Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 55: The head of this house

Chapter 55: The head of this house

I was downstairs, walking towards the kitchen with only my bare feet. It was the typical winter morning and it was a lot colder down here than it was back on the bedroom, thus my foot felt chills everytime I took a step on the tiled floor.

I was thinking of what should I give Mom for breakfast, to sort of soothe her mood. I was just about to pass the dining table when I encountered Celine walking back in from the back door.

"Morning, you're up pretty late." Celine was the first one to speak when she saw that I just came out of the bedroom

"Morning, did you eat already? I was just about to cook breakfast for me and Mom" I greeted her in turn, before asking her. Surprisingly, she said that she still hadn't had breakfast and was waiting for Mom to get up all this time.

"Really? Then what were you doing all this time then?" I asked

"I just shoveled the snow in the front yard." She replied, only then did I notice that she was wearing warmer clothes with that was more snug and was a lot thicker. "I can't do my morning routine like I did back then. There isn't any secluded areas and I just can't smash everything I see around here" Celine added

"Anyways, I'm surprised that Mom still hasn't got up, isn't it already past eight?" Celine murmured behind me

Once I got into the kitchen, I checked the shelves for the available ingredients and surprisingly, we actually had a plethora to choose from. However I was pretty limited in what I could cook. So among the few that I could cook, I thought about what would Mom like the most and I decided to go with potato hash with eggs, onions, and sausages.

I already took the necessary ingredients from the shelves and was just about to start chopping, when I asked Celine just to be sure "Sis, you think Mom would like sausage and potato hash?"

My question was met with silence however, I looked back to the dining table and saw that Celine was no longer there. Just as I was about to think that she left, I then felt something soft, two things actually, hit snugly into the back of my neck. "You never asked me what I like and you don't make me breakfast." she said as she wrapped her arms around me from behind me

"Sis, It's for Mom and I'll be cooking some for you anyway" I explained. To think that she'd start acting all jealous now, especially when I was cooking breakfast to lighten Mom's mood. "Also don't disturb me too much, I might accidentally cut myself"

"-And I'm your Sister" Celine complained as she bit my ears. I stiffened up involuntarily when I felt the sudden warmth and moisture on the tip of my ears, I could feel her feverish breath tickling my ear as she whispered "and I'm also your lover. Shouldn't I get some special treatment as well?"

My hand's movements were starting to turn erratic, due to this delicate situation I am in. I was worried that I would mess up slicing the onions, so I took a moment to tell my elder sister, who was gnawing playfully at my pointy elven ears, that she should stop.

Unsurprisingly, she didn't. Left without much of a choice, I asked her what she wanted for breakfast only for her to tell me "Well, I think some sausage and potato hash for breakfast would be pretty good."

"You..." I wanted to facepalm. Isn't that what I was already cooking? Seeing that she just wanted to mess with me, I started to just ignore her antics for now. Seeing me ignoring her, she instead let go of my ears while giggling.

"Aww~, is my little brother mad?" she said while chuckling. Suddenly, I shivered due to a ticklish sensation when I felt her lips on my neck as Celine started sucking on the skin. I knew what she was trying to do and I told her to stop, but to no avail. Only after a little while did her lips separate from my neck before saying "If you didn't ask, how would you know I liked it?"

I couldn't see it, but I was sure that there was now a red mark left on my neck. It was only after marking me that Celine let me go before she sat on the kitchen counter. I was gonna ask why she was being clingy all of a sudden, but I decided that it was pretty pointless.

"Actually, I think it's my fault that you're sharing a room with Mom." she suddenly said while her feet swung up and down carelessly in the air

"Why'd you think so?" I couldn't help but ask, on my mind, I knew exactly why Mom wanted me to sleep with her, so I was curious why Celine would think that she was the reason.

"Well, you might not know it, but Mom stopped us from reading together at night because of me, right?" she said, reminding me of when Mom suddenly had us stop our reading sessions. I remember that it was after one dinner when Sis stayed downstairs to talk with Mom.

"My bedroom and what was supposed to be your bedroom are actually right next to each other." she explained "So I think she wanted to keep a close eye on you, or that she's afraid of me sneaking into your room at night, something like that."

"Well, were you planning to?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow. I just finished chopping the onions and started working on the potatoes.

