Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 71: Stunning Performance

Chapter 71: Stunning Performance

It took quite a while for Aerin to come back from the washroom and when she did, her face was spotless, strands of her hair were soaked, and she had changed her top. There was no evidence of the facial that she had received just a half an hour prior.

That wasn't the case for me though.

When she came back, I was still basking in the aftermath of the orgasm. I still had my pants lowered and my dick still had a lustrous sheen due to the oil she had used, and I was looking at her as if to say 'What do I do now?'

With a sigh, she helped me clean everything up, even washing the oil off of my dick. She did everything discreetly, trying not to wake up Laurel who was sleeping upstairs.

By the time everything was over, my erection had already subsided and she asked me, "Is your mind clearer now?"

Of course I replied that I do, trying my best to put into words just how much clearer my head was now. And there really was some truth to it, because post-nut clarity is very much a real thing.

I have to admit, it was difficult not to get hard again every time I looked at my gorgeous teacher, because the image of her face covered in my filthy cum would always inadvertently flash by my mind. But with extreme self-control, I was able to rein it in.

Not wanting Aerin to take ahold of the conversation, I ask the first question. "Teacher, what happened earlier? I.. I didn't know it could feel like that"

To my surprise, she actually answered everything honestly. Seating back down the sofa, she didn't beat around the bush or care about my 'innocence', she gave me the full rundown of everything I needed to know whenever I asked a question. Why a dick gets hard, the sticky white fluid that came out earlier, and how it relates to a boy's growth and maturity.

"If you had been exposed to other men in your upbringing, you would likely have known about this already," Aerin remarked matter-of-factly. "It's one of the reasons why boys are naturally attracted to girls."

"But you grew up around only women, so.." she scratched her head. "Anyways, you said your head is clearer now? Can you try playing the piano again? Play your 'Little Bell'," said Aerin.

By 'the Little Bell', she meant Liszt's La Campanella, which I just translated from Italian because I was too lazy to come up with a new name for it when I shamelessly copied it as my own.

"Of course," I replied.

Why would I not? In fact, I'm motivated to give her my best ever rendition of this piece. After such a handjob, I need to reward her somehow for her good behavior.

I need to set into her mind the idea that making me cum clears away my anxiety and motivates me to do better. Who knows? Maybe if she was willing to use some of her tight holes, I might bust out some of Mozart's best works just for her.

I sat back down by the piano and my fingers hovered right above the keys before I started playing it with the usual level of expertiseno, improved level of skill.

My fingers danced along the piano keys, not a single note coming even a quarter of a beat late or early. No unnecessary keys were pressed as my hands moved along the piano with pin point accuracy. By the end of it all, one of my most difficult pieces had been played to perfection, as if the mistakes I had made from earlier were a thing of the past.

To an expert like Aerin, the difference was night and day.

But to really drive the point home, I made sure to plant a seed in Aerin's mind. With a shy smile, I remarked, "After what happened earlier, my head just feel so much clearer. It's like a fog lifted from my mind, leaving me feeling more focused and clear-headed than ever before. Like my mind had been cleaned, removing all the unnecessary noise that I didn't even know was there in the first place."

After saying those words, I played a couple more pieces, again with not a single mistake throughout the entirety of my performancejust to drive the point home. I didn't just return to my usual self, I was even better.

"I see.. do you feel like you can play in front of Laurel this time?" asked Aerin, somewhat tactfully. She didn't want me to feel too pressured however, she really did want to know.

I gave her a nod, indicating thatyes, I could and I'm more confident than ever. She saw my response and smiled, saying "Good.. I'll call her down. Get ready in the meantime"

Aerin then stood up from her seat and headed for the stairs.

At first, I was very surprised by how she was just able to interact with me normally, as if her hands weren't on my dick just minutes before. However, it seems like she didn't come out of that interaction completely unscathed as well.

I couldn't shake the notion that the raw intensity of our previous interaction had made her realize that I was no longer just the adorable little boy she always knew. I am now a young man, capable of being sexually attracted to women such as herself, and it was subtly reflected in her every move.

It could be just my mind playing tricks on me. But, for a second, I thought there was more of a sway to her hips as she walked. The curves of her ass seemed more pronounced, almost as if they were molded into the fabric of her skirt. Which is strange because although she changed her top, her skirt remained the same. There should be no changes, and yet I feel like there's a subtle difference to the way she carried herself.

It's not like she started acting like a hoe, vulgarly shaking her ass to get attention. If that was the case, I wouldn't have emphasized the fact that the change is "subtle". No, she still maintained her refined and elegant demeanor. However, there was a shiftthe same way we would act differently towards a kid and a blossoming teenager.

