Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Chapter 13: Senior warrior

Chapter 13: Senior warrior

In the morning, in addition to picking up attributes that others trained to drop, Wang Teng was looking for someone to compete.

Slimming, boxing, swordsmanship, swordsmanship, whenever he can, they have tried to find someone.

The title of "Baidu Madman" has spread unconsciously among this group of intermediate students, and no one knows it.

"It's better not to let me know which bastard!"

When Wang Teng heard that someone called himself that way, his whole face turned black.

Knock Nima!

What hatred and grudge, so black me!

"Ah ... Ah!"

The fat man Wu Liang was having lunch in the cafeteria of Ji Xingwu Museum, and suddenly a sneeze could not help but hit it.

The rice in the mouth was scooped into the nose, and the rice grains stuck to the snot.

He rubbed his nose and said, depressed, "Somehow sneezes. Who is calling me behind me? It's unethical!"

Uh ...

Wang Wangteng looked at his property panel. The gain on the second floor was really great. One morning, his various attributes were almost close to senior martial arts.

[Perception]: 35

[Physique]: 66

[Strength]: 621

[Speed]: 323

Combat: Basic Boxing (Dacheng), Basic Body (Dacheng), Basic Sword (Dacheng), Basic Sword (Xiaocheng)

The threshold of high-level martial arts, the constitution must reach 70, the power is 700kg, and the speed is 100 meters and 5 seconds.

As long as you work hard in the afternoon, a pink and tender senior warrior will be fresh!

Several basic combat skills have also been improved by a grade, boxing, swordsmanship, and body skills have changed from small to large, and the blade has been improved from proficient to small.

The whole strength has changed dramatically.

However, unfortunately, no other tactical attributes have been found today. It seems that most people choose these tactical techniques as their main training items.

He came out of the training building and Wang Teng walked to the canteen of the Wuguan.

He heard from several trainees of Zhang Shaoyang that there is a cafeteria in the Xingxingwu Museum.

And as long as you have money, you can eat anything.

Even if there is a star beast ingredients, there are some!

The ingredients of these star beasts were hunted by the martial arts soldiers, and then sold to the martial arts hall and exchanged for points or cash.

So the star beast in Wu Guan is richer than the outside.

Many rare beasts, even if they are not sold outside.

Moreover, the Wukan canteen also specially invited the original chefs to handle the star beast ingredients.

As the name suggests, the original chef is a chef who has cultivated the Force. To cultivate the Force, he must be a warrior.

The martial artist is a chef, do you dare to think?

However, the food made by the Force Chef is not ordinary food. It is the Force Food which is beneficial to the cultivation of the warrior.

The cooking method and various dishes are from Xingwu continent.

Even the profession of Force Chef was originally transmitted from Xingwu mainland.

The original chef's income is also very high, there is no danger. Many martial arts are very sought after for the original chef in order to eat the original food, so the status of the original chef is very high.

Wang Teng and Zhang Shaoyang walked on the way to the cafeteria, and asked curiously: "So, the cafeteria of Jixingwu Pavilion also offers dishes from other worlds?"

Zhang Shaoyang explained: "Yes, our Xingwu Museum is one of the three giants in the Huaxia Museum, and we can't even afford an original chef.

Nowadays, the dishes from the outside world have been researched and tried by the chefs of the earth, and even new ones have gradually formed a whole system of cuisine.

However, this foreign cuisine is on the third floor of the cafeteria, where martial arts are usually in and out, and ordinary students cannot afford it. "

"Oh? You can still see warriors!" Wang Teng was surprised.

"You can see it, but the number is generally not large. Most martial artists usually explore in the Xingwu continent, or perform some tasks issued by the martial arts. There is not much time in the martial arts. Zhang Shaoyang said.

Wang Teng nodded and asked, "Is the Force food expensive?"

"Not only is expensive, the general dishes must be tens of thousands, the difficulty is high, the ingredients are rare, even hundreds of thousands, there are millions, it is super expensive, OK." Zhang Shaoyang said.

My obedience, isn't Chef Michelin so good?

King Wang Teng was a little stunned.

I would like to say that a meal would cost hundreds of thousands, and millions, would the military be so rich?

Naturally, he did not go to the third floor of the cafeteria. He only had a meal with Zhang Shaoyang on the first floor.

Hundreds of thousands of meals, Wang Teng is not so extravagant.

I also want to eat when I become a warrior later, and when he easily earns a hundred million, he eats again.

After eating, I rested for an hour.

Then continue training in the afternoon.

Wang Teng took a hunger and thirsty sword to discuss with people everywhere, mainly to find those who practiced basic knife skills.

Among the several combat techniques, the sword skill is still small.

I want to be fair and not be equal, so he decides to upgrade the basic knife to Dacheng first.

In the afternoon, a few hours elapsed, and Wang Teng's various attributes have already exceeded the threshold of high-level martial arts.

In other words, he finally became a senior warrior.

Among the warriors, it was a sharp group of people, a relatively strong ant.

And his basic knife skills have also been upgraded to Dacheng.

But, body, boxing, and swordsmanship turned into completeness by accident, throwing the basic knife behind him again.

He said good fair?

"[Grieves] JPG!" Basic knife method.

"It seems that some improvement is too fast!" Wang Teng felt helpless.

Life is so lonely like snow!

Wang Teng decided to stay on the second floor for a few days. Anyway, the promotion is still the same.

Maybe there will be more properties on the third floor, but it's not worse these days.

In the evening, Wang Teng returned home and ate with his parents before going out to the Xingxing Wukan to pick up properties.

He didn't return home until eleven o'clock.

I took a bath, lay in bed, and opened the properties panel silently.

[Perception]: 43

[Physique]: 84

[Strength]: 964

[Speed]: 533

Combat: Basic Boxing (Consummation), Basic Body (Consummation), Basic Sword Technique (Consummation), Basic Sword Technique (Dacheng)

Is very good. According to this attribute value, even among advanced martial arts, it is also at the upper and middle levels.

As long as I do nt meet a formal martial artist, I have some self-protection.

He was thinking and thinking, UU reading book was lying in bed, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, Wang Teng habitually got up early in the morning. Today is Monday and he is going to school.

He almost forgot that he was still a high school student.

He just reborn, still thinking as an adult, and happened to be on the weekend, and then ran to practice martial arts, which is not like what a high school student does.

In the morning, the family sat together for breakfast.

The king Wang Shengguo drank the porridge and said, "Although you are practicing martial arts now, but cultural classes cannot be dropped. Now universities have martial arts majors. As long as you reach the advanced martial arts level before the college entrance examination, you can apply for the exam.

If you can be admitted to the military academy, it is also a good choice.

The military rank is now very large and has been linked to martial arts level, but so far, only orthodox martial arts graduated from military academies can be awarded military ranks, and martial arts graduated from ordinary universities do not have this privilege. "

King Wang Teng nodded, his eyes thoughtful.

The country is the best umbrella. If you can enter a military school and obtain a military rank after graduation, it is a good way.

Of course, even entering ordinary schools, warriors will have a lot of benefits, and even ordinary schools also have formed academic factions.

Each martial arts faction has no doubt about the protection of its own martial arts, and its freedom is relatively high.

In short, each has its own advantages.

It seems that if it is possible, he still has to go to a good university, even if he is pregnant with gold fingers, he still needs to grow up.

Before you can become a Xeon and ignore all the rules, the best way is to find yourself a strong backer.

The problem is that, no matter in his last life or in this life, he never went to school at all, and his cultural performance is simply a mess ...


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