Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 66: The Art of Appeasement

Chapter 66: The Art of Appeasement

It took me around an hour to calm Celine down, or rather, we. Because Mom eventually got involved when she heard Celine's shouts from the kitchen. She went upstairs and took Celine with her, gave her the talking-to, and then called me down for dinner.

Dinner was pretty normal. It looks like Mom got through Celine and she realized that she had overreacted a little. However, a part of me also thinks that Celine's just putting on a calm act in front of Mom. She's already shown me her willingness to lie and hide things from Mom before. I don't see why she

However, that whole sequence of events got me thinkingas if I already don't have a lot of things to think about. As stupid as it may sound, I do realize that I might make mistakes here and there. I'm not a mind reader, and I can't properly navigate my relationships with 100% accuracy as if I'm in a dating sim with a complete walkthrough guide.

The realization came a little too late because everything had went swimmingly well so far. I've never really been in a position where I can make some egregious mistakes that can seriously damage my relationship.

Looking back, I can't recall a single moment where either Mom or Sis had been seriously angry with me. Wait, no there was that event some weeks ago with me cumming in Mom's mouth while she was scolding me. I guess that's the worse offense I've made so far.

"I was planning to work on my nature magic or rewrite some of Chopin's pieces tonight" I muse on my own. But now I realize I need something that could placate them when they're angry.

Dinner's over and Celine had already gone back to her room. Mom looked like she was planning to wash the dishes but I told her I'd do it instead and she could go rest upstairs. In the meantime, I planned how I would console my sister later.

I realize that I won't always make the correct decisions with the women I like and that every now and then, I might do things that will make them angry. So if I want to charm and seduce the women I desire, I must learn to soothe them when they are frustrated by my behavior.

It's better that I learn how to properly placate them now that they're only angry about small things like me leaving without permission. After all, there are far more serious mistakes that could upset loved ones. Learning to soothe them through small disputes will be beneficial for more severe issues.

"The skill of diffusing female fury might be more important to me than any magic spell I'll ever learn," I say to myself as I wash our plates. After all, there will be bumps to every relationship and pleasing upset women is a key part to unlocking their passions.

* * *


I took my eyes off of the book that I was half-reading and looked towards the clock9:42 PM. For someone to come into my room this late in the evening, it could only be mom.

Inadvertently, I let out an exasperated sigh.

She's been all up on me lately, saying that I need to start putting some distance between me and Riel. I'm starting to regret asking that stupid question some time ago about whether or not a brother and sister could get married. That was too big of a hint and Mom clearly picked up on it.

It can't be another sermon is it?

With a tired gait, I walked over to my door and opened it. I tried my best not to look fed up and spoke, "What is it again, Mo Oh?"

However, to my surprise, it wasn't mom. Rather, it was my younger brother, Maelriel, and he was all dressed up, scratching his head awkwardly as he looked at me. Surprise and irritation battled within me. "Why are you here?" I demanded. His sudden disappearance earlier had stirred up unwelcome worries but I pushed those feelings down, keeping my tone cold.

His eyes met mine, filled with remorse. "I'm sorry for worrying you," he said smoothly. "I know you must have been concerned."

I remained firm. "Sorry doesn't cut it. I was frantic when you vanished."

As our earlier squabble replayed in my mind, shame washed over me. My outburst would only fuel Mom's suspicions, shortening our already fleeting moments together before I start studying for the academy.

Riel's expression turned remorseful. "I know. I should have told you where I was going." He took a tentative step forward. "Please, let me make it up to you."

I scoffed. "Save it, Riel. I'm not in the mood for your excuses."

He stepped forward, voice dipping lower. "Now now, please don't be like that." His gaze held mine, making me uncomfortable. "I just wanted to see you."

I glared at him distrustfully. "To get something from me, no doubt. You want me to open my legs again, don't you? If so, then get lost," I hold the door, threatening to close it in his face.

I had so looked forward to our move to the city, envisioning romance in a place where no one knows us, where we could pass as a normal couple. But nothing had changed we remained brother and sister. No closeness was achieved, only empty lust.

Sex alone cannot sustain a relationship; it lacks romance and intimacy that I want. Riel clearly doesn't grasp this, content with meager secret meetings. But I yearn for more true love, free from lies. That's why I went down this path, why I started studyingto gain enough glory that mother would have no choice but to accept our love.