It's like trying to sell a Ferrari to a person who doesn't even know what a car ishe wouldn't be able to appreciate it. In that same way, Aerin has always had a great, meaty ass on her but it's pointless to showcase it to a kid who doesn't even know what to do with it.

But that's not the case now.

"That cumshot really changed the way she looked at me, huh?" I playfully muse as I recall the original 4 compositions that I was planning to play for Laurel earlier. The initial idea was to play simplistic tunes that even an uncultured twat could wrap their feeble mind around and pretend to appreciate.

However, I realize that I might've made a slight mistake on that decision.

Knowing how pretentious high society can get, I need to play something that can make them feel sophisticated and superior. Something that can make them think, 'Only a cultured person will be able to appreciate this kind of refined music'. They'll look at the reaction of the actual experts and imitate their impressions, as if they were expert themselves.

After all, the last thing that aristocrats wants is having something in common with commoners.

Thus, in addition to the four pieces I've already chosen, I need to add a few of the more difficult ones on the list. I already have one, the piece that I've played a few times today already: La Campanella. However, I need another one that won't lose out to that at all.

Thus, for Moonlight Sonata, instead of playing the 1st movement as I originally intended, I'll play the 3rd movement insteadwhich I've yet to play in front of anyone, even Aerin.

"Surely, this would be more than enough to win her approval right?" I say, rehearsing as I wait for Aerin wake up Laurel.

After having enough time to rehearse three pieces in their entirety, Aerin finally came back down with Laurel. She, however, was no longer dressed in the disheveled and improper appearance that she had earlier. Her blouse was buttoned up and she seemed to wore a bra, or at the very least an undershirt, as her nipples no longer protruded on the fabric.

There's also a grumpy, reluctant look in her face as though she was forced to do something. Whether that was coming down here to listen to me again or having to fix her appearance, I wouldn't know.

Nevertheless, she made no effort to conceal the scowl as she settled back onto the sofa, the same spot she had occupied earlier. "I thought we were done with this already..." she muttered.

"Listen... I already told you," Aerin butted in, plopping her plump butt onto a seat away from Laurel.. "Riel had a headache earlier, which is why he made those mistakes. But he's feeling much better now, so I guarantee he won't slip up this time. Right, sweetie?" she added, flashing me a radiant smile.

Again, I still couldn't believe how she could just act so naturally like that as though her face wasn't covered with my creamy spunk just half an hour earlier.

Looking at her dignified and elegant countenance now, I'm reminded of just how beautiful she really looked. Her skin was as smooth and milky as a privileged princess who never had to lift a finger. Not a damn sign of ever breaking a sweat under the scorching sun. Those pouty red lips, hid a perfect set of pearly whites. And of course, her signature wavy blonde hair and sapphire-blue eyes.

"Yes," I replied, somewhat in a daze.

However, rather than anticipation like before, an atmosphere of doubt permeated the air. Laurel wasn't looking at me like, 'Let's see what you can do'. Rather, she looked like she was already expecting another terrible performance from me and couldn't wait for me to fail so that she could rub it all over Aerin's face again.

Once again, I straightened my back. With my palms in the air, the only part of my hand resting on the piano keys are my fingertips. Now in position, I heard Aerin say, "You can start," and once again the room feel into a hushed silence.

Taking a deep breath, I cleared my mind before I started playing. The first notes filled the air as I moved through the composition flawlessly, without the slightest deviation or mistake. Even as I progressed into the more complex sections, I weaved through it skillfully, truly bringing the great compositions of Earth into life in this alternate world.

Pachelbel would be delighted to see his work being played this wellat least, I think he would.

A look of surprise began to spread across Laurel's face as she realized I was actually playing well. Aerin beamed with pride as she watched, happy to see my talent shining through.

By the time I finished Pachelbel's Canon, Lauriel was about to speak, as though she thought I was already done. But little did she know, I still had 4 more pieces to go through. "That was a good piece, I'll admit" she said, before getting cut off when I moved to my 2nd "original" composition.

I launched into Yiruma's River Flows in You, infusing the simple melody with emotion and subtle nuance. Laurel's mouth closed abruptly, an embarrassed blush coloring her cheeks. She shot Aerin an irritated look, who merely smiled serenely in return.

My fingers continued to dance along the piano keys with grace and precision. This is one of my favorite pieces back on Earth and I could probably play it in its entirety without ever looking at the music sheet once.

"I've never heard this before.." Laurel said, turning to look towards Aerin. "Is this another original composition?" she asked.

