Full-time Artist

Chapter 50: Aba aba aba

Chapter 50: Aba aba aba

After Lin Yuan left, Zhou Ruiming listened to "Balloon" again.

"The quality is really good..."

The second time I listened, Lao Zhou still had the same evaluation.

This song is not like "Big Fish", so that Lao Zhou listened to the case and screamed.

But Lao Zhou understands that this is the norm.

It is impossible for any composer to make each of his works a hit.

After Lin Yuan has created three hits in a row, he can still come up with a new song of good quality, which has made Lao Zhou very satisfied.

"Anyway, it's going to be another fight next month..."

The new season is stuck at the time of the Spring Festival, the market competition is fierce and there is a fight in December.

So Lao Zhou didn't expect the song "Balloon" to create a brilliant record. He was very happy to be in the top ten.

To know.

In December's Death Group, even the quality of "Big Fish" was only capable of reaching tenth place.

Lao Zhou researched the data.

After the study, the conclusion is that even if "Big Fish" entered the market at the beginning of the month, it is estimated that it will end up at about fifth place.

Thought of this.

Lao Zhou contacted Zhao Jue and posted "Balloon".

"Lin Yuan's song?"

After listening to the song, Zhao Jue said in surprise: "He is so productive."

Lao Zhou agreed: "It is indeed very productive, and the quality this time is not bad. Although the overall feeling is not as good as the previous ones, I think this song has hope to make the top ten. In addition, he called Jiang Kui to sing it."


Zhao Jue thought for a while and said: "After "Big Fish", Jiangkui's popularity is very good. The company does have the idea of cultivating Jiangkui. I have no opinion on singing to her."


Lao Zhou thought for a while and said: "The most surprising thing about this song is that the opening sentence is so long. After listening to so many songs, this is the first time I heard such a long song at the beginning."

Zhao Jue smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Jiang Kui is a professional singer, this shouldn't trouble her."

Old Zhou thought for a while and said, "Yes."


The two chatted a few words before finalizing the work plan.

After Jiang Kui received this notice, he jumped in excitement.

Teacher Xianyu really sang the new song to himself!

It turns out that when a dog is licking, you can really have it all!

But when he got the score of "Balloon", Jiang Kui knew that he was a little bit too happy.

Especially when she started to enter the recording studio, she deeply realized why Lin Yuan asked her lung capacity yesterday.

Because this song is really bad! often! lack! oxygen!

To what extent is the specific hypoxia?

Look at the first paragraph of the lyrics: "Black, white, red, yellow, purple, green, blue, gray, you, mine, his, her, big, small, round, flat, good, bad, beautiful, ugly, new You can choose from all kinds of old styles and colors."

Jiang Kui deliberately counted it.

Yes, fifty-six words!

And there is no chance of breathing in between!

You need to connect these words together in the first paragraph of the main song, and then sing them completely.

Walk into the recording studio.

When Jiang Kui was first recorded and sang the first verse, he barely sang it, but after singing Jiang Kui was severely hypoxic, and it took several seconds to gradually relieved.

Especially in the last few words, Jiangkui's trembling sound came out, and the shaking was a bit fierce.

This is a manifestation of insufficient breath.

Jiang Kui never thought that one day he would be unstable when singing!

"Can I say that I am Xianyu? This new song is too special..."

The sound engineer was surprised by this song: "Even professional singers like the company, singing so many words in one go is not an easy task."

"Not only that."

Another recording studio exclaimed: If its just the first paragraph of the main song, its okay. The scary thing is that the pitch of the beginning of this song is not low. For this song, the higher the key, the more Its hard to sing the main song in one go."

"I will try again."

Jiang Kui said to the recording engineer, and then tried several times, which made Jiang Kui's head more and more dizzy.

Because every time Jiangkui speaks this song, he takes a big breath!

At the end of each sentence, and the beginning of the following sentence, you must also breathe fiercely.

And after taking a big breath, you must spit out the breath evenly, and bite each word not lightly or hard. If the breath is overstretched on a word, the whole rhythm will be broken.

At last.

Even if Jiang Kui can do the above points, he will still lose his breath at the last few words if he is not careful.

Ordinary people may not hear it.

Even for ordinary people, Jiangkui's singing is perfect.

But as a singer who is very demanding of herself, Jiang Kui will not allow herself to lack the last few words, otherwise she would be too sorry for the song written by Teacher Xianyu, so she stayed in the studio for most of the day to record it. The song, vowed to record the most perfect standard.

"Continue tomorrow."

The evening has not been recorded to show satisfactory results, so the sound engineer can only propose to stop work temporarily.

There is no doubt that Jiangkui can sing "Balloon".

But if you want to sing to a perfect level, you need countless recordings of Jiangkui, after all, this is not an ordinary song.


No one answered, the sound engineer couldn't help looking at Jiang Kui, but was surprised to find Jiang Kui was lying on the chair, his tongue spit out:

"Ababa Ababa Ababa..."

The two sound engineers were immediately amused.

But the two of them can fully understand Jiangkui's state. The melody at the beginning of this song is almost anti-human.

"I have an idea."

The sound engineer on the left said: "When the official version is recorded, let's not remove the breath, it may be more grounded."

"Will it affect the sense of hearing?"

The sound engineer on the right is a little worried.

There is a mixing technique in the studio production to eliminate air noise.

The breathing sound of a song singing is too weird, and it will easily affect the mood of the song. Therefore, the singer's breathing sound is usually reduced or even cut off in the general mixing production.

"It's ~ The recording engineer on the left said: "All operations are just to make the work and sound more pleasant. This is the premise. There is no black and white formula to apply in the recording. Many love songs with rich emotions do not We all like to keep the breathing sound. Let's keep the breathing sound of "Balloon" so that people who listen to the song can better understand the characteristics of this song. "


The sound engineer on the right was persuaded and said with a smile: "The sound of the song "Balloon" is not small. The singer has to take a deep breath before the first sentence is sung. I'm afraid the people who listen to the song. It's hard not to pay attention."

"I think it can."

Jiang Kui has recovered. Although his brain is still dizzy, at least he can communicate with the recording engineer normally: "Lets keep the breath of this song. Many people in the province say that our studio works are not live. sense."

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