Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 59: Suspicion

59 Suspicion

Alex looks at them confusedly.

Looking at Alex's confused face, the grand duke whispered something to him.

"Fortunately there are no power struggle in our kingdom and my brother picks the minister himself. So, our current minister was the one who strives for a better kingdom and focused on how to make it. But now, the situation between humans and demons was starting to heat up.

Especially since Zircodina manages to ally with Holy kingdom. We might get dragged into the war. Though some small scale war already happening in a few places, a big war still hasn't broken out. Because at first, Zircodina can't fight alone with the demon and suffered some defeat. That's why they summoned a hero"

Alex pondered something about what he heard. He especially focused on Zircodina and Holy kingdom alliance. He thought about someone, 'Is it Maria?'

But he also a bit relieved there is no power struggle here or he might get dragged into it.

Alex suddenly frowned and muttered in low voice "Unprocessed?"

Though Alex's volume wasn't big, The ministers still heard it. Especially the civil minister. "Yes, The extra yield still unprocessed because the man still needs to prepare for war. Do you have some idea young Alex?"

Alex pondered for a moment, he shook his head. All the technologies he had seen on Earth were too far to reach.

The civil minister was dejected seeing Alex shook his head. He sighed. The mood becomes depressing

"Alright, let's go to the meeting room" The duke suggested.

Alex nodded, but when he was just about to leave, he recalled something. He unconsciously shouted "Water Wheel!"

The duke and ministers turned to Alex confusedly.

Alex noticed the stare from them, he scratched his head embarrassed.

"What is waterwheel?" The duke asked.

"Water wheel was literally like its name. The function was to change some energy created by water to another. It can transfer some force from water to some mechanism for flour processing. In my journey, I often see some rivers with good water flow. This can become the foundation"

All of them were interested in it. Especially, the civil minister. His eyes glimmering in hope. "How is that work?"

"We need to make two round shape wheels, between them we make some wood plates to catch the water flow. So when the water passes the wheel, because of these plates, the wheel will rotate. Then We use this rotation to move the mechanism to grind the flour." Alex explained.

All of them were surprised by his idea, especially the civil minister. "This...this might work"

Gilian grabbed Alex, "Let's go to my house, we can discuss this further in my house. Oh right, My daughter was coming back from her vacation, since you two are the same age, I'm sure you two can get along well. She was smart and competent, she..."

"Cough!" The duke coughing loudly.

He gives a glare at him that shout 'He is my people, how can you do it like that'

But Gilian only gives him some sly glance 'Your people? No one know about it'

A spark fly between two of them.

"Alright, We need to go to the meeting first" Rindo tries to stop them.

"Hmph" The duke and Gilian snorted and start walking.

All of them followed, but suddenly there is a palm grabbing Alex's shoulder.

Alex surprised, when he saw the hand's owner, he saw the war minister, Leyfon.

"Cough cough...Young Alex...Do you have any idea for our military department?" he asked.

"Hey, Leyfon stop! You, military was already supplied with a bunch of pills from him, are you unsatisfied!" Rindo stopped him.

"I only asked him" He righteously said.

Alex makes a weird smile, he pondered for a moment and shake his head. "I'm sorry, I don't have any"

Leyfon sighed.

They continued to the meeting room.

There are three people in the room. Alex immediately recognized the one in the middle, he was the king.

Alex bowed "Your Majesty"

"You finally come huh... and with you guys together" The king sighed.

"These three people were the one who takes up our time thus making us late" The duke said.

"Oi oi, Young Raymond, you can't blame us for this. Especially since his idea just now was really brilliant" Gilian said.

"Oh, another idea?" The king astonished.

"Yes, your majesty, after hearing his explanation, the use of it might really give our kingdom a big help" Gilian said.


"Wait!" the old man beside the king suddenly said.

All of them looking at him. He glares at Alex.

"I got information that you were also the hero's companion. You are their spy right!"

Alex was surprised by this.

"Higa, what are you saying!" The king shouted.

"I'm sorry your majesty, But I need to do this. He might be a spy from Zircodina kingdom since he was hero's companion if he got to high ranking in this kingdom. It was the same as we let them pointed their knife in our own throat"

"Sir Higa, What are you saying!" The duke was angry.

Though Alex was surprised, what more surprising was Alex's calm face.

Alex only smiled, "Yes, I am one of the summoned people"

"Alex" The duke looked at him worriedly. He knows about him being a summoned person from Alicia but he didn't really care about it. He only knows Alicia and him were close so he believed, Alex won't do something like that.

