Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 113: Student vs Teacher 2

113 Student vs Teacher 2

They disappeared at the same time.

The dean used his fire element like Alex boost step to increase his speed, but he used it more skillfully, as expected of an old man. Alex used his boost step to the limit. He also used his Flash Step to bridge the gap of their experiences.

The moment they appeared, they were already in the middle of the arena. Alex swung his sword. He didn't forget to coat the sword with sword intent.

"Sword Intent"

The dean also swung his staff, he countered Alex's sword intent with the gap of their weapon rank and a large amount of mana.

When the sword and staff clashed. The powerful shockwave because of their clash was felt in the arena. The clash between sword intent and mana outburst.

'Not good' This was the thought of the teachers and all of the high ranking people in the audience seat. They immediately went to the arena wall. They repelled the shockwave before they reached the students. Only those in rank 7 have enough time to react from this.

"Those two…" The king shook his head repeatedly. He then shouted, "All people, rank 6 or above immediately circle the arena and protect the student from the shockwave"

After the king ordered. More and more people stand on the arena wall.

Meanwhile, Alex and the dean retreat a few steps. They forget themselves at that moment that they are still in the arena. Alex and the dean looked at each other and nodded. They turned to the audience and bowed their heads and said at the same time.

"We are very sorry"

The king shouted, "To assure the fight. All people rank 6 and above will protect the students from this fight. You two can be assured and fight to your heart content for today"

"Thank you, Your Majesty"

"You can continue"

After thanking him once more. Alex and the dean looked at each other. They nodded their heads, signaling the match started again.

"Sky Movement. Flash Step plus Fleeting Step"

They disappeared once again, and soon, another powerful shockwave was felt and a crater suddenly appeared on the stage. That was the spot where they clashed just now. The students can't see what just happened but the people on the wall can. The dean used his fire element to boost his movement to the limit while Alex used his weird technique to do the same.

A series of shockwave was felt on the arena. They continue to clash.

"O'flame, Pierce. Fire Bullet"

A fire appeared on the dean staff, It immediately flew toward Alex like a beam. Alex also didn't want to lose.

"Luminous Spear Technique. Pierce"

The two beams clashed and destroyed each other. The dean immediately used another magic.

"Fire Sprites, Heed my words, heed my commands, blessed me with your rain to kill my enemy. Fire Rain"

A cloud suddenly appeared fifteen meters above the arena. Suddenly the cloud pouring a fire rain.

Alex frowned, he looked at the dean who already covered himself with his fire. Alex raised his right hand.

"Fire Claw"

A big claw appeared from his hand like the extension of his hand. It shields him from the rain like an umbrella, Alex completely defend that move. Now, the stage was in fire because of that magic. Alex frowned, his teacher won't use a move like this. He himself knows. A big move like this won't be any use in the fight between two experts. It seems that his teacher aimed for something.

"Hehe, you seem to know that I have a hidden intention for that move. Well, Enjoy my present. Rise!"

Suddenly, a fire that made because of that rain rise from the ground again. Numerous fire suddenly shaped like a ball and flew toward Alex.

"Not good" Alex immediately reacted, "Flame Armor"

He used his flame armor in a nick time to cover all his body.


The balls exploded. Because of the series explosion, the students covered their ears because of the loud sound produced by the explosions. But they looked at the arena covered by the smoke. Will Alex prevail in this move?

Suddenly, a sound of spear knocking the ground was heard. Alex knocked the ground with his spear and raised his sword. He swung his sword and blew the smoke away. When everyone sees what is inside the smoke. They see Alex covered in fire like an armor. The way he looked just now was like a knight in full armor. The female students fell in love in his gallant back which seems very reliable.


Alex moved once again before their 'gya-gya'. It was a bit annoying in this kind of situation to hear their 'gya-gya'.

"Sanguin Sword Art. Seventh Slash"

"It's no use. Flame Sprites, Trap my enemy. Fire Net"

Another clash between Alex's Seventh Slash with the dean's Flame Net. Alex didn't stop there. He used another move, the move that he got from Maxwell's Fire Phoenix Art. Maxwell's Fire Phoenix Art was a powerful offensive art. It consists of five-stages, Alex managed to learn the first stages when he was learning with Maxwell.

"Fire Phoenix Art. First Stage. Phoenix Summon"

Alex raised his right hand, two of his finger rise. A red-colored light started glowing on those two fingers. He swung his hand horizontally and a Phoenix fully made by fire appeared from his finger and flew toward the dean at a very high speed.

"What?" The dean was startled by this new move. Because he can see how powerful this move. This phoenix seems to want to engulf everything on its way. "Flame Sprites, Trap my enemy. Fire Net"

He used another Flame Net, hoping to trap this phoenix. But it betrayed his expectation. The fire phoenix engulfed this flame net almost instantly. He immediately flew to the air. But what more shocking, suddenly the fire phoenix turned and fly upward. Alex still holds the control of this phoenix.

The dean continuously dodge this phoenix. "Hehe, if you wanted to hit me, you need a faster one"

Alex smirked. I don't need that. Suddenly a numerous fire arrows appeared on the air. Like when Alex was trapped in all directions by the firebirds from the dean. This time, Alex's fire arrows also trapped the dean. It flew toward him to restrict his movement.



