Full-time Artist

Chapter 34: Find inspiration

Chapter 34: Find inspiration

The fact that Lin Yuan's new song won the title of the next month has not only attracted attention from the outside world.

In Xingmang's composition department, it also caused a lot of response.

It's not that this result is amazing.

Although Lin Yuan's results are very good, the ace players in the composition department on the tenth floor have basically won the achievements of the season championship.

There are even many non-trump cards that have achieved such results, so this is not the most worth blowing.

It's really worth blowing!

It was Lin Yuan's three battles and three victories!

It takes a year and a half for most of the gold medal composers to produce a good song, and the level will inevitably fluctuate, but Lin Yuan has produced three good songs in a row within three months, and each song is very good. high--

This is beyond the imagination of ordinary composers.

Take Wu Yong, for example. He has been in the post for about ten years and has only won one season championship, and that season, no first-line singers were out.

In such a comparison, Wu Yong discovered sadly that Lin Yuan's achievements in the three months since he joined the post are almost worth his 20 or 30 years of hard work.


Lao Zhou has been following the December list of "Big Fish".

Lin Yuan didn't know that on the last day of December, "Big Fish" had actually reached the tenth place of the season.

If you enter in the middle of the month, you can also make it into the top ten in December!

The performance of this song "Big Fish" is nothing short of amazing!

But before Lao Zhou recovered from the last song, Lin Yuan had already used "Inflammable and Explosive" to top this month's championship track.

And it's the way to kill two first-tier lines

The methods are extremely cruel.

Is I not caring enough for him? For a while, Lao Zhou felt that he couldn't keep up with Lin Yuan's rhythm.

More involved in the growth of the newcomer!

So he quietly appeared in the composition department on the tenth floor.

As soon as he walked in, Lao Zhou saw Lin Yuan working hard at the computer from a distance.

"Sure enough, no one's success is a fluke."

Lao Zhou stopped the greets of the people around him and walked towards Lin Yuan with satisfaction.

But when he approached Lin Yuan, Lao Zhou realized that Lin Yuan hadn't worked hard at all. This kid was reading a novel while using his computer.


There were a lot of eyes around, and Lao Zhou was not too eccentric. He couldn't help coughing and reminding him: "Lin Yuan, you are still at work, what are you doing?"

"Find inspiration."

Lin Yuan opened his mouth and came.

Lao Zhou: "..." It started! He started!

In the composition department, there is a very popular atmosphere.

Whether they were caught by the leader while playing games at work, or bumped into by the leader when they were watching a movie at work, or if they were caught in other errands, this group of composers would plausibly explain it as:

"Find inspiration."

It's like the reason why Qu dads don't go to work all year round is always "going out to collect materials."

Finding inspiration is the only way for the composition department to deal with leaders.

So Lao Zhou often felt that these composers often rubbed their IQ on the ground.

You say you watch a movie for inspiration.

The fierce battle in Summoner Canyon can be regarded as looking for inspiration?

The fierce gunfight in the game can be regarded as looking for inspiration?

And the most exaggerated, chatting with your girlfriend about going to the hotel at night is also looking for inspiration?


Now reading novels at work can be regarded as looking for inspiration.

How long has Lin Yuan been in the job? He is already so proficient.

No matter how you think it is all his colleagues' fault!

If it wasn't for this group of people who often played this set, why would Lin Yuan learn badly so quickly?

So Lao Zhou glared at the people around him.

The colleagues around suddenly looked innocent--

Lin Yuan is obviously self-taught! What does it have to do with us! No one has done this since he joined the company!


Even if we use this trick, we will probably have a guilty conscience. How many people can be as confident as Lin Yuan?

But everyone didn't dare to fight against Lao Zhou, and could only be wronged.

Lao Zhou looked at Lin Yuan and smiled again: "Then have you found your inspiration?"

He is closer to Lin Yuan than his own cub now, and he is reluctant to beat him and scold him. Besides, Lin Yuan may be really looking for inspiration when he reads novels.

Lin Yuan shook his head.

He only has one song left.

Don't plan to send it out now.

When I went to work today, my colleagues were discussing my three battles and three victories. This shows that I have been too aggressive recently and I have to cool everyone down a little bit.

"It's okay, take your time."

Lin Yuan couldn't come up with the new song in Lao Zhou's expectation.

These have been three consecutive songs, even the juicer like Qu's father can't withstand such squeezing, and Lin Yuan is still a newcomer.


After Lao Zhou left, Lin Yuan continued to browse the station.

In fact, Lin Yuan is not reading novels, he is just contributing to Supernova. This morning, Supernova officially opened the submission channel.

Go to work.

Being idle is also idle.

It is better to develop sideline business.

In accordance with the process, Lin Yuan posted the "Net King" prepared by the system to the official mailbox of Yinlan Library.

Submission is complete.

Lin Yuan suddenly had a question: "System, "Net King" has a lot of professional tennis knowledge written in it, is it all to fool readers?"


The system answered in Lin Yuan's mind: "The knowledge of tennis in the original animation of "The Prince of Tennis" is indeed bluffing, and in order to make the scene look handsome enough, it has been seriously distorted in the later period. After all, the original author is not a professional national team tennis player. , But the system is very rigorous, so the novels adapted by the system are also very rigorous. The tennis knowledge depicted in the novels is extremely professional. Although there are many seemingly magical moves, they are also professional that tennis players can theoretically complete in reality. action."


Lin Yuan is mainly afraid that the scenes depicted in the book are too fake and will be questioned by some people who know tennis. This will affect his collection of literary reputation points. There is a systematic guarantee that he does not have to worry about this issue.

At this moment.

The system suddenly said: "Friendly reminds the host that future novels will be put into the host's mind. The host has to write it out by himself. It is not a good habit to get something for nothing."

"My hand speed is slower."

"The system will increase the host's hand speed."

Lin Yuan frowned and didn't resist too much. He was also the author of novels anyway, so he couldn't always write books by his mind.

But in this way I have to sacrifice my work time.

Don't ask why you write a novel while you are at work. Ask for inspiration.

At this time ~ the morning work is over, Lin Yuan went to the cafeteria for dinner.

Today the company paid his salary, so Lin Yuan no longer needs to worry about eating.

He also plans to contact his sister at night.

Lin Yuan has not forgotten what he promised, he must buy a new mobile phone for his sister, and by the way, he can also send some money to the sister.

Keep some of the remaining money and call home.

There are still a lot of debts in the family.

This month, Lin Yuan made a lot of money, including the commission for orders for "Big Fish", which is a bumper harvest compared to last month.

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