Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 109: Lierin Yinsys

Chapter 109: Lierin Yinsys

Editors and Proof Reader: Alterious, Dervish, King of Mortals, garantiertnicht

Fu Yan's whole focus was on the circuit patterns that were shining in the lift and he failed to notice that they had arrived at their destination. 

Yslian let out a low cough.

"Sir, we have arrived at the Royal Floor. If you will please follow me, I will take you to the Royal Hall. My Queen is waiting for you there." He spoke in a polite tone while waiting for Fu Yan. He dared not urge Fu Yan to hurry because he did not know how Fu Yan would react to it, so he decided to just wait for the reply.

Fu Yan seemed not to have heard and continued to observe the patterns. Yslian spoke again and this time he did so while nearing Fu Yan.

Fu Yan turned around and gave him a slight nod.

"Oh! Sorry, I was fascinated by this work of art here. Ok, lead the way."

Yslian gave a bow and then started to guide Fu Yan towards the Royal Hall. It took them more than five minutes before they arrived. 

Fu Yan looked at the grand door in front of him that was probably made of gold and other precious metals. He had to say that the artist who designed it was a genius because just looking at the door would feel as if it was drawing your soul out of your body.

"Well, this is really well made. The artist really knew what he was making." Fu Yan exclaimed while looking at the door. Fu Yan had decided to stop putting on airs and enjoy his visit here because there were many things that were new to him, and unlike the previous planet "Pheonon", this one was more advanced technologically and had a culture of its own.

When they got near the door, it suddenly opened and guards that were following them assembled themselves and stood on both sides of the door in neat rows.

When the door opened, Yslian gave a bow towards it and then turned towards Fu Yan.

"Sir, Please!" He said while giving a slight bow and pointing towards the hall that was beyond the door with one hand.

Fu Yan did not say anything and walked in. When he was inside the hall, the giant door gave a slight noise and then slowly closed. 

The Royal Hall was very bright and when Fu Yan came in, it took him a little time before his eyes adjusted to the light.

He surveyed his surroundings and saw that this so-called Royal Hall was similar to a king's court from "Earth", with chairs that were placed in a neat row, and then shifted his attention towards the throne. 

He could see that someone was sitting on the throne, and from what he could deduce from talking with Aslian, that person would be the Queen he was talking about. 

He had to say that this Royal Hall was really grand. If he were to use the Earth's measurement tools then it would be around 500 square meters so he could not clearly see the person who was sitting on the throne.

Fu Yan looked around and walked towards the throne. When he got near, he could see that the person sitting on the throne was a woman and he had to say that she was the most beautiful woman he had seen until now. But it seems as if she was weak and did not have much strength. 

When Fu Yan came near, the woman tried to stand up, then suddenly collapsed, clenching one side of her stomach. 

"So she is injured. Well, it looks like the security situation here is not good and someone tried to assassinate her. This can also explain the aggressive attitude of the guards before." Fu Yan thought while observing.

After falling to stand up, the Queen gave up and said in a weak but polite tone.

"Sir Librarian, I am sorry for not being able to greet you personally. Had I not been injured, I would have welcomed you myself instead of sending some guards." Her voice was trembling while she said this. It was unknown whether it was because of fear or weakness.

Fu Yan shook his head when he heard this and replied in a soft tone:

"Don't worry about it. I am not a fan of grand welcoming ceremonies either. Also, you are a customer of the Library so these little things do not matter." 

Fu Yan paused a little after saying this and then continued.

"Well, If I am correct then you are not Nouvis Erfie, who borrowed the book from us since I don't sense the mark on you. I may be impolite, but can I ask where the original borrower of the book is and why she had not returned the book on time? The mark is still functioning so she can't be dead. Is she planning to keep the book and not return it?"

When the Queen heard this, she let out a sigh and after steadying her breath, she replied in a polite tone:

"Sir, Madam Nouvis has been in a coma for more than 5 years now. We tried our best but were unable to wake her up. Although we knew that she had borrowed the book and we needed to return it after 100 years, she was the only one who knew how to return it. Her coma was so sudden that she did not have time to tell anyone about the returning method."

Fu Yan nodded after hearing this. Her excuse for not returning it on time was reasonable but that did not negate the fact they failed to return the book on time.

"Well, I understand your problem and I feel sorry for Nouvis Erfie, but still you did not return the book on time, so you have to pay the late fee. Since you knew about the book then you should also know that there is a late fee. She must have told you about it. So tell me what you can offer us."

When she heard this, the Queen let out a low sigh and replied with a low tone.

"Yes sir, we know about it. Can you please give us a little time? I will consult with others and then come up with something of equal value for exchange." 

Fu Yan placed his right hand on his chin as if he was thinking about it and then after a while, he looked up and said with a calm but majestic tone.

"Ok, I can give you some time but it will be no more than a day. I happen to find your culture and this tree amazing. I want to explore it a bit, so you can use this time to decide. I hope that after this, you can return the book and pay the late fee."

When she heard this, the Queen's face beamed and she hurriedly nodded.

"Yes Sir, we won't let you wait for long. As for your visit, I will let my guards accompany you. Please don't be offended because of this. I am saying this because I recently suffered an assassination attempt, so I want to make sure no one disturbs you on your visit."

Fu Yan gave a nod and replied.

"It's understandable. You can let your guards follow me but be sure to tell them to not interfere with any of my actions. By actions I mean, to try advising me or telling me what to do or not. I want to explore on my own accord."

Queen nodded when she heard and said with a humble and respectable tone.

"Yes Sir, I will tell them." After saying this she pressed a button on the left side of the chair she was sitting on and Yslian walked in.

"Yslian, Escort the Sir during his visit. Make sure that no harm comes to Sir. Also, follow Sir's commands and treat them as if they are mine."

Yslian looked at Fu Yan with a shocked expression upon hearing this but composed himself hurriedly.

"Yes, my Queen."

Fu Yan gave a nod to the Queen and started to walk towards the door. When he was near the door, he turned around.

"I forgot to ask but what might be your name?" Fu Yan asked while looking at the Queen.

The Queen gave a warm smile and replied in a humble voice.

"My name is Lierin Yinsys. It is my pleasure to meet you."

[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]


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