Aerin turned towards her sister, a look of pride in her face. "Yes," she asnwered.

"Is it yours?" then asked Laurel. However, Aerin shook her head saying that the composition I'm currently playing wasn't composed by her, rather by me.

Only then did Laurel's eyes widen in shock, doubt transforming into wonder. "I thought you were singing his praises because he was able to compose one good piece in such a young age." she muttered. "But he actually has two"

When I finished my 2nd piece, Laurel didn't immediately speak. Trying to avoid the mistake that she'd made earlier. When she saw that I still hadn't stood up from my seat to bow, she remained rooted in the sofa.

I smiled, not turning to look towards my audience of two hot noble sisters as I moved towards my third pieceElgar's engagement present to his beloved wife, Salut d'Amour. The lighthearted and romantic waltz is a stark contrast to the sorrowful melody of my previous song. My fingers danced nimbly across the keys, effortlessly capturing the joyful spirit of the piece.

At this point, Laurel's jaw had dropped at the appearance of a third straight original piece, which she thought didn't sound too bad.

I was also relieved by her stunned reaction because I was somewhat worried that the people of this world might not hold in the same regard the beautiful compositions of Earth. However, that worry seemed to have been unfounded as people can appreciate good music even through different eras, and even different worlds.

So while the effect of my third performance still lingered, I immediately moved into my fourth. As came the challenge of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. As even Aerin is unaware of the third movement, she too fell into its haunting beauty, letting the ominous opening phrases build into a powerful climax. The room was utterly silent except for the sounds of the piano, all eyes transfixed on my fingers flying all across the piano.

At this point, my previous failure was all but forgotten as my current performance had completely blown it out of the water.

Finally, I unleashed Liszt's La Campanella, attacking the fantastically difficult piece with creative passion and bravura. Sweat had already begun to build up in my face from several minutes of non-stop performance. Had it not been for the physical conditioning I was doing with Mom, my hands would have probably been sore for hanging in the air for so long, without being able to rest its weight on anything.

Still, my precision hadn't been affected in the slightest. I allowed myself zero mistakes all throughout the five compositions I had played.

The piece rushed towards its inevitable conclusion. My hands flew across the keyboard in a flurry of notes, building to an exuberant climax before resolving into silence once more. As the final chords faded into nothingness, a hushed wonder fell over the room. I lifted my hands from the piano and looked up to see both of their faces.

Aerin was very liberal with her applause, not hiding her pride and appreciation towards my performance. Laurel however is more reserved, probably even reluctant, with her hands, only clapping slowly as though only out of courtesy.

Aerin turned towards her younger sister, "That should be enough, no? He is as good as I said he was. Going by skills alone, I don't think he'll diminish the atmosphere of they banquet by any means. In fact, I think he might even raise it somewhat."

Laurel remained rooted in her seat, silent for a few seconds, before speaking. "Okay, he's definitely qualified."

"However, I can't have a completely unknown nobody suddenly play in the royal banquet, can't I? It's not just the skill but also prestige." added Laurel.

"Then introduce him as my apprentice," suggested Aerin. "Anyone under the Incaross family can't be brushed off as a nobody"

Laurel raised an eyebrow to her sister's suggestion. "I didn't think you'd be so keen to such blatant nepotism." she said but Aerin retorted by saying, "Most of those other musicians got there slots by their own connections as well. No one would question it. It's just the way the world works."

"However, there's already a catalog of musicians that are set to perform in the banquet. The prime performance slots for the ballroom dance and dinner is already occupied by two vastly more popular musicians." explained Laurel. "The only time he can perform is towards the end, when most the guests are either still talking or already leaving," she added.

Aerin's face fell as Laurel explained the only available performance slot. I could tell she wanted to argue for a better time for me, to showcase my talents to the fullest.

Before Aerin could protest, I walked up to her side and gently placed my hand on her arm. "Teacher, it's fine," I said calmly. "I don't mind playing at the end of the banquet."

Aerin turned to me, disappointment and frustration still lingering in her eyes. "But you deserve to perform when more people can hear you!" she insisted. "She's just doing this out of spite."

"I think that the chance to play at all in the royal banquet is an honor. The time does not matter." I replied with a smile. "Many people won't even get such an opportunity throughout their entire lives."

Aerin's eyes softened as she smiled back at me. "You do yourself too little credit," she said, giving my hands an affectionate squeeze. "But if that's what you say. then I will not argue further."

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Laurel's eyes twitch but I paid it no mind. She said that she'll get everything done and turned to leave Aerin's place.


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