Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Chapter 1: This world is a bit wrong!

Chapter 1: This world is a bit wrong!

I entered June, and the East China Sea was already hot like a big stove.

The sky is blue and no cloud can be seen. The hot sun is like a huge fireball hanging high above the sky.

Donghai No. 1 Middle School.

5:30 in the afternoon.

"Bell Bell Bell ..."

When the bell rang at the end of class, the whole campus seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and there was a loud noise.

After a short while, a large number of students rushed out of the various teaching buildings, and three or five clusters of jokes and walked towards the school gate.

"It's too hot this day!" Someone cursed.

"Wang Teng, drink at the Rose Bar in the evening."

A voice pulled Wang Teng back from his thoughts to reality.

"Xu Jie!"

He looked at the person, his face was familiar, and long-term memory flowed from the back of his mind. This was a playmate in his high school circle.

"Let's play, I won't go at night, a little headache." Wang Teng said.

Xu Jie hurriedly said, "Don't introduce it, brother Wang Teng. Our small circle has few people at first. It's boring if you don't come, and we haven't got together for a while. So, change the time tomorrow, tomorrow?

King Wang Teng shook his head and said helplessly: "Then tomorrow night."

"Okay, I told Xiaowei that they should meet again tomorrow night." Xu Jie smiled happily.

The two walked to the gate of the school, and there was a sudden disturbance in front of them.

"Oh, what's going on? So many people are around." Xu Jie wondered.

"I went to see."

I said that he had already run up, pushed the crowd out of the crowd and reached the front of the crowd.

Wang Teng put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly. When several students saw him, they gave way to each other in fear that they might get into him.

My own name is really big enough!

King Wang Teng could not help laughing at himself.

Unfortunately, it is not a good reputation.

He walked to the front of the crowd and saw on the open space, a girl beat a few yellow-yellow-green social youths with hair dyed to the ground, crying father and mother, looking at the girl's eyes full of fear.

Combining the discussions around him, he probably understands what happened.

Some social youths like to gather in high school and junior high schools, and select students who seem to be bullying, blackmail, blackmail, etc.

Feared to be in trouble, most of the students suffered and swallowed their voices, which helped fuel the turmoil over time.

Just after school, a few yellow hairs and green hairs met He Manrong, and when she saw that she was beautiful, she couldn't help coming forward to make fun of her and made a few swear words.

They did not expect that He Manrong was not just a soft persimmon that anyone could knead, but a rose with a thorn.

She shot with anger, she couldn't get up in three or two hits.

"Goddess He is worthy of being a high-ranking warrior. Those young people in society are now kicking the iron plate!"

A male student next to him shook his fist, and the acne on his face was slightly red because he was too excited.

Hearing his words, he regarded He Manrong as a goddess.

"I heard that He Manrong was a school bully before. I didn't expect her to be so powerful. Have she ever practiced Taekwondo? The legendary black belt nine paragraphs?"

"But then again, these long legs are really rare, only the high school figure is so good, I will have it in the future!"

Wang Teng is feeling He Manrong's strength, and by the way admire the beauty of the world, suddenly he hears the word [Senior Martial Artist], and his face freezes instantly.

He's a little dazed!

Did I hear something wrong?

I was also right. I was just born again, and my spirit was a little bit embarrassing. It was forgivable to hear wrong.

At this time, Xu Jie came together and said enviously: "Our school has a total of five senior warriors. He Manrong is the only girl among them, or an ordinary family. It is really a genius!"

"..." Wang Teng was speechless.

It seems that the senior warrior with a special God was right.

But, what is going on when a good urban rebirth comes out suddenly?

Is this born again?

King Wang Teng felt malicious from all over the world and was full of doubts inside.

When He Manrong saw so many people attracted, his brows frowned slightly, and he didn't bother about the clutter on the ground and left.

As soon as she left, the crowd of people watching naturally dispersed.

Wang Teng and Xu Jie parted ways at the school gate.

Wang Wangteng found the car to pick him up. Amidst the envy of the students, he took the BMW parked on the roadside and walked away.

In the car, he looked at the continuously regressing street view outside the window, and was a little bit surprised.

At this time he noticed that the trees on both sides of the street were extremely tall and the vegetation was very lush.

These plants are too nutritious, no wonder they always felt a little offensive in school.

The school s vegetation is also extremely lush, but he has been immersed in the matter of rebirth, but he didn't notice it.

Along the way, what he saw and heard surprised Wang Teng.

Clean and tidy streets, passerby's avant-garde dressing style, commercial prosperity and so on.

It's not like in 2009, not even 2019 when he was reborn.

This world really has problems!

Wang Teng's head was in chaos, and he suddenly saw a 20-year-old urban beauty walking along the street with a big fluffy dog.

This should be fine, but the dog is too big, the size of a small calf.

He couldn't help but swear.

"I depend, what breed is this dog? Such a big one!"

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and was frightened by touching his chin.

"It looks like a golden retriever, but this is too big, right?"

Next, he saw several people holding pets.

Those pet dogs are very large, and their body shape is completely beyond the standard. Some parents let children ride on big dogs to go shopping.

Pet dogs are now mounted!

He also saw a pet cat with two tails, and the size was also huge, like a cheetah.

But they all seem very well-behaved, UU reads www. The passers-by around do not seem to be surprised, they do not treat them as beasts at all.

Wang Teng was a little numb.

This is definitely not his original world. Even if the classmates are those classmates, the school is also that school, but some things are obviously off.

After driving for more than 20 minutes, arrived at Fuhua Villa Area, after a round of seven rounds and seven rounds, the car finally stopped in front of a villa.

I'm fine, my home is still here.

Speaking of them, their family is also a big and small rich.

Wang Teng s grandfather has four children, and his father, Wang Shengguo, ranks second in the family and has considerable business abilities. He set up his own stove and established Xingteng Group, second only to Rongsheng Group founded by Grandpa Wang Teng.

Both Xingteng Group and Rongsheng Group are large companies with assets over 100 million yuan.

However, Wang Teng knows that there are many companies like this in the world. The Wang family may be a good one-third in this acre, but in the face of those really big consortia, they are just bigger ants.

In the last life, the Wang family offended people, and they were stabbed to the end. After only a few months, the company went bankrupt.

The king's family was completely destroyed and became a past tense.

Two companies with billions of dollars sounds good, but the results are not enough.

I have to say that this is ironic!

King Wang Teng fell from the sky. In the next few years, he lived a life that is not as good as a pig and dog, and suffered repression and humiliation until he was born again ... No, maybe it was not born again!

The world has changed so much, I do nt know what the royal family will become?

Even, are your parents still the original parents?

Do nt come in, even your parents changed.

"No! No!" Wang Teng comforted himself quickly. He was not at peace, took a deep breath, and stepped into the villa door.


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