"Kind of~" Celine replied with a meaningful smile

But I felt like I was missing some crucial information. Why would Mom want to keep an eye on me, or atleast keep Celine at a distance? I knew that it was something related to what Mom and Celine talked about that one time. But I really wasn't sure about the exact details and it's not like I can directly ask Mom about it.

"Well, why did Mom stop our reading sessions anyway?" I asked Celine

"Well I was pretty clueless back then and asked Mom if we could do some 'Mmhn's' and 'Ahhh's'' Celine said before she seductively raised her body up and down, like she was bouncing or more accurately, riding something. I wasn't that dumb to not know what she was referring to.

My face paled and asked her if she seriously did just that, to which she jokingly replied "Of course not, but you get the gist of it. I asked if we could be lovers, she said no, and now she's pretty suspicious"

"I see..." Well, that was some pretty crucial information that I was missing out on. I then rubbed the part of my skin where she sucked earlier "Well, if that's the case, then why give me this? What if Mom sees it, won't it just give us out away?"

"I was just feeling pretty peeved." she said with a hint of displeasure at her voice "If I wasn't so stupid, then we could be having a little midnight 'fun time' right now instead I'm sleeping alone in the cold, so I just felt like venting out."

"Anyways, it shouldn't be that hard to hide. Just wear something with a collar, it's not like mom will go out of her way to see your skin"

"..." Hearing sister's words, I could only remain silent because Mom REALLY does go out of her way to see just that.

-Lucielle POV-

I came out of the warm bath with only my towel wrapped around my body. Drying my hair, I stood in front of the mirror before removing the towel. Turning around I could see the red hand marks that my son left on my butt when he was spanking me earlier. It no longer felt as sore compared to earlier, thanks to his treatment. But it wasn't the pain that was my problem, just seeing those hand marks on my ass was vexing me.

Even if I was in a physical relationship with him, I am still his Mother whom he should respect. I'm still someone above him, the head of this household. I felt like he was disrespecting me, for him to pin me down while repeatedly smacking my ass around like he owned me. I felt incensed thinking about him pulling me by my hair or when he shut me up by fucking me in the mouth.

It was humiliating, not even as his mother but even just as a woman. But what is perhaps most disgraceful is the fact that I came despite all of those.

Looking at the large wet stain in the bed, I felt so ashamed and mortified. I remember telling Riel that a woman's nether regions was a sign of their arousal and no doubt he just saw me squirt out all those liquid all over the bedsheets. It was so much, that I almost felt like I was peeing in front of him, and that is probably what urged him to continue.

"Arrghhh" never have I been this angry with my own body's reactions and in my anger, I pulled out the poor bedsheet immediately before tossing it towards the other laundry.

Walking towards the closet, I picked up some clothes to wear for the rest of the day and a new bedsheet to cover the bed with. Calming myself down, I dressed up and laid down the bedsheet before laying down myself. I thought about what he said earlier, 'he wanted to do it like me'.

Thinking about it, maybe I really brought this upon myself. If forceful, rough sex is all that he ever experienced, then won't he think it was naturally supposed to be that way? It was only a matter of who was the one in control and this time he wanted it to be him.

But still the humiliation I'm his Mom! Shouldn't he at least hesitate when he was thinking about smacking me? yet let alone hesitating he was audacious enough to even cum on my mouth while I was scolding him! I can't believe it.

Although I'm part of the reason why, I feel like I should atleast scold him a little. But how could I? He was only imitating what I did, and saying that what he did was bad would be hypocritical of me who also enjoys roughing him up.

Then what was I really worried about? Why am I overreacting so bad about Riel spanking and smacking me? Thinking about it hard, I arrived to an answer. It's not the fact that he spanked me, but the fact that he thought he could spank me without saying anything.

I was afraid that if I let Riel be on top for some time, then he would start thinking that he was above me or that he had authority over me, that he would start thinking that he's the head of this household. Just what would happen once he fully grows up? He's already starting to catch up to me in height and I'm tall for a woman. Right now, I'm still stronger than him and I could still teach him a lesson if I wanted to, but what if he was able to overpower me then? Would he still respect my authority then? Or would he just I couldn't help but gulp.

Then for now I'll just have to tell him, in the end 'it's just a play' and that it shouldn't get into his head, that the matters in bed stays in bed. In the end, I'm his mother and he should respect that.

It was then that I heard someone knock on the door. I forgot that I locked it when I took a bath earlier, so walking forward, I opened it and saw Riel standing there with a tray of food in his hands.

