Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 128: A Person Who You Trust the Most!!

Chapter 128: A Person Who You Trust the Most!!

Inside an office building, the same man who ordered to capture Fu Yan's relatives was currently pacing around in the office.

Anger could be seen on his face. Then suddenly the door opened and a man in a black coat walked in.

Seeing him, the man with the cigar walked towards him and slapped him hard on the face.

"One thing and you can't even do that. Why do you expect me to keep you around me? Now what am I supposed to report above?"

The man in the black coat simply stood there and did not say anything. 

After a while, when the cigar man's anger lessened a little, he looked towards his subordinate and then asked while sitting down on the chair.

"So what happened? This was a simple but important job. We provided all the support we could by disabling electricity and internet in that area. Yet you still had to shoot and kill two important assets. Things are going to be complicated now. OK, tell me all the details."

The man in the black coat nodded and started to explain.

"At first everything went smoothly. We were able to secure the parameter easily but when we moved in to capture the targets, we received fire which was unexpected as we were told that the targets were civilians. One of my men was hit and then in panic he suddenly fired, which resulted in injuring two of the targets and injuring one. The injured one was their son and is currently being treated but it's hard to say whether he will survive or not."

Hearing this, the cigar man slammed the desk hard and after a while, when he calmed down his emotions, he asked.

"What about the one who fired? Where is he?"

"He has been dealt with. I am sorry for letting you see such a mess. I am willing to step down from my position." The man in the black coat replied and then gave a deep bow. 

"No! what's done is done. Now we have to see how target A reacts. Hope it won't affect our plans."

Saying this, he leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. The man in the black coat saw this and left the office quietly after giving another bow. 


Fu Yan looked at her with shocked eyes and could not help but tremble a little with anger and shock. 

After looking at her for a moment, he asked, with eyes full of hate and confusion.

"Why? What have I done to you? Why would you do this? They did nothing wrong, so why?"

Ming Ye looked at Fu Yan with a smile and then came forward.

"Your angry face is really beautiful. I want to keep you for myself even more but I am afraid they won't allow it to happen that easily." She talked without answering Fu Yan's question.

Fu Yan looked at her with disgust and then jerked her hand off. 

"Tell me where Xen is. I don't care what you want from my family, but you did not have to go that far. You killed my parents, now my uncle and aunt. What do you want from us?"

The police officer who followed Fu Yan out was stunned after hearing all this conversation. He did not know whether this was a stunt or a play. After a while, he came forward and stood beside Fu Yan while looking at Ming Ye.

"If what this gentleman is saying is the truth, then I have to ask you to follow me to the police station for questioning."

Ming Ye smiled at hearing this.

"I think you should first answer the call from your superior then decide what to do next."

When he heard this, the police officer noticed that his mobile phone was ringing. He looked at Ming Ye a bit, then answered the phone.

The call only lasted for a few seconds. After ending the call, he looked at Ming Ye with strange expressions and then towards Fu Yan with apologetic eyes.

His superiors had ordered him to stop investigating anything related to this incident and come back to the station immediately. 

Fu Yan looked at the police officer's apologetic eyes and could not help but shake his head. 

"I told you before, this is not something you can handle. This society is shit and it will get worse so you should mark your priorities."

After that he looked towards Ming Ye.

"Let's go. I want to see Xen."

Ming Ye smiled and then came beside Fu Yan. She interlocked her arm with Fu Yan's as if they were couples and walked towards the car. 

Fu Yan looked at her with disgust, but did not say anything. He boarded the car and then they went on their way. 

During the whole time, Nir was beside Fu Yan, so he was not worried about his safety. If a situation arose, he could easily escape. What worried him most now was the wellbeing of Xen. 

After losing his family, he received a lot of love from his aunt's family and Xen managed to fill some gap in the heart left by the death of his sister. So that's why even if he had to sacrifice himself for Xen, he would not hesitate to do so. 

After driving for more than 4 hours, they reached a desolate area with not much human activity. 

After getting out of the car, Ming Ye led him to a building that was shaped like a bunker, and after confirming their identities, they were allowed to enter. 

Inside of the bunker was completely different from the outside. It looked very advanced, with mechanical doors and high-tech security checkpoints.

Ming Ye looked towards Fu Yan to see his reaction but was disappointed to see that he had no reaction. 

After walking for a while, he was led to a white room with a table and two chairs. Ming Ye told Fu Yan to wait there for a bit while she gets the information about his cousin. 

Fu Yan quietly sat down on the chair and just after 5 minutes, a man in a casual shirt walked in. He looked like in his 30s and had a smile on his face.

He sat down in front of Fu Yan and let out a smile.

"Hello Mr Fu Yan. I have heard a lot about you. I always wanted to talk to you. I have many questions, I wanted to ask you."

Fu Yan looked towards with a cold gaze and slowly opened his mouth.

"I don't care who you are and what you want. I want to see Xen. After seeing him, we can talk further."

As if expecting this, the man let out a warm smile and replied.

"Well, the thing is, due to the mistake of one of our guys, we had casualties, which resulted in your cousin being injured. Of course the offender has been dealt with. Now Xen is in surgery and we are trying our best to cure him. So while we do that, why don't you answer some of our questions."

Fu Yan closed his eyes for a bit and then asked in a soft voice.

"Is he being cured in this facility?"

Not expecting this question, the man was silent for a moment.


Fu Yan immediately used telepathy and gave an order to Nir to find the whereabouts of Xen. After receiving the order, Nir walked out of the room through the walls and started his search. He had seen Xen's photo before while Qing was teaching him, so Fu Yan was not worried that Nir wouldn't recognize Xen. 

After ordering Nir, Fu Yan turned his attention towards the man in front of him. After thinking for a bit, he decided to cooperate with them for a bit so that way he might be able to obtain information and buy more time for Nir. 

"Are you with the government?" Fu Yan asked while looking towards the ceiling.

The man let out a smile and gently shook his head. 

"Well, we are not with the government. It's more like a relation of benefits. We have what they want and they provide us with some services. Well, a matter of fact, they are very interested in the simulator you developed and want us to give them the source code for that."

Fu Yan chuckled hearing this and asked.

"Who said I developed it? I may be related to 'Evos' but I have not developed it. It's more like someone trusted me and allowed me to release it. If you want, I can talk to them and you might be able to cooperate with them."

After hearing Fu Yan's reply, the smile on that man's face became more ambiguous.

"Well, you don't have to lie to us about that. We know you developed it and no one else owns that software."

After this, he paused a little and then continued.

"Since we will be cooperating in the future, then you should stop lying to us. Anyway, if you still don't want to admit it, then why don't we hear from the person you trusted the most."

After that he looked towards the camera and gently gave a nod. Few minutes passed and then with a slight noise, the door of the room opened. 

Fu Yan, who was looking at the ceiling, slowly lowered his head and turned his gaze towards the door. 

[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]

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Unethical Service Providers (Genre: Urban)


Hurting Hope: Freedom With Sins (Genre: Fantasy)

Do consider checking them out. We well edited them from the start and they are well thought out. 


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