Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 132: THEY WILL PAY!!

Chapter 132: THEY WILL PAY!!

Editor and Proofreader: Delther

Inside an office building, an old man was sitting in front of a computer and on the monitor, the scenes from the underground facility were being played. 

He calmly watched all the content that was edited for him and after a while, turned off the computer and looked up.

In front of him stood a man in a white coat who was currently looking down, as if feeling ashamed. 

Feeling the gaze of the old man on him, the man hesitated for a moment and then slowly lifted his head up. When he looked towards the old man, he was met with cold eyes. 

"Tell me one reason to keep you alive!" An old grumpy voice sounded in the room and the man in white shivered hearing it. He tried to get himself together and then replied in a shaky voice. 

"Si-Sir, we have been monitoring him all the time since that incident and we dare not neglect anything. The surveillance team was working 24/7, and we checked every aspect of his life thoroughly."

Hearing this, the old man picked up the ashtray from the table and then threw it towards the man in front of him. The man in the white coat did not dare to dodge it and the ashtray hit him in the ribs. 

He silently endured the pain and looked towards the old man who was fuming with anger and stood still. 

"You call this 24/7 surveillance? He had a mother-fucking assassin with him. You are telling me that he (Nir) appeared out of nowhere? If you want to make excuses, then you better make a good one because if not, I am going to kill you myself. You knew how much importance the family attached to that boy but you ruined it all. It was your team that messed up and killed that bitch [span]Biyu [/span]and her husband and on top of that, even their son died in the end. If you don't call this incompetence then tell me what should I call it? You did not even know that he had advanced surveillance capabilities until Fei Hong reported them."

The man in the white coat was silent for a while, then he slowly opened his mouth and replied.

"Sir, I am not making any excuses. We have been really diligent in our work. It's just that the target started to suddenly behave weirdly 4 months ago. I sent a report back to the family and gave details about that. Unlike before, the target became more active and conscious about his surroundings. When this happened, he started to stay more at his house and from what we heard from our listening devices, he was talking with someone a lot. We suspected that it was someone he met or a person he hired online. We tried [span]installing a bug in the server [/span]he bought but it was discovered by him so that's why we had no way of knowing what was going on inside the house without alerting the target."

The old man calmly listened to all this and then let out a sigh. He knew that no one was at fault, and he was just trying to release some anger.

"OK! You can go back for now. The family will decide what to do with you next."

When the man in the white coat heard this, he knew that he was spared this time. He gave a bow and then silently walked out of the room. 

The old man looked at the departing figure of his subordinate, then he leaned back on the chair. 

"Fu Yan! From the way he suddenly changed and started to develop new technologies no one even heard of, I am sure he took that medicine. If only his parents had not betrayed us, then everyone might have been happy now." The old man muttered and then closed his eyes while massaging his temples. 

When he was thinking about what to do next, the door opened and a figure entered his office. 

"Grandpa! You said that after you are done with him, you will give him to me but now you have lost him."

The old man looked up and saw the incoming figure. A warm smile crept up on his face and he replied in a soft voice.

"My dear, you should not have come here. You know we are busy dealing with the recent matter."

[span]Ming Ye[/span] made a pouty face and then asked, with a dissatisfied voice.

"But you said that he will belong to me. He was supposed to be mine but he is now gone. I brought him to you but"

"My sweet baby, grandpa did not lie to you, but who knew he had an assassin with him and a magical one at that. We are still trying to figure things out and grandpa promise you that when we find him, we will give him to you." The old man cut off Ming Ye's sentence.

Ming Ye let out a reluctant smile upon hearing this and then gave the old man a kiss on the cheeks. 

"I know grandpa but I am still sad. I am going to find a new toy now. Because you lost my favorite one, that is why you will have to compensate me." 

The man smiled and shook his head a little, then gently patted Ming Ye's head.

"Ok, go away now. Grandpa is busy."

Ming Ye gave him a peck on cheeks again and then turned around with a cheerful face.

"Love you grandpa!"

Saying that, she hurried out of the office room. 

After Fu Yan teleported from the facility, he appeared in the Library. 

Fu Yan looked around and saw that everyone was busy with their work. 

He paid them no attention and then used the teleporter again and then disappeared from the Library. 

Even though he wanted to go straight to his hometown, he could not. The teleporter could only send him to the Library from any location on earth, then from the Library, back to any location on earth.

After a while, Fu Yan appeared on top of the cliff in his hometown. He looked around for a while and could not help but get emotional, but to his surprise, no tears came out of his eyes. It was as if his emotions had no effect on his body. 

Fu Yan did not dwell too much into that and then turned around. He looked towards Nir, Nir seemed to understand what he wanted and came forward.

Fu Yan gently put Xen's body into Nir's arms, and then a shovel suddenly appeared in his hands. 

He walked to the edge of the cliff facing the ocean and then started to dig. The shovel was bought from the Library and with it, Fu Yan dug up the ground in just a few minutes. 

Fu Yan put down the shovel on the ground, then turned around. Looking at Xen's body, he went silent for a while, then a wooden coffin appeared in front of him. 

Fu Yan opened the lid, and then gently placed Xen's body in it. After that, he gently picked up Xen's hands and folded them in front of his chest. He slowly closed the lid and then, with the help of Nir, he placed the coffin into the ground. 

After leveling up the ground, Fu Yan stood there for more than 2 hours and then turned around. 

Nir silently followed behind him and did not make even a little sound the whole time. 

While walking down the cliff, Fu Yan looked around and his eyes, that still had some golden color in them, felt cold. There were no emotions in them. Even though the intensity of the golden light in his eyes was a lot less than before, the color was still there. 

After walking down for a while, Fu Yan stopped and then turned around to look towards where he buried Xen and then softly spoke.

"I was planning on blowing the earth to pieces but thinking of the people who did nothing wrong and that I still need them, I will give them a chance again, but the people who cross my path are going to pay. Since they think power is everything, then I will give them a taste of their medicine. The things they are proud of, I will take it away from them. Only people useful to me will live, others will die. Mom, dad, aunt, uncle, Jing, Xen, they will pay for what they did to you."

Saying this, he looked up and then suddenly disappeared into the white light, which appeared out of nowhere. 

[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]

We currently have 160 power stone, make them 500 and I will give you guys 2 chapter tomorrow. 

also consider joining my discord as I make announcement there and you can give me active advice or feedback there. Moreover its fun to spend time there. The link is in synopsis of the novel. 

Check out my new novels. 

Unethical Service Providers (Genre: Urban)


Hurting Hope: Freedom With Sins (Genre: Fantasy)

Do consider checking them out. We well edited them from the start and they are well thought out.

[ol][li data-annotation-id="4c73fac2-9784-3602-e0a4-51e9cdf0941d"]The university beauty that appeared in chapter 1,6,74[li data-annotation-id="554531f2-2a1e-4f8e-759f-8d0e76488a59"]Fu Yan's aunt[li data-annotation-id="c74c021f-b513-c8ec-8445-4e91747127b1"]The chip he found in the server he bought that was embedded with the ram in CHAPTER 12[/ol]


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