Full-time Artist

Chapter 72: Complain

Chapter 72: Complain

The deputy director of the Painting Club is called Shen Liang. He usually paints in the single room next door, and occasionally he will come out and turn around when he gets tired, but this time he came out and saw a group of people gathered together

This situation often happens in painting clubs.

As long as there is a great **** painting in the hall, there will be a lot of onlookers around, hoping to learn some skills from close observation, but the problem is that the great **** of the painting club has not come today, so what are these people doing in a crowd?

So he came over.

The people around let out an opening.

Shen Liang saw Lin Yuan's paintings at a glance, his eyes widened for a while, and it was not until he looked at Lin Yuan that he suddenly remembered, isn't this the newcomer who was just called out to clean up?

At this level, are you a newcomer?

Still talking about painting this year?

Shen Liang only felt his heart shocked, and didn't believe that Lin Yuan was just new to painting, because the level of sketching shown in this painting is top-notch in the entire painting agency!

But this matter is not important.

The important thing is that the painting agency has an extra sketching god!

He stepped forward suddenly and proactively extended his right hand to Lin Yuan: "Vice President Shen Liang, on behalf of the Painting Club, I welcome you to join!"

"Hello, Lin Yuan."

Lin Yuan shook hands with the other party.

Shen Liang looked around: "You guys go ahead."

The people around looked at Lin Yuan's paintings again, and then reluctantly left, only Zhong Yu did not leave.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhongyu weakly said: "This is my position."

Shen Liang heard the words and ignored him, but turned his head and smiled at Lin Yuan: "You sketch is so good, if you want to paint quietly in the future, you can go to the next room."

The next room is for the great gods of the painting club.

is not large, but in terms of the small number of great gods in the community, it is still spacious enough, and the most important thing is to avoid being watched.

"No need to."

Lin Yuan refused, then looked at Zhong Yu: "Count you one hour."

Zhongyu immediately said: "Great God, add the address book, I will transfer the money to you."

"it is good."

Lin Yuan added the address book to the other party, and then received a transfer of three hundred yuan.

"Three hundred?"

"You are welcome, God."

"it is good."

Lin Yuan nodded.

Shen Liang beside was shocked: "This is?"

Zhongyu explained: "I ask the great **** to teach me sketching, 200 yuan an hour."

Shen Liang: ""

Painting Club is the first time this phenomenon has occurred. It stands to reason that he should criticize, but I am afraid that Lin Yuan is unhappy, so I can only recognize it. It is not easy for the Painting Club to have an extra god.

"Two hundred and one hour?"

, there are many members watching this side. When he heard Zhong Yu's words, he was suddenly excited: "The great **** teaches me, I will pay the tuition!"

"Next time."

Although Lin Yuan wants to continue to make money, he still has classes in the afternoon and doesn't have much time.

"Can you move around and have a chat?" Shen Liang asked.

Lin Yuan agreed.

The two came to the studio next door.

There are no people in this studio, only a few easels.

Some easels are also displayed with unfinished products, drawings, gouache, watercolors, and even oil paintings and traditional Chinese paintings.

Shen Liang asked: "Can your work just be hung on the display wall?"


After Lin Yuan agreed, he went straight to the subject: "I heard that the painting club has some exhibitions, can I participate?"

"Of course you can participate at your level."

Shen Liang probably guessed why Lin Yuan joined the painting agency: "When the painting agency has an outreach exhibition next time, I will definitely notify you in advance."

After and Shen Liang added an address book friend, Lin Yuan was ready to go to the classroom to have a class. At the same time, he called the system and checked the data.

[Name: Lin Yuan]

[Music: 52345]

[Literature: 19658]

Painting: 98

painting reputation has been 98.

It seems that todays trip to the painting club has earned me some prestige. Although the number is not high, I believe it can accumulate less.

This shows that my strategy is not wrong.

Gradually gaining prestige from students can reach 1,000, but it only takes a long time.

But this is nothing.

As long as there is money to make, a longer time is okay, anyway, the task time is quite long.

has such thoughts.

Lin Yuan came to the painting club again that night.

is different from being asked to clean the door as soon as he enters at noon. In the evening, Lin Yuan enters the painting club again and gets the attention of some members.

There are obviously some members who have seen Lin Yuan at noon and have seen Lin Yuan's sketch level.

After Lin Yuan entered the door, he suddenly saw a large display column on the wall of the painting club.

I didn't observe it closely at noon.

On this display column, there are works of the great community gods.

watercolor, gouache, oil painting, Chinese painting, etc., all available.

The difficult figure sketch copied by Lin Yuan at noon also appeared on the display column, and in the blank space of the paper, Lin Yuan's name and the date of the painting were written.

After watching for a while, Lin Yuan nodded.

The level of the community gods is still very high. There are several paintings in the display column, which Lin Yuan thinks are very good.

There is a Chinese painting and an oil painting, which have reached the professional level!

In other words, the level of the painter is no worse than Lin Yuan!

at this time.

There was a voice beside Lin Yuan: "Great God, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin Yuan turned his head to see that it was Zhong Yu.

"Teach me." Zhong Yu looked at Lin Yuan expectantly.

Lin Yuan nodded: "Old rules."


Zhong Yu readily agreed ~ So Lin Yuan sat down and taught Zhong Yu to sketch.

This time Zhong Yu is in charge of painting and Lin Yuan is in charge of instructing.

Zhongyu still has some level of sketching, he just lacks some direction for improvement.

Lin Yuan saw his shortcomings in the eyes of a professional sketch master.

So Lin Yuan began to teach him hand in hand.

"Thank you God."

Two hours later, the teaching stopped and Lin Yuan had to go back to rest.

Zhongyu smiled and said, "Four hundred yuan has been transferred."

Lin Yuan nodded.

He likes the other's attitude.

In the next few days, as soon as he has free time, he will go to the painting club to brush up his reputation, and every time he goes, he will teach for a fee.

Zhongyu seems to be richer, so he finds Lin Yuan to teach the most.

Occasionally when Zhong Yu is absent, Lin Yuan will also teach other members.

There is more than Zhong Yu who is willing to pay to learn sketching from Lin Yuan.

Of course, the fees for all club members are the same. Lin Yuan treats them equally and teaches two hundred per hour.

that's it.

Within a week, Lin Yuans name spread to the painting club!

The entire painting club knows that a very terrifying sketching **** has appeared in the club!

However, as Lin Yuan's name spread throughout the painting club, his behavior also caused some controversy.

Some people think Lin Yuan is too shabby.

Other great gods in the club occasionally instruct members to paint, but they never ask for compensation.

In contrast, Lin Yuan's behavior in collecting money is really terrible.

Finally someone really can't stand it anymore.

Some people joined forces and went directly to the president to file a complaint...


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