Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 41: Not so Innocent

Chapter 41: Not so Innocent

A few days has passed since the day I had sex with Sister for the first time.

"Mom, I'll be heading back to my room" I heard Celine answer when we were finally done eating lunch

"Sure sweetie" Mom replied as she saw Celine go up the stairs

"Well, let's wait for the food to go down your stomach, then we'll start our practice." Mom said as she directed her attention to me

"Un" I nodded as I went to the living room

When I sat down I picked up the plant encyclopedia, that Aerin gave me years ago, and took out the notes that was slipped inside. It was all thanks to this, that I was able to find most of the plants that I wanted and transfer them to my garden. It had a lot of useful information, the location where these are usually found, their common uses, and etc.

I don't know if Aerin actually read this when she gave it to me when I was a kid, because this isn't something that you give a kid so he can start learning about botany. It was very useful and beginner friendly, I won't deny that. But it's almost too good infact, because it didn't just give you directions on how you should raise fruits like apples, but some of the nastier plants as well, like the one I used to put Mom to sleep.

And even beyond that, it also listed where and how the plants are commonly used. Some are, of course used in stews and soups, but it didn't discriminate, and also added the ones used for poison and that poison's specific name. Though it didn't give step-by-step directions on how to make those poisons, but I can just look up the name in other books and do the research there instead.

I then took out the lists of the plants that I wanted but unfortunately wasn't around the forest here. There were some that could only be found in the mountains, the plains, and some grows in areas with very strict conditions. Other than the plants and fruits that was the same as the ones on Earth, there were also plants that I don't recognize, the 'fantasy' plants, as I call them.

The obvious one are the Rafflesia which emits paralyzing spores, and the Peace lilies that releases sedating spores that I used. The first one I found just at this forest, while the other one I had to go a little bit further and take it from the bank of a lake.

However those were the only ones that I was able to find nearby. There were some others that I couldn't find but could be pretty useful. When I have the ability I'll try to go and look for those myself.

Mom was then done washing the dishes as she sat down next to me.

"Still reading about those plants of yours?" Mom teased me as she saw me so focused on reading

"Mom, they're not just 'plants', they can be useful too. Don't I already grow better tomatoes, better than the ones they sell? Plus I-" I acted like I was mad, as I playfully bantered with Mom

"I know, I know~ You really help Mom a lot" Mom smiled as she cut me off

Some of the spices she uses are actually just home-grown, that I personally raised and took care of. Mom obviously knew this, and likes it very much, since it reduces our expenses a bit plus their quality didn't lose out, if not better than the ones commonly sold. Since I can use my magic, to find out which ones are the best and specifically breed and grow those.

"I'll be helping you even more in the future, Mom" I said sweetly

"You're such a good kid" Mom rustled my hair before speaking

" So... Let's start our practice?"


Mom actually gave me a cane sword, one that is disguised so I can use and take it with me even on formal occasions. It was very slim and can be used with one hand, and rather than a short-sword it looked more like a rapier, that is used more on thrusts and stabbings rather than swings and cuts.

I was more than happy to learn about rapiers, since it really completes that 'classy' look that I wanted to go for, once I'm at the capital. A talented classical musician, with superb skills in magic and a fine-ass elegant duelist, plus some flower magic to boot.

If I was gonna beat some ass, then I want to look fly as fuck when I do. Erm no, I shouldn't use such 'peasant-like' words. Remember, I must be classy so- 'If I were to emerge victorious in a skirmish, then I would like to do so looking as pristine as I could possibly be.'

Yeah seems about right.

"No Riel, bend your knees to lower your body." Mom said as she guided me about proper stances

I'm currently doing stabbing motions as Mom taught me how to properly fight with the cane sword she gave me. Not gonna lie, I like the design of the cane. Even if it wasn't a sword, I would probably still use it just for style.

The handle was made of steel enamelled with silver, the sheath or the actual was cane was made of black glossy marble, lines of gold slithered around it and the very tip had a cushion so as to not make noise. Exquisite patterns were engraved into the handle and the face of a lion was carved at the very end. There was a hidden metal lock blending in with the design, that I could easily remove, so that I could instantly unsheath it.

