Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 43: Mom-Daughter talk

Chapter 43: Mom-Daughter talk

-Lucielle POV-

"You're a good kid right? Promise that you'll listen to Mom's advices okay~" I said as I cupped my son's adorable face

"Un" seeing him nod, all I could do was hope that he'll take my teachings to heart

When I finally waved him goodbye, I had a brief moment of freedom to fully think through the current affairs in our home. Earlier, while Maelriel was sleeping, Celine already woke up and found me sitting at the table.I knew that my son would be at his teacher's place until late at noon, so I told Celine to wait for me at the nearby pond once Maelriel left.

"Sigh... what a mess..." I sighed as I thought about my children

I was still pretty split on my decision, on one hand I knew that I already delayed the talk with my daughter long enough, and I can't allow her to go the capital so naive about adult matters. Not to mention her studying at a military school. I don't know much about the school experience, but I do know what the people in the actual army is like, and they are not the most chaste and virtuous when it comes to such matters. Having her go there so naive, would be like throwing a sheep in a pack of wolves.

However, I also had some worries. Maybe I'll just add fuel to the fire, that is Celine's growing affections towards her brother. Had I not found out about it and just taught her about the birds and the bees like I originally planned, who knows what she would've done with her newfound knowledge.

But in the end, I just decided to go ahead with it. This is something that must be done to set them on a straight path, to ensure she'll make good choices in her social life and career.

"Agghhhhh, why did I just think of this now!?" I complained in anger

I could've slowly explained it over the course of years, instead of just dropping everything suddenly in a short amount of time. I was too blinded by my desire to have them remain so cute and innocent forever, I couldn't see them growing up right before my eyes.

I went to the bathroom, as I slowly washed myself. I dried myself before changing into new clothes. I tied my hair to make sure I looked atleast presentable before locking the house and heading out to see my daughter.


"Mom..." Celine said weakly as she saw me approach

Hearing her voice so quiet and nervous I thought that maybe I scared her too much from last night? I didn't mean to frighten her, but I just wanted her to answer honestly.

"I took quite some time... sorry for making you wait" I said

"No, it's fine Mom..." she meekly answered

Looking at her current appearance, I realized that I'm REALLY late on talking to her about this. She's practically a young adult by now. I remember my Mother talking to me about how my breasts will start to get bigger and how hair will probably grow on my private parts. Looking back, I was already pretty late even when she had her first period. She was so scared that time, since I never even talked about it with her.

The more I thought back, the more I realized just how much I failed to do my part and the more steadfast I became in finally doing my job as her mother.

"Would you mind going in a walk with your Mom?" I asked her

"I would love to" Celine answered with a smile

We started walking as we followed a trail out of the forest. Hearing her silence, I couldn't help but feel awkward. I was the one who called her out here yet I'm not saying anything. I just really didn't know how to start this kind of talk with my children.

"Uhm... how's your traning going?" I asked to sort of start a conversation

"It's going great." she replied

"I see."


Dead silence again.

Please someone help me. How can I smoothly transition our topic towards that without it feeling too abrupt? Okay... Let's start with romantic relationships first. I'll try to start by telling my experiences first... What to expect in a relationship and what she should look for in someone...

"How long has it been since we last did something with just the two of us?" I asked lightly

"Just us?... the ones the I could remember are... when you were teaching me magic for the first time" Celine answered smiling as she thought back to her childhood

"Really? Was it really that far back?" I was pretty surprised that the last time we did something just with the two of us would be that way back

"We usually do stuff with Riel ever since..." Celine answered as we walked over a fallen log that was bridging over a small stream

"I see... well this is something I should've done way more" I said in realization

A few seconds of silence occured between us, before I continued-

"You grew up so fast, I feel like it was just last month when you were learning to shoot arrows with me... you used to be so happy when I pampered you" I reminisce in nostalgia

"And now you're already planning for your future career..." I turned backwards as I walked while looking back at her

"It wouldn't have hurt if you grew a little bit slower you know? I know you like to be independent as soo-" I was gonna continue but I saw her face change with my words

Did I say something wrong? I was wondering what did I say for her to make such a face when she quietly spoke

"I just... want to help you... and..."