Yet seeing Riel now, I chose not to voice these concerns. Instead I swallow my feelings, hiding behind coldness as protection. I know how terribly obsessed I am, how jealous I can get, but I'm not pathetic enough to lower myself and beg for affection.

'Am I overreacting?' Maybe..but so far, I feel like I'm the only one putting effort into us.

Perhaps the distance set by the academy would help clarify my feelings and desires, freeing me from obsessive thinking. So until Riel proves himself willing to treat me as an equal partner rather than a guilty pleasure, little hope remains for us.

"No, I'm not." Riel shook his head. "I've never been much of a sweet talker, nor am I good with words" Liar. I thought in my mind. "but actions do so much more than pretty words," he said.

I raise an eyebrow, "What are you gonna do?"

"Not 'me', but us." Riel said, then a sly smile crept onto his face.

"What if we sneak out of the house tonight, just you and I?" he suggested, voice slightly more mischievous. "We could spend a few secret hours exploring the city together."

"Huh??" I looked at the clock, about half a quarter from 10, and couldn't help but frown. "It's almost 10? Everyone's asleep by now." What do I have to gain by running along empty streets with him? There isn't even a lake or forest to explore here, just rows of blasted stone houses as far as the eyes could see.

Life in the village conditioned me to think nothing good came after nightfall.

"That's because you never broke the rules before," he remained unfazed and drew even closer to me, and before I knew it he was already in my room.

'Since when was he this tall?' I thought in shock. He was only about half a head shorter than me now!

"You must've been wondering why I took so long to come back home earlier, right?" he suddenly said and my attention was piqued. "I actually wanted to become more familiar with the city before I do this but you got angry, so I'm doing it now.." he said gently taking my hand, eyes filled with promise.

"Give me this one night to make it up to you.." Suddenly, I felt bad about being angry with him leaving earlier

Against my better judgment, I felt my defenses crumbling. The idea of a secret rendezvous held a forbidden appeal, stirring fantasies that I thought only existed in romance novels. Still, I remained cautious. "What if Mom wakes up and sees you're not in her room?" I say but he only laughed it off, replying:

"That won't happen. I know Mom's sleeping habits~"

I didn't know what made him so sure, but his confident tone made me believe him. I wanted to say the door was locked but he then pointed to a window in my room.

'Surely, he doesn't mean' I thought but he dragged me with him as he flung it wide open..

The cool evening wind immediately blew against my face the moment the window opened. "At least, let me get changed, I can't go out dressed like this," I say looking at my sleeping wear. Riel was in no rush, and I went into my closet, changing into something more appropriate.

"Are you ready?" After I nod, he then swept me off my feet as he lifted me on his arms. I held back the gasp that almost escaped my lips when he jumped off the window with me in his arms. "I won't let you fall, trust me." his soothing voice reassured just before we landed in front of our house.

Taking a look around the dark quiet street, all the street lamps were still brightly lit. We walked closer to the side of the road and I saw that people were yet wandering about and horse carriages still searched for passengers.

Riel raised a hand and before long, one of the carriages came by in front of us and let us in. "Conley Ave, West Borough" he said an address and the coachman wordlessly got his horses to move in that direction.

Seeing us ride a carriage, I couldn't help but ask. "Do you have money?"

"Yes," Riel shrugged and when I asked him how he got any, he replied. "When mom asks me to buy something, I don't return the change." he then shook a sizable leather pouch in front of me, causing a jingling sound.

Eventually, we arrived to a bustling area filled with people. I couldn't believe my eyes. I recognize this place from when we checked out some clothes before but it wasn't this crowded before. There were more people here, this late in the evening, than there were when it was day!

"What are they doing here so late at night?" I asked my brother, stupefied by what I'm seeing. "Don't they have work tomorrow?"

My brother chuckled. "Most of them probably do." He smiled at my confusion. "The city never truly sleeps. All hours are counted equally here."

The constant activity surprised me, so different from our quiet village. Back home, night was for rest after a day's labors. Here everything continued long after sunset.

Riel watched my astonishment with amusement. "A whole new world, isn't it?" he said gently.

