Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 119: Personal Assistant!

Chapter 119: Personal Assistant!

Editors and Proof Reader: Alterious, Dervish, King of Mortals, garantiertnicht

From Now on

Information and notification from Library will be shown in these [ ] and when Fu Yan is talking to himself or think, i will use ' ' instead of " ". As later will be used when he is talking to someone else.

[[[[Chapter starts here]]]]

After these two sentences popped up on the screen, a loud rumbling noise echoed in the Great Hall of the Library. All activity in the Library stopped for a second and then everyone's attention shifted towards where the sound was coming from.

For many, it was something new as the Library had always been quiet and no one was allowed to create any disturbance there.

So when this sound destroyed the silence in the Library, everyone stopped whatever they were doing and came towards its origin. 

Fu Yan also closed the transparent screen and made his way there. When he reached the spot, he saw that bookshelves were moving by themselves and a large area was being cleared in the center. 

After a while, the rumbling noise stopped, and a large area that was devoid of anything appeared in front of him. Fu Yan looked around with some interest to see what would happen next but to his surprise, there was only silence. As if whatever the Library was trying to do, had finished. 

A strange silence engulfed the whole area and when everyone was thinking that there would be nothing more, Fu Yan saw a white light shining in the open space in front of him, and then suddenly there was a loud bang. 

Fu Yan felt as if the whole Library was shaking and that it would collapse at any moment. Because of the sudden bang, his ears were still ringing and after a while, when they returned to normal, he looked in front of him and he saw that there was a whole new book case there and there was still space around that shelf. 

Compared to the others, this one looked different and was blue. It's not as if there were no other shelves that had different colors from the normal ones but there were only 20 to 30 of them at most. Compared to the thousands of others, there were very few. 

After the white light disappeared and Fu Yan was assured that nothing else would happen, he walked towards the new shelf. 

When he reached it, he noticed that this shelf did not just have a blue color but also a little green to it and after further analyzing, he came to a new realization. If this shelf was to be folded into a sphere, then it would look just as Earth looks from space. 

He looked at the top of the shelf and saw the information engraved on it regarding the books that were available here. 

[Mystery Mechanics]

[Contributor: Fu Yan]

Fu Yan was amazed to see this because on all other shelves, there was nothing mentioned other than the types of books that were placed on those shelves. 

'So Library gives credit for new knowledge to the Librarian who brings it to the Library. It's like encouraging the future generation to gather more knowledge for the Library.' Fu Yan thought as he scanned the shelf. 

When he was lost in his thoughts, he suddenly saw an old-looking scroll flying towards the shelf, and then after reaching it, it placed itself on the top rack. 

This scroll gave a very strange feeling to those who watched it. Fu Yan watched for a while, then he turned and started to walk towards his table. 

When passing by the workers who also gathered, he noticed that many old workers were looking at him with envy and respect. 

Suddenly a worker, who looked much more senior than the rest, walked in front of him and gave a deep bow. 

"Sir Congratulations on contributing to the Library. I had only witnessed a similar scene a long time ago and at that time I was also new to the Library. I remember that Sir Librarian at that time received many rewards and permissions from the Library that were exclusive to those who contributed. Also, you will get to choose a personal assistant from the workers who will handle your work in the Library and carry out your orders. I hope that you can consider selecting someone from the senior workers, as we know more about the Library and can answer many of your questions."

Fu Yan calmly listened and then gave a slight nod. 

"Ok, When the time comes, I will consider selecting someone who is a senior but remember this, no matter who I choose, others will have to obey him as he will be carrying out my orders." Fu Yan said with a stern voice that carried a tone of authority as he looked towards the workers who were standing behind the one speaking to him. 

The old worker trembled a little when he heard this and again gave a deep bow.

"Sir Librarian, we know. It's not that we are saying that you should choose someone from seniors or else others won't cooperate. It's just that we were suggesting as we senior workers know more about different things in the Library. As for who to choose, that choice lies solely with you. 

The other workers also nodded when the old worker said this. 

"Yes Sir, we will obey anyone you choose, even if he is a junior."

Fu Yan smiled when he heard this and walked away. 

When workers saw this, they let out a sigh of relief and then started to return to their positions. 

Fu Yan returned to his table and then opened the screen again.

There were many notifications on the screen in front of him and he started to go through them one by one. 

He did not want to miss anything as it might be important. 

[Creating the new section]

[New technology branch successfully added to the Library]

[Credits to the contributor added successfully]

[Calculating rewards]


[Credits= 10000]

[Librarian= D- to C+]

[Adjusting permission according to Librarian Level]

Fu Yan was surprised to see that he got 10000 credits as a reward for getting new knowledge for the Library as well as jumping 5 levels. 

Then he started to read the privileges that he would receive as a C+ Librarian.

'So now I only have to go collect back books every 6 months that's only 2 times a year. Also, I can now purchase high-level items from the store. It also mentions that my brain efficiency will also improve according to my level but I have to see its effect with time. Well, other than this there is not much. I was thinking that something similar to the store will also appear, but I guess I have to go to an even higher level than this to see those.' 

After reading through the permissions, he resumed reading the notifications.

[New Knowledge Branch Rewards]


[Granting the ability to immediately understand and memorize any book instantly in the Library once per month]

[Adding permission to use the teleporter to go anywhere on Librarian's planet. Can take 1 person with him (Must be registered in the Library)]

[Can take two workers as personal assistants. Personal assistants will belong to the Librarian and will be considered as his property.]

Fu Yan was taken aback when he saw the rewards for adding the new knowledge branch to the Library.

The first two abilities were very helpful to him. For example, if he is in need of a certain technology, and or he encounters a problem that he needs to solve immediately, he can just memorize the book and his problem will be solved.

Also, the permission to use the teleporter to go anywhere on Earth is just like getting a pass to roam freely on Earth without anyone stopping him. No borders could stop him now. 

Fu Yan was very happy when he received these rewards. He felt elated and was in very high spirits. 

After calming down, he shifted his attention towards the last reward. 

'Choosing someone from the workers as my assistant. Well, one spot is reserved for Casper. As for the other, I will think about it later after assessing them.'

[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]


To try and upload regularly for a week. If I manage to do so then I cam sure we can go back to being daily upload. 


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