Mom also gave me a pocket knife that I can take with me, as sort of a hidden weapon.

Like this is only for self defense. I can understand burglars, but does Mom think that women will just see me and instantly decide 'You know what, I'd like a piece of that'. I would be surprised if there were actual women that is so desperate to get laid, that I'd need to fight them off.

But I'm not gonna complain, close-combat abilities wouldn't harm me by learning them.

I then thought about Sister who is probably at the end parts of the book by now. Initially I was planning to end the book by having them go to a different country where no one knows about their relationship. However I had a thought, aren't I basically giving Sister a manual of how to kidnap me? I also initially added that Maria would kill off Hannah. But what if Sister had weird ideas about her love rivals then. Would she also kill them?

So I kept things pretty tame, Hannah just vowed that she wouldn't get close to the Male lead and I ended it with a open ending. In which they promised that they would find a way to make their relationship work. That way Sister wouldn't have any weird ideas.


-Celine POV-

'WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T SHE DIE!?! AGGHHH... ' I was fuming at how that bitch got away basically scot free

You're gonna fuck and corrupt someone else's man and just go 'Oh, I didn't know~ Here you can have him back~ Sorry teehee'. Yeah fuck off with that bullshit. I imagined a random slut tricking my brother, as she grind her hips against him, moaning and whimpering in pleasure while talking shit about me, saying 'I bet she doesn't do this to you'. Then just walks away like nothing happened...

"Pain... nothing but pain... why did I even imagine it" I said soullessly as I stared into the air

'Well, atleast she's gone. So there's that, They can finally start building their relationship for real.' I thought as I resumed reading

However as I was reading,

"'But what would other people think of our relationship Sis? Would Mother accept this?' ...? Hm? What's this?" I was wondering what the remaining problem was

Isn't Hannah gone already? Why won't they just get together.

'We're siblings. Mom would never allow it if she ever finds out, I don't want to disappoint Mom. She's living such a hard life already'

Disappoint? Why would their Mom be disappointed?

As I continued reading, it was being hinted that the people outside, even their own family, would never support the relationship between the two of them.

Why? What's wrong? I don't get it, wouldn't Mom be happy that her children really loves each other?

I got into another love-making chapter, but I still wanted to know why would people not support their love. Claude even stated that it wouldn't matter who he marries, if it wasn't her.

It was then that I finally learned about it. How others would see a love relationship between siblings. Apparently it's called an 'incestuous relationship', and it's something that is heavily frowned upon by society. But is it really? I can't think of any reason why it would be bad.

Maybe this cursed book, really is just all bullshit.

However I was really worried. If this is real, would Mom really not want me and Riel to get married? I thought she would be the one to support it the most. I really love her so much and I don't want to disappoint her as well.

Before I knew it, I was strangely very uneasy and nervous. I continued reading until I finally reached the end, where Maria and Claude just vowed that they would find a way to make their relationships work.

'What? Atleast tell me how you were able to make it work.'

Breathing heavily, I wanted to make sure if everything is true or not. I felt that my heart was heavy, as I lay down the bed. I couldn't think of anything else. Is it really that bad? Surely, it's not true. Mom already saw how close Riel and I are and nothing was wrong.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that it was already dark outside as night fell.


I was almost silent the entire during dinner. I spaced out constantly as I bit my lips in random occasions, thinking about how would Mom react if I told her about what happened.

"Mom...." I asked Mom as we were about to finish dinner

"...? Yes dear?" Mom said after she gulped down a glass of water

"I want to ask something later" I said to her

Luckily Riel still hasn't finished the book, otherwise he would be having second thoughts as well about what we did the other day.

As Dinner finally came to an end

"Riel, please go upstairs first. Kindly fix the room as well, so we can immediately read once I'm up there okay?" I said to him

"Sure Sis." he said before turning around

As Mom was cleaning the table, I felt like it was more difficult to talk to Mom all of a sudden. With small steps I crept beside her as I slowly asked.

"Mom... uhmm... Can Riel and I love each other?" I spoke timidly as possible

Hearing my question, Mom was pretty shocked before she giggled lightly.