"Sir Higa...right? What do you want to ask about me?" Alex said calmly.

Higa was surprised by Alex's reaction, "What are you doing in our country?"

"Me? I was wondering after the king banished me from the castle and somehow meet with Alicia and got here" Alex smiled a little.

"Banished?" All the people present were shocked, Higa was also shocked. In his information, there is nothing that leads to Alex's banishment.

"Yes, there are only four people that summoned, and I was the extra. Four of them was a hero, archmage, sage, and archpriest. While myself, was the person who somehow gets dragged to the summoning thing, and I am the worst of them, my status was even weaker than a kid"

"And your relationship with them?"

Alex hesitated a bit, he didn't really want to talk about this.

"Alex" Grand duke looks at him worriedly.

Looking at the duke's concern, Alex smiled gently. "The hero was my former best friend, the archmage was my ex-lover, the sage was my classmate and also the hero's admirer. As for the archpriest was the archmage childhood friend"

All the present was shocked once again.

"Former best friend? Ex-lover?" The duke muttered. He didn't know about this, he only knows Alex was somehow connected to the hero's and his companion.

"I'm sure you already know about their name. John Penn, the hero was my best friend at school, while Sandra Elexis, the archmage was my lover back then. But someday she has an affair in front of my eyes and the other person was John Penn. The next day, we were summoned to this world. They plotted for me to be banished and here I am."

The duke's heart was a bit in pain, he already considers Alex as his own, but he never knew Alex's previous story, after he heard this story, he somewhat hurt and angry.

"Then If the kingdom wants you to kill them?" Higa asked.

"They are now a stranger for me, though I'm sure to get my revenge to them, but for the other two... If they offend me, they will have to pay the price" Alex said with a determined tone.

Minister Higa was observing Alex's expression all the time. Judging by Alex's expression, he can't see Alex spout any lies here, He was a Finance minister. He often interrogated someone corrupt and somehow can judge them from their expression. But he didn't saw any lies in Alex's word and expression. But he still can't be so sure about it, especially since Alex was the Hero's companion. Then he took a bluish gem.

"Sir Higa!" The duke was angry.

"Hold this gem and swear you didn't lie" Higa give the gem to Alex.

Alex took the bluish gem and said, "I swear what I told just now was the truth"

The bluish gem didn't shine. The duke was relieved, pained, and angry.

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But suddenly, the scene they saw was shocking.

"Your Majesty, I apologize for this. I'm ready for any punishment" Higa kneeling in front of the king.

The king only sighed, "Haiz, I already told you. You should apologize to him first"

Higa then turned to Alex, "I'm very sorry for my offense. If you hate me, you can punch me or kick me as you like"

Alex was shocked, but he suddenly realized from his conversation with the king just now. He hurriedly helps him up. "Don't be, Sir Higa. It was normal, I also won't even let some suspicious person enter my house"

"Brother?" The duke look at the king.

The king can only sigh.

"I'm sorry young Raymond, it was me who want to do all this. If you hate me you can punch or kick me as you like"

"Sir Higa" The duke was shocked.


Before the meeting,

"Your Majesty"

"Minister Higa, Do you have any business with me?"

"Allowed me to accompany you to the meeting, I beg of you"

The king was surprised, "Why do you want to follow me?"

"From my information this person was Zircodina's hero companion, he might be a spy"

The king didn't have any change of expression.

"Your majesty, you already knew?"

"Yes. I already knew about it and I can attest you he was a trustworthy person"

Higa shook his head, and look at him with determination. "Your majesty, please let me interrogate him. I will bear any punishment for this if he wasn't a spy. I will even personally apologize to him"

"Sigh...I know you really love this kingdom, you already served this kingdom when my father was in throne"

"Yes, The previous king saved my life. This is the only way to repay him"

"Oi, don't say it like he already died. He still lives in that place"


This all was only a test for Alex.

"Alright, let's go back to the topic for our meeting today" The king said, he then turned to Alex and introduced the person beside him. "He is our Finance Minister Higa Bruhman and the other beside me was our Education Minister, Adrian Miltes. And those three, well you already know them"

"Please sit first"

Alex and the rest found their own sit.

"Today's meeting was to grant you a title for your achievement in agriculture. Though Raymond already informs me that you didn't like nobilities, I will still grant you this title. Don't worry, This title was just in name if you don't really like this, It won't impose you any responsibilities. All I ask, was to help this kingdom when this kingdom in peril"

"Yes, I promised your majesty"

Then the king's expression becomes solemn, "Alexander Sirius, With your achievement. I grant you Baron Title"

"I accept"


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