"I don't hate it... when you still treat me... like you used to" she meekly said as she averted her face away from me

"Oh... Really? I thought you hated it when I get all chummy with you..." I said in shock

Just how out of touch am I with my children? It felt shameful for me as a Mother that I couldn't even know what was going through my children's head. But in the end, I still felt happy when I found out that my daughter still loved her Mama's affection despite her acting all cool and collected outside.

"Come here, you~ Acting all shy~" with a grin I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as I pulled her towards me

"Wha-? Let go! you stupid-!" she protested as she looked around for other people, seeing no one around she then became quiet as she accepted her Mom's love

I should've known... she was at that age when she wanted to look cool and mature in front of others. Seeing her get all shy and happy due to her Mom's affection like before, I couldn't help but smile.

"...I never ever thought of leaving you or Riel"

"So please don't say words like that, Mom" she said as she rest her body weight against me

"Okay, okay... I won't do it again~" I replied

Feeling the mood turn light, I felt that it is a good time to finally start talking with her for real.

"Celine... about last night" I said cautiously to make sure she wouldn't get scared this time

However I still felt her body freeze when she heard my words. She must really be scared from last night. But I must make her feel safe and comfortable talking about these stuff with me, I can't let it feel like I'm scolding or shaming her otherwise she would never open up to me again like that.


"It's fine... I'm not mad nor am I condemning you, I can completely understand how... you grew up practically glued together and you never met that much with people your age... so you might think you 'like' your brother" I eased her


"I just haven't explained it to you yet... You see, there's much more to relationships than just 'liking each other" just when I said so I felt her grip on my hand tighten


"I've neglected teaching you about this, but Mom will properly teach you now okay?" I said as I gestured that we should sit down at the nearby lake

"Un" she nodded

"Since you're so talented, a lot of boys will probably approach you... but just because they're nice when talking to you doesn't mean they really like you."

"Why?" Celine tilted her head at what I said

"Well you see... Some men just wants to do certain things with you, things that you should only do with someone like your husband" I explained

"... uhhh... 'Certain things'?" I saw her face cramp up for a second, but I didn't mind

"Well... uhm... you know your private parts right?" I said as my face slowly turned red in shame

For some reason her face also turned red, probably due to hearing her mother start talking about intimate stuff. Okay... here goes nothing. I closed my eyes for a second to properly organize on how I should explain things in an orderly manner.

I then sat beside her, even though I knew there wasn't anyone in the area, I can't just get myself to speak about these topics out loud.

"Celine... have you ever gotten any sort of 'weird' dreams?" I asked in a whisper

"W-weird? W-what do you mean by weird?" Celine stuttered as her face turned even redder

I thought of what kind of dreams would be considered 'erotic' for her. I then thought of who would she be dreaming about and I bit my lips, when I came to a conclusion. Although I didn't want to say it, I needed to, so I can have an answer.

"Things like, someone, maybe your brother, kissing you or touching your body" I said

"... Wha- what are you talking about Mom?" Celine's face was red as she tried to get away from me

I knew just how embarassing talking about this is, so she probably's just reacting due to shame. It's not like she really does not want to talk to me about it, so I just held her hands down to keep her in place.

"or did you ever have the urge to touch your vagina?" I tried to say it with a straight face, but even I felt embarrassed talking about this with my daughter

"T-touch it?" Celine asked

"Un... like did it ever feel itchy? Like you just wanted to 'rub' it?" I asked

I didn't want to sound too condemning. After all, it's just a normal part of growing up and the start of becoming more sexually aware of others.

"uhm..." she was averting her eyes here and there as she came up with an answer

"Sometimes... yes." she answered quietly

I can't help but grin at her being so awkward and quiet as she opened up to me.

