Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 18: Pioneer

Chapter 18: Pioneer

"-and this is where you transcribe the notes that the Sopranos and the Altos will be singing. Well, that should be enough for today."

Around 8 months has passed, and I am once again at Aerin's place as I am being taught on how to transcribe choral music into a musical sheet. Now this was something I actually had to use my brains for, as I have never been taught about this in my previous life.

"Finally! Yess~" I said in satisfaction, I felt like I was back in school when I really started racking my brain trying to learn, except this time I actually am interested in the lesson.

As to why I am suddenly learning choral arrangements, is well, I've already learned pretty much every basic theory there is to be taught about the harp and the piano. There is only so much you can study through reading, any further improvement now depends on my actual skills. So as to not waste time, Aerin suggested I try to branch out my knowledge into compositions and arrangements as well.

I liked the idea, since that is where I could make full use of my knowledge. By composing, or more accurately, 'recreating', the pieces I know back from Earth.

"Would you fancy having lunch with me just for this day, dear?" Aerin questioned

"Uhh I don't think Mom.. would mind." I acted like I was unsure if Mom would allow me to

"Worried about your Mom's permission, eh? Fufu, wait in the living room, dear." she spoke as she went to the kitchen

I waited for a few minutes, before she called me to the dining room. When I entered I saw her sitting at the table with two servings of vegetable pilaf. That doesn't seem something like you can cook in a few minutes, did she prepare it beforehand? Well I wasn't gonna complain, food is food and I was pretty famished as well.

While we were eating, Aerin asked some questions about my family and my plans regarding music-

"Would you be interested in going to the capital with me one day?" she asked

"uhm, I don't think Mom woul-?" I was about to speak, but she cut me off

"Of course not now silly, I meant when you're older. Having a person with your level of talent remain in this secluded area, seems such a waste. I'm pretty sure you can have a better life, playing for the masses." she offered me

"Uhm I don't want to leave Mom."

When she heard my answer, she didn't look sad when I turned her down as she seemed have expected it.

"How filial, fufu~ well think about it, okay? I'm sure 'some' families would want to sponsor a musician, who can also become a powerful mage." she said as she gave me smile, before resuming eating.

When we finally finished eating, I bid my farewells and went home to experiment and try out some new things with my plants.

When I came back, Mom was once again teaching Celine about archery. I also tried to learn archery before, but it really wasn't for me. I'd rather focus on my magic and arts, as those are the things I enjoy.

"Oh you're back Riel." Mom said as she greeted, while Celine just lightly smiled back at me

She really is focused when it comes to things like this. I could see faint traces of sweat in her face, as she looked back to the training dummy causing her ponytail to swing in the air. I waved back at them before heading to my garden at the top.

I was able to make some progress this few months, because unlike great scientists and pioneers. I had some background knowledge with what I wanted to do, compared to them who had to build their theories from scratch.

As of now, I can make seeds of small plants instantly grow to full bloom, before they'd wither in a few minutes. That was my progress, but it was enough to motivate me. Since I just used plant magic, something that no one has done before, well at least from what I know. But I'm pretty confident in my claim.

And from that simple, instant growth. I could think of ways I can evolve my magic further, I thought that maybe I'll use the seeds of a Rugosa rose, one that is very thorny and tall, and have it instantly grow mid-battle then maybe I could manipulate the water inside it to freely bend and control it.

I was also really interested, in some of the fantasy plants in here. I read in the encyclopedia about a large flower that releases paralyzing spores. If I could get some samples of it, then I could have it release it's spores mid-battle.

So while all of this is amazing, my biggest achievement must've been, I now know that magic is not only about elemental manipulation, as commonly thought. Now that is an achievement, that I can confidently say I didn't plagiarize.

When I finally reached my garden, I once again threw a tomato seed in the pot, before casting-

"Rampant Growth!"

Seeing the seed, quickly come to life really made me feel proud of the progress I made. Though it's pretty lame on it's own, depending on the seed I possess, this spell could be really useful. Fufu, well sis. You can't copy this one now.

[Don't get ahead of yourself just yet, Riel. I still have to make new spells, that are more practical in battle. Then I could finally have some ideas of beating Sis in our spars.] I told myself, as I was getting excited of what I would make Sister do, after all the dares she gave me.

I calmed myself down, as I finally saw the tomato plant wither, as well as it's fruit. I forgot to mention another downside, which is I can't use 'Rampant growth' to instantly give myself food, as it would wither along with the plant regardless if I harvested it or not.

"Well, how is our cute little scholar doing?" I heard a voice behind me,

It seems that Celine is taking a break in her practice, because no way would she be finished this early. She must've rushed up here, as she took deep breaths, as sweat dripped down her face. Her clothes we're sticking into her body, giving me an outline of her curves. And her bangs were sticking on her face.

-Celine POV-

I saw Riel turn his head while he was observing his plants. Looking at the side, I could see a feather quill, a bottle of ink, and a journal. He really is working hard, I don't think I can spend half my day looking at plants. When I looked at his arms, I could see the book that his 'precious' teacher gave him, and it instantly soured my mood.

Really so much for a teacher, everytime I see her with Riel, I could see her nasty eyes sizing him up like prey. From what I heard from Riel, she's giving him a ton of gifts as well, likely trying to earn his favor while he's still young.

"I'm doing great Sis! I'll catch up to you soon, hehe." I felt great as I could see his adoring eyes look at me,

"Really?" I replied

[No, you don't need to catch up to me really. Just stay home where you're safe. Look at you, you haven't hit your growth spurt yet, and you're already being lead around by a woman. Next thing you know she'll be making you cook for her, and have you call her Big Sis as well.]

"How did practice go?" he asked me, standing up as he slowly walked towards me.

"It's going well, I'm taking a break right now." I replied, actually it's not just 'well', it's going great. I used to hang out near the guard house, and recently I started beating them as well. Though they're not really properly trained, but they're still adult elves you know?

It seems I've grown even taller now, Riel used to atleast reach my shoulders, but now he's just around my chest. Speaking of which, my chest is starting to annoy me. It's getting pretty big and gets in the way when I'm drawing my bow. I still hit it with my bowstring every now and then.

Not to mention it hurts sometimes, ever since it started growing. Hmmm, I know. Next time I win, I'll have him ease the pain for me. Why not have him give me a massage? I need to relax my body every once in a while. Thinking of this, I ended my break time before resuming my practice.


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