Full-time Artist

Chapter 37: External spin serve

Chapter 37: External spin serve

Write tennis?

Sports competition?

Yang Feng can swear that he is definitely not a person who is standing and standing again, but seeing such a novel about tennis competition in front of him, he almost instinctively frowned

There is nothing wrong with being novel.

But you are too new, right?

Sports novels, even if you write football or basketball or table tennis, at least you have been more or less exposed to these types of sports, and there are not a few people who like it, but why do you have to choose a relative threshold? What about the higher tennis?

Novelty is novelty.

The niche is also a real niche.

However, as a professional editor, although Yang Feng has a lot of psychological activities, he will not directly kill this submission. If the author has the potential, he is still very happy to get to know it.

This is normal in the fiction world.

When encountering more potential authors, editors will try to train even if the other party fails to pass the manuscript. There are even many novelists who are successful under the training of editors. Of course, they are likely to encounter editors in the process. Countless times of denial.

The computer turns to the first page.

Yang Feng began to formally review the manuscript.

If you dont talk about the story itself, he still has a good impression of this author who dares to write about tennis. Yang Feng appreciates this spirit of not succumbing to the market. If most authors have this spirit, the novel market will not be the same. Qualitative is so serious.

The story begins.

On a tram heading to the Youth Academy, a young student from the campus tennis team was teaching his new teammate with pride. While telling how to hold the racket while constantly waving the tennis racket, he accidentally hit a girl in the face. .


The young man glanced at the little girl, and then continued to teach his new players. However, as he swiped and swiped the racket, a cold voice rang: "You are very noisy."

The speaker is a teenager.

The young man was about to get angry. The young man had already put on his tennis bag and corrected himself before getting out of the car. "The correct western grip is to grab the racket from directly above, and use it like a handshake. It feels like that is the traditional oriental grip."


Even being taught by a young man, the young man couldn't hold on his face, staring at the young man who corrected himself, but when he wanted to say more, the young man got out of the car and left.


Yang Feng nodded.

The story seems to start well. Even if he doesn't understand tennis, he can understand the basics of tennis. Moreover, the protagonist seems to be correcting the youth, but he actually has the idea of venting for the injured girl just now.

Screen transition.

Several boys are discussing around a list, one of them humanely: "This year, a newcomer from the school tennis department has just entered, and he doesn't need to be a substitute, he directly plays as a starting player."

"No way?"

"How can it be?"

"I made a mistake in registration."

My companion is a little skeptical: "The freshman just finished high school, how can he qualify to join the school's tennis club directly, and he is also the starting member of the tennis club, we must know that the tennis club of our school is a reserve for professional players!"

On the list.

This freshman who is eligible to join the tennis club's starter is called Ryoma. He is sixteen this year, a bit younger than the average age of the entire academy tennis club, because the youngest starter in the tennis club is at least sophomore.

When several people discussed.

Ryoma appeared carrying a tennis racket.

Several boys I met on the tram also appeared, and they immediately attracted the attention of the students. It turned out that they came to this school today to play a challenge, but the young man in the lead was upset when he saw Ryoma. After hitting a spot, he pointed at Ryoma with a tennis racket and sneered: "Do you know how you just taught the main players of the official tennis team of Langton College how to play tennis?"

Ryoma looked at him quietly.

This look made the young man uncomfortable. He swung the tennis racket and hit Ryoma's head directly. Of course, he was just scaring Ryoma, not really planning to do it. But what surprised the crowd was that Ryoma did not evade, it seemed It is expected that the tennis racket will not really hit yourself.

"Let's go, there's still business."

The youth teammate smiled and persuaded.

The young man snorted and was about to leave, but Ryoma picked up the drink bottle that the young man had just finished drinking, threw it into the trash can accurately, and then looked at the other person and asked, "Have you learned the grip of the beat? Or I will teach it. How do you play tennis?"

All around was shocked.

The young people are qualified to come to the Youth Academy to challenge, which shows that their strength is very strong, but a teenager who seems so immature to say such a thing really makes many people confused.

"Is he crazy?"

Looking at Ryoma one after another.

Yang Feng in front of the computer turned the pages of the book with great interest. He thought tennis was very small, but now he didn't feel boring at all, nor did he feel that the story was written obscure, but he felt expectant. .

The youth faced off.

So something that shocked the countless onlookers of the Youth Academy, this immature-looking teenager actually abused the youth who claimed to be a member of the main team of a certain school with a big score!

The youth was angry.

