actions like smashing a wall or climbing etc.).

The game was ready but the game engine was still being finalized.

Qing has matured very much these days.

She was able to write simple programs herself and did not need external help.

While developing a game, the most hated part was to find bugs and this was the main reason why most rookie developers failed to enter the market because these bugs would ruin the game experience for the player and even some big companies would face this issue.

Fu Yan was also facing this problem. Even though he had advanced knowledge from the library but being a human, he was prone to make mistakes and he had to find them before launching the game.

His previous game was doing well but not that much so he decided to take it down so that his company would not have bad products and only good ones.

The game was not totally taken down instead its developer's name was changed so that it would not have any link to Fu Yan in the future.

While Fu Yan was worrying about how to solve the bug problem, Qing made a suggestion.

"Master, why don't I try it and fix the errors for you."

Upon hearing her, Fu Yan realized that he had forgotten about Qing.

She was an AI, which was not the same as those pseudo ones.

"You are right Qing. Play this game and try to find loopholes that players might use and try to fix them. If you can't, then ask me. I will teach you but make sure to show me before you implement a change."

"Ok Master. Qing will do so."

"Alright, I will let you handle this matter. By the way, what's the progress on the task I gave you? Would this bug testing interfere with that?"

"Master. That task is 60% complete and it will not be affected by this because I have sufficient memory to do both tasks."

"Ok. Let me know as soon as it's completed."

"I will do so Master."

"Also! Stop calling me master. Call me something else in the future."

"But Master is Master."

Fu Yan rubbed his forehead and thought for a bit.

"Though she is maturing day by day but she is still a machine so I think it's time I teach her about human beings. Let's teach her about names for the time being."

After thinking this he said.

"Listen Qing. Do you know why I gave you a name?"

"Yes, Master. I know. It's because it was easier for you to call me by a name than calling me a machine."

Fu Yan nearly stumbled upon hearing this.

"No, Qing. It was not because I was making it easier for myself but because I wanted to give you an identity. By identity what I mean is to give you a sense of being and that you are an individual having consciousness."

"But master, why do I need a sense of being. Qing is Qing, nothing else, and Master is Master."

"No Qing, everything and every person needs a sense of being and that you exist and for that, you have names. It tells you that you exist."

"Master, I don't understand what you mean."

When she said that, the server fans started to spin with a loud noise. It showed that Qing was using a very huge amount of computing power.

"I think this is enough for now. Let her analyze what we talked about for now and I think I should give her access to some normal forums later to let her develop."

"Ok Qing, call me big brother from on."

Qing replied with only one word "okay" and the server cooling fans started to spin with more noise.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[End OF Chapter]]]]]]]]]]]]

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