"Fufu, you two are really close eh? Of course you can~" Mom said as she rubbed my head

"Uhm then... can Riel marry me then?" I asked as I prayed that Mom would just continue giggling before saying 'Yes, of course'

"Marriage? Oh my~ You really like your brother, don't you?" Mom giggled as she found me cute

Hearing her giggle, I can feel my mood brighten until she continued-

"But no, Celine... Siblings can love each other but not in the romantic sense you're thinking" Mom said as she gently smiled at me completely oblivous that she just shattered her daughter's hopes

"You're still a young girl Celine, for you to think of marriage. Do you want to leave your Mom that fast?" Mom giggled as she teased me

I almost felt mad at her. I was asking her because I loved her and I don't want to disappoint her, yet she's saying things like that.

"B-but why? W-what's the problem if I love Riel like that?" I asked as I stuttered

Confirming my fears, my heart felt so heavy as I felt like I didn't have any energy to even stand. I don't get it... Mom really would be disappointed if me and Riel loved each other like that. Remembering what Riel and I did the other night, I felt scared of Mom ever finding out about that. We unknowingly already crossed a line we shouldn't have.

"You're still young, that's why you say things like that. Someday when the two of you grows up, you will find a man who will love you and become your husband." Mom said as she hugged me while rubbing my back

"And he will also find a wife, who he will love wholeheartedly and devote himself to"

"No Mom! I want him for myself! I don't want some girl to just take him away" I said in a hurry

"What?" Mom was shocked by my voice

"I mean Mom what if... " I wanted to gauge Mom's actual reactions, to see just how against it could she actually be

"What if... let's say... uhmmm... I wanted to be... more than siblings with him..." I said as quietly as I could

"Celine, surely you mean like 'Best Friends', right?" Mom said in a cold tone

Cold sweat dripped from my back, as I heard Mom's tone change a little bit. But I had to see if I can perhaps coax Mom

"Uhm... I mean... like... like... Uhh..." my mind was a disordered mess, as I couldn't find the words to say without getting her angry

She then held me down by my shoulders, STRONGLY. I can't even move my body as I felt Mom's strength hold me down. She looked me in the eyes as I stared at back at her, her clear worry couldn't be more obvious.

"Celine, Listen to mom okay?... Don't be nervous..."

"Just answer honestly... I won't get mad I promise..."

Mom said in a hushed voice as she tried to get me to relax, but it was doing the exact opposite to me because it made my chest feel heavier as my heart started palpitating in fear

"Do you... perhaps... look at your brother in 'that' way?" Mom said slowly as she looked me in the eyes

"Hiiiiii- NO! NO! Mom, I was just asking!" I said out of reflex

"...." Mom was silent for a couple of seconds but the silence just made me all the more scared, I would've preferred if she just said something, anything at all

I felt like I wanted to cry, as I saw the clear alarm and worry in Mom's reaction. That was a tone you only speak with, if you really wanted to confirm something. Just from her words I already felt like I just committed a huge crime. And that was the only confirmation that I needed to see if Mom would ever allow it.

I didn't even have the energy to ask 'Why can't I?' her reaction already told me everything. She would NEVER agree to it.

"I think... you should stop your little reading sessions with your brother" Mom finally spoke

"W-why?" I almost choked on my own words

"I thought Riel would be the one with that problem... but I never would've thought..." Mom sighed as she looked at me

There were so many things I wanted to say. Not everyone will find a loving husband, not every man out there is good. I wanted to say that, can't I just take Riel then? He would surely love and cherish me. I wanted to say that, isn't it because her husband didn't love her, that she's alone right now?

However I knew that it's just my emotions in turmoil. The last thing I would want to do is make Mom sad, by reminding her of her sore spots. Instead I just bottled it all in, as I agreed before going upstairs myself as Mom proceeded to wash the dishes.

I didn't feel like doing anything at all as I walked down the hall. My vision became cloudy as I felt small beads of tears form in the corner my eyes. I weakly rest my shoulders on the wall to support myself.

My emotions were a mess. I felt disheartened, as I thought about the novel that I just finished. Do I really have to hide my affections everytime we're not alone? Even at home, I can't let Mom find out about our relationship. I felt angry, why the fuck would people judge me for the person I love. I couldn't care less about other people, but I'm not selfish enough to make Mom struggle even more than she already does.