I nodded slowly, taking it all in. The city's endless rhythm felt chaotic compared to the steady pace of the countryside. Yet something about it also fascinated me, the round-the-clock energy and life.

Smiling, Riel squeezed my hand reassuringly. "We don't have to understand it all tonight." His voice soothed my bewilderment. "For now, let's just have fun exploring this place...together."

I instinctively looked around when I felt Riel's hand squeeze my hand. I was worried if people would recognize us as siblings here but no even turned a head towards us. Just a few glances at most.

In this vast city, we've never been around more people yet I've never felt more anonymous than I do tonight.

The strong wind blew and I could feel my hair flowing freely behind me. Riel suggested we find a coffee shop to stay at and relax. We soon arrived at a cozy establishment buzzing with activity.

Riel ordered us hot drinks and cakes, insisting on paying. I started to protest but he silenced me with a gentle look. "Let me take care of you, just for tonight," he said softly.

His thoughtful gesture touched me. In this strange place, Riel's care and companionship felt reassuring. We sat close enough that his knee gently brushed mine beneath the table, making me feel both fuzzy and embarrassed, wondering if we were being to touchy in public. In a flutter, I looked outside and saw how people interacted with each other.

At restaurants, I see couples shared tables close together, sometimes holding hands above. In the theaters, many stylish pairs were attracted, strolling arm-in-arm between acts. I felt that we could copy their relaxed intimacy, blending inonly if we could spare enough money to actually view a performance live.

Outside again, we strolled arm-in-arm like any young couple. Lamps glowed golden against the darkness, their light glinting off the paved bricks and stones that composed the sidewalks and statuary.

Soon, we walked all the way to the park where a jester performed tricks by the streets, then we walked by a magic lantern show, and a bit further by the river, we saw peoplemostly couplestaking small romantic boat rides, paddling down the river together.

Riel sensed my cautious thoughts, smiling. "Just enjoy the moment. No need for pretense between us."

His comforting words seemed truer here, our secret bond less strange amidst this new world's dazzling distractions. "You look like you've done this plenty of times before already," I said having observed him closely throughout this entire ordeal.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"The city life." I say. "You don't look out of place here at allthe way you order at the restaurants, told me not to dawdle in front of the theater, and even knew where the attractions areas if you've lived your entire life here."

Riel briefly froze before continuing, "I told you I had been planning for this right? I saving up curonnes until we could afford a theater performance, but this is alright as well"

Shame filled me for overthinking, spoiling what might have been our first proper date. "Yeah, I just ruined your plans..sorry."

But Riel took my hand reassuringly. "Don't be. I'm happy just being with you." His touch eased my guilt, bringing a smile to my icy lips.

Then the two of us then went down the river bank, hand in hand.

Curious kitten that I was, I dipped a hand down the river only to regret it almost instantly as I touched something slimy underwater. "Eek?!" I cried out, hurriedly trying to remove all proof of contact on my skin.

Riel chuckled beside me, asking "Stupid sister, why'd you do that?" I pouted and laughed it off, enjoying the sound of running water.

Then, all of a sudden, I heard a man's voice audibly lament, "Kids these days, even they're getting some before me." Looking up, I can see a man looking down at us from up the bridge. I couldn't see his face because of the dark, but I imagine it must've been green with envy.

Annoyance flared within me but Riel squeezed my hand. He looked at me with mischievous eyes and said, "Let's make him even angrier."

He then wrapped his arms around my waist as he pulled me in for a kissright in public! His warm lips thawed mine that had turned cold. I wanted to sink in to his embrace but I felt embarrassed at doing something so intimate in public and couldn't help but want to look around.

However, he felt me fidget and held my head still, not allowing me to move an inch. I had no choice but to close my eyes and accept his tender kiss despite any onlookers' stares. I felt my heart flutter at his sudden boldness, whatever anger I may have had before was washed away.

"Oh my goodness, what has become of this generation.." the man grumbled from above the bridge before walking away.

My brother's kiss still lingered on my lips as the church bells echoed through the night, marking midnight and a new day.

Only then did Riel release me, his violet eyes curled in amusement as he giggled, "That'll teach him."

I smiled shyly at his words. "I hope one day...the church bells ring just like this, but for another reason."

Riel gazed at me curiously. "What do you mean?"

My cheeks warmed. "Just...a dream."


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