"It's fine, it's fine... your body is not being weird when that happens okay?" I explained

"It's just normal and don't think you are strange when rubbing yourself feels good" I added

"Oh..." she said as she looked anywhere except directly into my eyes

So she atleast experienced it herself by now.

"However boys also get that okay? And they get it even worse than us" I continued

"They also want to feel good with their penis, and they would try to get you to do things for them."

I can see her face freeze, when she heard her mother say words like 'penis' out loud. But this is the truly awkward part that's about to come next. For her to know why boys would want to get closer to her, I must tell her about what they are after in the first place.


"What? It goes inside?"


"Wait... that's where babies come from?"


"Who would do such vulgar things... Of course I would wait till marriage!"


"and uhhh... that's the reason why boys would try to impress you." I said finally relieved that I was able to get through the topic

"I see..." Celine said with her face red in shame as well

"I know, I'm not the best person to tell you this but you should find someone who will take responsibility for you, okay?" I reminded her

"Of course, there are people you should never go after. For example people who are already happily married... people who already has a family... and a wife." I told her

"...Un, I know Mom." Celine hugged me as she said so

"But why would people try to for people who are already married? Or why would others cheat when they already have someone?" Celine asked me with a troubled face

"That's... it depends from person to person... some do it because they are unhappy with their partners, some do it because it makes them feel better about themselves... there is a lot more reasons, some are even worse but don't mind them okay?" Even I don't know much what goes on to those types of people's heads

"There are also people who just wants to sleep with as much men or women they possibly can, those ones just see other people as a trophy to be collected. Make sure to avoid those as well, okay?" I added

"I see... Don't worry Mom. I won't disappoint you" Celine reassured me

"I know... you're a good girl~" I can't help but smile again on how lovable she is right now

"Well, I hope you know what boys are after now~" I said as I rubbed her head

She was still embarrassed about her mother suddenly start talking about this kind of stuff with her as she still buried her face on my shoulders. However there was also another reason why I explained this to her.

"Celine, now that you are more aware of the matters between guys and girls. You can't just freely sleep with your brother anymore" I said

"In our residence at the city, there are three rooms in there, one for each of us. Riel would also learn about these things and become more aware of other women. So you need to set up proper boundaries between the two of you" I explained

"I understand..." Celine answered

There was a few seconds of silence until Celine decided to speak out,

"Mom, I'll make sure that you'll be proud of me don't worry" Celine said to me

I felt like there were some strong conviction behind her words.

"I'm already proud of you, though?" I smiled as I rubbed her back

"No, even more than that Mom" she said as she held my hands strongly

"Then I'll be looking forward to it."

Finally a sigh of relief came up on me, as I finished talking with my daughter. It was like I have been liberated from one of my duties. However if I thought that this was hard, then I should prepare even more for the mess that is my current relationship with my son.

I can talk to Celine pretty honestly, since our relationship is pretty straightforward and honest. However I did some things with my son, that can potentially ruin it. Considering how I straight up forbid Celine's affections, what would happen if she were to find out what I did.

However I also intend to straight out my relationship with him, but doing so wouldn't be easy. I'm not really the best at lying, and I would surely slip if I don't take notes of what I said. He's already starting to grow, and now would be the best time to talk to him about it.

It's all my fault really, even though I always said that it would be the last time, but I kept just doing it again. Masturbating by yourself and having someone else do it for you is just too different. I can reason all I want, but when you're extremely horny and you know there is someone just beside you who will willingly, no even happily, help you out, asking you if this feels good without any complaints. Someone who doesn't nag you for your terrible 'skills', it just become too tempting even for me.

I always regret it heavily every morning afterwards, but I sure don't do so whenever I'm in the middle of doing it.

"Should we go back?" I asked Celine

"I think I can stay like this for a while" Celine replied

"What would you like for lunch?" I asked

"Maybe steak?"

"Steak huh? Sure I don't mind"

We walked on the shallow parts of the lake as we soaked our feet in fresh water. I then thought about if we had any ingredients left, while Celine asked me about other matters. We relaxed for some time as we waited for noon to arrive.


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