Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Chapter 21: Pentakill ~

Chapter 21: Pentakill ~

I am so honest, so cooperative, so cute ...

Why did they kill me?

Wang Wang Teng does not understand!

Mom is right, handsome and cute rich second generation like him, you must protect yourself outside!

The world outside is too dangerous!

If you are not careful, your life is in danger.

He walked to the lead robber step by step, shivering all over his body ... Kill them, be sure to kill them, they are all very bad men!

One step!

Two steps!

He was getting closer, and the other hostages cast pitying glances.

Although compassionate, there is still a trace of rejoicing in the eyes, and it is not them who are glad to die first.

They also shivered.

Such a cute boy, the robbers will not let go, it is really vicious, and the police helicopter is not here yet?

Never come again, they will die behind!

Kill them!

Kill them!

Wang Teng's mentality collapsed.

He is very nervous now, palms, back, forehead, all sweat!

There is no other way than to kill them!

Three steps, four steps ... Soon he was less than half a meter away from the lead robber.

"Hurry up! Come over!" The lead robber called impatiently.


I'm close enough!

I can't wait any longer.

He Wang Teng suddenly raised his head, bloodshot in his eyes.

"Why do you force me?"


The lead robber thought that Wang Teng was probably frightened, and was a bit incoherent.

But the next moment, a few robbers, as well as those hostages, widened their eyes.

The lead robbers are like hell!

What did he see?

He was just like a hostage just like a little sheep. At this moment, he suddenly turned into an angry and crazy bear.

The momentum is different for a moment!


It all seems slow and fast!

The moment Wang Teng lifted his head, he did not hesitate, his heart was as firm as iron, and his foot suddenly stomped.


The tiled floor just shattered and the rubble splashed.

He stomped under his feet and pushed Wang Teng out suddenly. Wang Teng was like a crossbow that he shot, and he immediately slaughtered to the lead robber.

Extreme speed, enter the micro-level body, full explosion!

Less than half a meter distance, span directly, it takes less than a second.

He took the lead to see the robbers, but could not keep up.

The King Wang Tengyun's fist is like a hammer, and he throws it high, and his fist is constantly enlarged in the opponent's shocking eyes.

"... grass!"

The second half of the word just came out of him, and Wang Teng's full blow had hit him on the head.


How horrible is the power of more than a thousand kilograms!

Probably run over your head like a big truck!


The clanging sound is crisp, and a good watermelon is so broken!



But Wang Teng didn't feel anything at this moment. He was full of death crisis in his mind. Now he killed one, and there are four left!

They have guns, it's terrible!

You must make a quick decision!

So he didn't pause at all.

He grabbed the lead robber's body and smashed the scar-faced robber behind him.

King Wang Teng bullied himself.

At this moment, his head was running at a high speed, and the basic combat skills he mastered seemed to be all in one.

The body method blends into speed.

Swordsmanship, swordsmanship, incorporated into boxing.

He has no weapons in his hands, his fists are swords, and his legs are knives.

Xun took the lead of the robber's body and hit him with a scar on his face, which caught him off guard.


The cracking sound of the cheekbones came out clearly!


He flew across the wall, spit blood on his mouth, tilted his head, and lost consciousness.


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The other three robbers were terrified, but finally reacted and shot at Wang Teng.

The puppet bullets poured out under the effect of runes, which was faster and more powerful.


The mule bullet seemed to tear the air, carrying a sharp, screaming sound, pointing at Wang Teng's major points.

Hoe, heart, thigh ...

King Wang Teng had been prepared for it. In one hit, the scar face was shrunk, and his body shrank ...

A perfect donkey rolls!

I hid under the workbench.


The bullet hit the wall and blasted the wall directly out of a large pit.

Wang Teng glanced at him with a lingering fear.

Fortunately, I did not take the liberty to resist!

This power is bound to be a blood hole in the body, even the physique of a senior warrior cannot bear it.

Thoughts just turned a bit.

He immediately grabbed a chair in front of him and threw it out, but he sprang from the other side.

The three robbers were tense, and when they saw something flying out, they fired subconsciously at it.

"not good!"

But as soon as the gun is fired, they will know the bad things!

King Wang Teng didn't give them the time to regret it. He killed from the other side and punched out, hitting a robbery temple.

The robber shook his body and fell to the ground with a splash.


Get one again.

He then turned to a robber two meters away from him.

Wang Teng remembers the other party, he is the first person who said he was going to lose himself.

As a result, he shot even harder, clasping his hands together, and hitting the robber three meters away with a heavy hammer.


Snapped! Snapped!

The last robber drove before.

Seeing Wang Teng so fierce at this time, his companions were only a few strokes under Wang Teng's hands, and they were seriously injured.

He was so frightened that he couldn't stop moving backwards and hurriedly fired several shots at Wang Teng!

King Wang Teng's body flickered, came to his side, and punched out, which is the simplest bayonet in basic swordsmanship.

one move!

Another trick!

The robber fell down ~ ~ All five robbers were spared. From Wang Teng's sudden uproar to the end of the battle, it took only three minutes!

The hostages are stunned!

He opened his mouth wide but couldn't make a sound.

The injured middle-aged woman also seemed to have forgotten the pain for a while and looked at him .

Also hostage, why are you so good! So fierce!

I said that trembling together, but you killed the robbers. You must be a devil, right?


Twenty-five robbers fell down, and Wang Teng's tense spirit relaxed, panting heavily.


There was a rush of tiredness to the body.

Although this battle was only a few minutes, he was just in a crisis of life and death. His spirit was very tight, his adrenaline was secreted sharply, his body functioned at high speed, and his mental and physical consumption was very large.

"Why do you force me?"

King Wang Teng muttered to himself, his eyes glanced across the room, his face suddenly turned pale.

The tragic appearance of several gangsters caused his stomach to tumble, and his stomach seemed to be pouring out of his throat.

He quickly left the beginning, just to meet the eyes of the hostages.

These people were scared and pale, and several people even vomited in the corner.

They looked at Wang Teng's eyes a little strangely, not at all like looking at a good high school student ...

Instead it looks like a perverted murderer!

"I said I was a good person, do you believe it?" Wang Teng asked sincerely.

Several hostages shook their heads subconsciously, but immediately reacted and nodded desperately.

Just that guilty expression is not convincing ...


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