He hadn't put Ryoma in his eyes before, but lost the score one after another. It was really scandalous, so he used his own trick. This trick was prepared for the main player in the tennis club of the Youth Academy, but was forced out by a teenager

He managed to get a point back.

At this time, the coach of the Youth Academy also appeared, and he saw Ryoma on the tennis court at a glance, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "He came earlier than I thought."

"Grandma knows him?"

The girl who was accidentally injured by the youth on the tram was also there, and she was the granddaughter of the coach, but the coach didn't explain anything, just watched the game in time.

Click, click, click.

Ryoma was recovered a few more points.

The two started to fight back and forth.

Yang Feng frowned. At the beginning of the story, he always emphasized the genius side of Longma, but to the extent that Longma currently shows, it has not reached the height of the story, and it is really difficult to write the theme of tennis.

He shook his head and kept watching.

But then, the super-burning plot that made his adrenal glands secrete strongly began, because under everyone's stunned gaze, Ryoma directly changed the tennis racket from his right to his left!

"He is left-handed."

The tennis coach smiled like a fox.

Seeing this paragraph, Yang Feng's mouth became dry instantly. He never thought that Ryoma was left-handed. It is like a person who eats with his right hand forcibly holding chopsticks with his left hand. The concepts of the two are completely different. Ryoma can suppress a strong opponent with only his right hand. To what extent can he switch to his habitual left hand?

He is looking forward to it!

The plot did not disappoint. If Ryoma was only able to suppress the opponent before, replacing him with the Ryoma playing tennis with his left hand is a complete game of his opponent. At this time, let alone a contest between the two sides, the opponent even even Ryoma The serve, almost can not catch.

The score is **** again!

Amidst the air-conditioning sounds around, the tennis coach of Youth Academy squinted his eyes and said: "Played all the youth tournaments in Qinzhou in just one year and won all the tennis singles championships. In 18 games The genius boy who has won consecutive big scores, the principal personally invited the enrolled tennis special recruits, Ryoma, 16 years old!"


People around me recovered.

Immediately there was a hustle and bustle. This young man turned out to be Ryoma who entered the main starting team of the tennis club just after entering school. His record was so brilliant!

"It's so handsome."

Yang Feng's eyes were shining.

At this moment, he almost forgot his identity as an editor, completely integrated into the perspective of the reader, and even ignored the company's off-duty notice, and couldn't wait to look down.

The game is not over.

Ryoma's biggest disadvantage is that he is only sixteen years old this year, and his height is far inferior to the young man. The young man adjusted his tactics and stood directly in front of the net to use his height advantage. Unfortunately, the effect was not great. Ryoma still showed a terrifying repressive power.


There was laughter around.

The young man became angry, and he used his best effort to throw a racket to Ryoma. No one had expected that Ryoma's face was directly hit by the opponent's face, and his forehead was bleeding.

Yang Fengqi jumped.

There are also accusations all around.

The young man laughed and said that he accidentally didn't hold the racket, but when everyone thought Ryoma could no longer fight, Ryoma just wiped his blood and said, "It seems that you haven't learned the correct way to hold the racket."


The battle continued.

This is Ryoma's counterattack. Every shot of his is very quick and tricky, and his skills are extremely high. He can hit the opponent's face several times. The painful opponent screams, and the happy Yang Feng slaps his thigh straight, only feels refreshed. No way.

Quit your breath, it's too cool!

Calling you, you are not competitive!

And with each counterattack Ryoma, he will relentlessly read the score: "Fifteen to zero-thirty to zero-forty to zero -"

"What ball is this?"

The youth teammates are all stupid.

The coach of the Youth Academy said lightly: "External spin serve, the rubber ground rubs the ball to produce rotation, and it falls on the table. Because the ball rotates at high speed and hits the racket, it will not normally move in a straight line, but will deflect. Moving to the normal track is one of Longma's unique tricks to sweep the Qinzhou youth group within a year. With his level, he can't handle it."

The youth was completely frightened.

The last ball ~ He even gave up resistance, but in fact Ryoma's last ball was just a light swing, so the tennis ball fell to the young man's side only after a moment of bounce. The picture is full of humor.

All around was stunned.

Yang Feng was also stunned.

He never thought that he, who knew nothing about tennis, would one day be so excited about a tennis competitive novel, as intoxicated as he was reading a novel on the first day

Oh my God!

This is too explosive!

At this moment, Yang Feng suddenly remembered a song he loved to listen to recently. The song was called "Inflammable and Explosive". Yes, this is the kingly pursuit of youth fantasy novels, which is to be flammable and explosive!

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