Mom said something about Riel finding a woman whom he will dedicate himself to, and I felt my insides boil.

What would that future wife of his know about him? The most she would know about him is the perfect and talented image he always projects outside. She'll probably just see his talents and looks, and she'll start thinking of how he was made just for her and shit like that. Just like she would, if she saw any other above-average men.

I was the one who taught him magic first, I was the one who corrected and guided him when he was struggling. I was there before his talents showed, when we thought he was completely talentless at magic. When he was struggling to cast even the the smallest fireball. But that future wife of his wouldn't know that. She'll only see the good side of him and somehow she has more right to be with him than I do.

My legs gave out in anger as I curled myself before hugging my knees. My skirt had some wet stains on it, as my tears slowly dropped. I was still at the hall, Mom or Riel can see me if they just took a glance in here.

I wiped my tears away as I slowly stood up, as I stopped myself from crying. Taking deep breaths I slowly calmed myself down.

I thought about his future wife and Yeah....

She can go fuck herself.

As my head slowly cooled down, I thought that things really aren't as bad as they seemed.

There's so many sinful people in this world, someone fucking their brother isn't that special. I thought about those human scums, the criminals who go unpunished, and people who is like fucking Hannah. Yeah, I'm a decent person if I think about it that way.

My only real problem is that, I don't want to betray Mom's expectations. I just want to be able to make my love known, just like everyone else does. No one is perfect, even the famous national heroes had theirs but no one points those out.

And with those thoughts I felt like my mind became clear, like everything was so simple, my mind finally went back to its usual tranquil state as I walked back to my room.

I just needed to make Mom so proud, that my 'small' love would be trivial in comparison

As I opened the door to my room, there I found Riel laying on the bed as he waited for me.

"Sis, you're back~ Why is your eyes swollen?" He became energetic again as he saw me, but became worried when he saw my red eyes

I didn't reply but instead went on top of him as I pinned him down the bed by holding both his arms down. I felt like I just needed some reaffirmation that what I'm doing is right.

"Riel... you love your big Sister right?" I gently smiled as I asked him

"...? Of course, isn't that obvious?" he tilted his head at my question

"I see..." I was satisfied with the answer I got

I slowly lowered my head as it looked like I was gonna give him another kiss. However my face went past his, as instead I gave him a kiss on his neck.

He probably hasn't reached those parts yet in the novel, but I knew what this does.

I felt his body shiver when he felt my lips touch the skin of his neck. I lightly bit him, before I started sucking as I performed what I learned to be called a 'love bite'. After about half a minute, I finally stopped as I raised my head before looking at my 'work'.

And as I looked down, there I saw it. I licked my lips, as I saw the mark of my love in his body. His clueless face clearly told me that he doesn't know what his Big Sister just gave him. There was something new in what I felt when I kissed him.

Before it felt pure, fluffy, and just soothing everytime I kissed him. But now knowing how this is all wrong, there was this 'forbidden' flavor added into it, as I looked at my handiwork.

"... my neck?" he asked

"It's just a kiss~ don't worry about it... brother" I reassured him as I got my body off from him

He usually wears clothes that covers some of his neck, so I placed it almost near his shoulders as I made sure that it would remain hidden. Though I wouldn't mind if his teacher saw it.

"Mom said no more late-night reading, so let's sleep early okay?" I said to him informing that we wouldn't be reading

"Oh... it's alright" he said as he returned the book to his bookshelf

"Also... I've finished that novel already, the ending is really bad so I don't think you should finish it" I said as I watched him put it away

'I would probably have to hide that as well.'

"... I see~"

As he got to the bed with me, he turned his back against me. Seeing that I hugged him from behind as I spooned him. Thinking of any other woman doing this and becoming this intimate with him, I felt like like vomiting.

"Also Riel," I called him


"I think... we can't tell Mom about what we did the other day"

"...Why?" he spoke with a sleepy voice

"Well... I think... Mom would get jealous..." I said

"if she finds out that you love me the most~"

"... I see" I heard his weak voice as he slowly fell asleep

'Yeaaahh... I still won't let you go after all'


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