A series of explosions from the Fire Arrows was heard. The dean made a ball from fire to shield him from that Arrows. The ball shielded him completely from the fire arrows. But there is still one more to go.

The fire phoenix comes on its way toward him. When it reached the ball, it immediately engulfed the ball and exploded.

"Not good" The dean panicked a little.


When the smoke cleared away, The dean was nowhere to see. Alex immediately looked toward the ground. And right, soon enough the dean appeared on the ground.

Alex has seen all of it. First, the dean made a hole on his shield ball. He escaped from there at the very last second before his fire phoenix engulf his teacher shield.

"You brat, do you really want to kill me?" The dean sulking a little. "Well, we need to finish it soon. We can't trouble them any longer. Let finish this fight with one last move. Use your strongest move or combination attacks"

Alex nodded. He dropped his spear to the ground. And raised his sword with his two hands. He swung it down diagonally.

"Elemental Sanguin Sword Art. Elemental Seventh Slash"

A very powerful flame sword wave flew toward the dean. The dean was shocked when he saw the power contained in that move. It was far stronger than the sword wave from before or even from the fire phoenix.

"Flame Sprites, Trap my enemy. Fire Net"

"O'Flame, Pierce. Fire Bullet"

"Flame Shield"

At first, he planned to use his Fire Bullet and cover it with Fire Net to make it stronger. But after he saw the power contained from Alex's sword wave. He changes his plan immediately, He can't beat that move, He immediately went on the defensive.

When the flame sword wave clashed with Fire Net. It immediately split the Fire Net to half. The next one is Fire Bullet. It clashed for a little while. It was a battle between the piercing power and slashing power. But the sword wave immediately split the Fire Bullet. It continued to fly toward the dean. This is the dean's last defense magic. The clashed between the flame shield and the flame sword wave went for almost ten seconds before The sword wave cut the shield too.

The dean immediately raised his rank 7 staff to block this attack. "Haa!"

"Not good" The dean noticed that his staff started to crack. Even at the last moment, he seems still underestimated the power of Alex's flame sword wave. "Crack!"

The staff broke. The flame sword wave continue flying toward the dean.


"Don't underestimate me! Haa!" The dean raised his mana to the limit to block this sword wave with his body. "Haa! Haa!"


The clashed ended and the flame sword wave exploded.

"TEACHER!" Alex worried, he started to regret using that move. But he immediately heard the dean voice.

"Don't underestimate me, you brat!"

Alex immediately smiling, "Teacher!"

When the smoke cleared away, all of them saw the dean with a slash wound on his body. The blood gushing out from his body.

"Haha… You have surpassed me. This is my complete loss"

"Teacher, don't say anything. Let me heal you first"

"No need" The dean immediately took a few pills. Alex also recognizes those pills. "Haiz, I prepared these pills before the battle. I thought you are the one who need these pills. But it seems I am wrong. I am the one who needs these pills. Haha…"

The dean laughed happily before taking the pills. The wound on his body closed at a speed that can be seen by naked eyes. After his wound closed, he walked to Alex. "You have surpassed me. I don't have any qualms if you wanted to go to the demi-human territory. Just do what you want to do from now on"

He smiled at him while patting his shoulder. Then he turned to the referee. "The battle has finished. Please announce the result"

"Ah!" The referee was finally recovered from the shocking scene that he saw just now. The dean's words immediately snapped him from his daze. He immediately announced the result even though he still flustered. "Alexander Sirius, Special Graduation. Alexander Win!"

With the referee words just now, The people in the audience seat or on the wall started recovering from their daze one by one. This result was very unbelievable. But they need to believe what just happened in front of their eyes. Student vs Teacher, Alexander win, or in other words, the student win!

The silence suddenly replaced with cheers. From one person to another. They cheered as hard as they can until even the people in the city can hear these cheers. Even Alicia and Firia hugging each other with tears.

There are two people that didn't smile, let alone cheering for him. One of them a female, her appearance was like royalty. She is Rieze, the princess of Zircodina Kingdom. Just a few months ago, she was the hero's fiancée. But, she suddenly sent here to become Alex's fiancée, of course, Acacia Kingdom didn't let her see Alex. Especially after Alicia's incident. They become really adamant to let her see him, let alone to become his fiancée. The other one is her teacher. The previous marshall from Zircodina Kingdom. He looked at Rieze.


"Sigh, With the archmage, escaped to the Holy Kingdom and the sage missing. The lustful hero and him. We should go back to our kingdom. I'm afraid there will be a big change in this war. And I think he will be the one who make that big change…"

"Why do you say that, Teacher?"

"That last attack… If I am the one who received it, I will lose my life. It's really lucky that his opponent is that dean, a rank 8 magician. A rank 8 warrior like me, didn't have that much mana to block that attack"

She was surprised but she was even sadder. A person like that, her kingdom, her father exiled him. "Let's go back, Teacher"

Her Teacher nodded.

The dean nodded. "Alright. Now, I need to leave. You are the star for today. So enjoy yourself for the moment" as he said that, he walked away from the arena

"Teacher" Alex called him before he left. He suddenly does a perfect 90 degrees bow to him. "Thank you very much"


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