"Uhm.. here's your breakfast, Mom" he said with a rather awkward smile.

He changed into new clothes, and was currently wearing something warmer along with a scarf wrapped snugly around his neck. He was standing a head shorter below me and it was so hard to connect his current looks with the person who was just dominating me in bed earlier. The son I knew I had was someone who always put his family first and someone who was kind of shy, prefers to stay inside and read books, but was also someone really talented all the while remaining humble.

He quietly made his way inside and placed the tray of food in the table besides the bed. I quietly followed and laid down the bed, before he then sat down just beside me. I hadn't said anything all this time. It was a technique to put pressure on someone. Especially when someone is nervous, by not saying anything you can make them feel more frantic as they feel like they have to be the one to start a conversation.

"Uhm, Mom." It didn't take too long for Riel to start a conversation nervously. "About earlier I" I only stared at him without saying anything

"Do you remember what I said before? That I'll do anything if it makes you happy..." he said while fiddling with his fingers, his eyes were looking away, two very clear indicators that someone's nervous. "I tried to do what you were doing but I didn't think you'd hate it so much"

Wait, he seems to have taken things wrongly. At this rate, he might think that I'm being unfair, 'You do it all the time, then I do it once and now you're so angry', that's what seems to be going on in his mind.

"I'm sorry, so let's just do it like how we've always done it instead." My own pressuring technique backfired on me and now he thinks I'm furious at him. "But if you're still angry, I wouldn't mind sleeping on Sister's room until you're oka-"

"What!? No!" Immediately, I shut down his stupid idea. He has no idea what he's getting himself into trying to sleep in the same room as his sister, his sister who shouted 'I want him for myself!' right at my face.

"Listen, I'm not angry at you but, if you wanted to try new things during sex then you should tell me beforehand, okay?" I told him "If you want to be on top then tell me, I don't mind, after all sex is supposed to be something where both people are satisfied, BUT."

"-Just because I let you hit it once or twice, don't even think that I'm some sort of pushover." I said as I released some of my mana into the surroundings, and I could see his face change when I did. "Its good that you understand~" Immediately I retracted it and gently kissed him in the cheek

"I'll be the one to bring the plate downstairs, so you can go for now~" I told him before taking the delicious breakfast that my lovely son meticulously prepared for me

-Maelriel POV-

Once I was out of the room, I couldn't help but release a massive sigh of relief. To be completely honest, I expected much worse. In complete hindsight, most Mom would already explode in the fact that you interrupted them while they were lecturing you, yet let alone interrupting her I actually fucked her face and ejaculated inside no less. The fact that I got away relatively scotfree was pretty unbelievable to be completely honest.

Not to mention, she gave me permission that if I wanted to try something I should just tell her. Let alone being punished I actually gained something in this exchange.

I find it pretty funny, despite her telling me that she wasn't a pushover, the fact that I was able to fuck her in the first place was because she is a pushover, she just doesn't realize it. Or maybe she isn't a pushover to anyone else, except me because she's blinded by her own love to realize it.

I remember when she released her mana earlier, it was actually enough to make me feel like I was suffocating and I felt her real strength. I knew she meant to scare me, but it just made her all the more attractive in my eyes. Having someone as powerful as that, pressed under you is just Mmm.

But that doesn't mean, I didn't learn a lesson. I was becoming too arrogant lately and got too ahead of myself and did things that I knew I wasn't able to do yet. I was just lucky this time that it was with Mom, if I fucked up with someone like Aerin, let's say, then things would've been over.

Self control, knowing my limits, and being patient, I needed to work more on those. I haven't practiced my magic ever since I arrived here, and seeing Mom's strength earlier also spurred me on. Holding my hand out, I chanted 'Rampant Growth'.

And immediately, a stem coiling around my arm, extended and the bud at the very front bloomed revealing, what looks like a very large Venus fly trap. It was probably large enough to eat a boar whole, but I didn't have any real practical use for it.

Compared to the sleeping and paralyzing pollen that some of my flowers could emit, this one was fairly useless. Right now, I can't really go out to look for seeds, since we're at a city and not a forest. So I have to make do with this for now, maybe I'll try if I can make them grow larger than usual.

After thinking about that, I cut off the mana that was feeding the plant and instantly, it wilted. So for today, I decided to run a few experiments.


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