Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter [NaN]

Chapter [NaN]

The Spaceport Manager weighed the Credits in the bag in his hand and walked away without saying a word. As for the believers, what kind of believers? The most indispensable thing in the vast Galaxy is various religions. The doctrines and beliefs may be different, but one thing is highly similar——

Religious fanaticism.

Therefore, no matter what kind of believer you are, it is best not to mess with them.

The man in the Black Cloak didn't care about this. He just led the group of 'believers' and quickly disappeared into the night.

In fact, these people can really be regarded as some kind of 'believers', but they are a name that has disappeared for a long time but was once notorious, Bando Gora!

This Cult Organization was eliminated by Tang Xiao and Darth Maul back then!

However, this is not a resurgence of Bando Gora, but in order to implement the current plan, Ni Yongxiao obtained a Secret Spice Formula from Tang Xiao, and this formula came from Bando Gora.

Using Tatooine's Specialty Spice 'Death Stick' and adding unique materials to create a more Extreme Spice, through this Spice, people can completely lose themselves in extreme excitement and become a person who only follows brainless instinct...

With the help of Internal Agents, this group of 'brainless people' snuck into the City of Fermoth.

And they're not the only ones either.

That night, these 'brainless people' began to move, and they were not all out, but scattered in many places on Terminus, and then moved sporadically.

Killing, destroying, robbing, and setting fires, in short, they were doing every possible bad thing!

Not only that, an unusual amount of Spices began to appear on the Black Market of Terminus, and most of them were Tatooine's Specialty 'Death Stick'!

As a Mid-Grade Spice, the Death Stick was affordable to many people. In addition, these Death Sticks were all sold at low prices, which immediately caused a storm in the Black Market of the Planet.

However, no one knows that a few of these Death Sticks are spiked! If you consume enough of the spiked Death Sticks, you will become a brainless person, and this naturally transformed brainless person has no control at all!

Suddenly, riots broke out everywhere on Terminus.

But what makes the authorities very uncomfortable is that these riots are not large in scale, with only a few people at a time, but they are very scattered, and the source cannot be traced at all.

Traffic Arteries like Terminus are too complex to be managed effectively.

Three days later, the Dawn's Surveillance Spacecraft suddenly broke into Terminus under the protection of two Assault-class Light Destroyers, publicly announcing that the Cult Bando Gora had resurrected and was operating on Terminus.

The authorities of Terminus naturally denied it and ordered the Surveillance Spacecraft of the Dawn to leave immediately and not to enter the scope of the Neutral Planet.

But the Surveillance Spacecraft of Dawn is still unyielding. They claim that Terminus harbors a Cult Organization, and it is also Bando Gora who was jointly surrounded and suppressed by several major forces in the Galaxy 10 years ago!

They demanded that Terminus immediately hand over the Cult Organization and undergo a thorough inspection by Dawn.

Terminus naturally cannot agree and flatly refuses.

However, just as the two sides were arguing, the brainless people hiding on Terminus suddenly rushed out of their hiding places, and for a while, an unprecedented turmoil was set off in the Planet's Capital City of Fermos.

Hundreds of brainless people flooded the streets from all over the place, killing everyone they saw!

This news was immediately detected by the Surveillance Spacecraft of Dawn, and Terminus was immediately held accountable. The other party was wrong and had to say that they would immediately conduct a thorough investigation of the entire Planet and thanked Dawn for its help.

But the problem escalated again!

Those rioting brainless people seemed to have intentionally or unintentionally turned to the Warehouses of the Spaceport, and dispersed the completely unprepared defenders. In a Warehouse that had not been sealed in time, a large number of DC-15A Blaster Rifles of the Galactic Republic were discovered!

This time it's completely blown!

Tang Xiao, the Governor of Dawn, immediately and angrily, publicly accused Terminus of supporting the Galactic Republic in the war under the guise of Neutrality! Not only that, but Terminus also harbors the Cult Organization Bando Gora. Such behavior is equivalent to war!

Three hours later, the first Fleet of 30 Warships from Dawn broke away from Hyperspace, destroyed the Hyperspace Blockers on the periphery of Terminus with lightning speed, broke into the Planet directly, and surrounded it.

At the same time, Fleet Commander Admiral Matt Horner issued an ultimatum to everyone on the Planet - all Spacecraft staying on Terminus must leave the Planet within 2 standard hours. Those who fail to leave after the deadline will be considered supporters of the Cult Bando Gora and will be destroyed indiscriminately!

For a time, countless eyes across the Galaxy, which had not yet recovered from General Grievous's previous offensive, were once again focused on this Remote Transportation Hub Planet!

Dawn VS Terminus!

Nearly half a year has passed since the war broke out on May 22 and until now on October 6. During this half-year war, Dawn can be said to have become famous. They defeated the Galactic Republic's Fleet many times and even eliminated the 19th Army of the Galactic Republic.

The current Dawn has been ranked in the top ten of the list of highly threatening targets by the Supreme Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic.

This time, the Dawn once again showed its fangs and bit into the Terminus with great ferocity. This Battle immediately attracted a lot of attention.

20 Kol-class Battlecruisers and 20 Sova-class Carriers began to drive away the Spacecraft around Terminus and prepared to set up Hyperspace Blockers.

And their reasons seem to be very sufficient. They are not only linked to the Cult Organization Bando Gora but also have captured evidence that Terminus secretly supports the Galactic Republic. It seems irrefutable!

Terminus has not responded publicly yet. It is probably in chaos internally and has no idea how to deal with this emergency.


The development of things was beyond everyone's expectations.

Terminus suddenly announced publicly that it would abandon its Neutrality, join the war, and stand on the side of the Galactic Republic!

At the same time, they also took out a speech that seemed to have been prepared long ago, sternly condemning the betrayal of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and Dawn for splitting the Galactic Republic, and condemning them for launching a war that killed Hundreds of Millions of people. From a humanitarian perspective, Terminus will fight the Separatist Forces to the end!

After receiving the news, Matt Horner, even though he was usually gentle, was furious now and immediately ordered Starfighters to attack Terminus!

400 Vulture Droid Starfighters took off from the Sova-class Carriers to cover 90 Hyena Droid Bombers that broke into the atmosphere and attacked three major cities on Terminus.

This also officially declared the Outbreak of War!

Admiral Matt Horner put his hands behind his back and looked at the Holographic Battlefield image with a serious face.

All he saw was a group of Vulture Droid Starfighters swooping down and bombing a Spaceport indiscriminately. Dense Blasting Laser Beams shot down from the sky, exploding countless flames on the buildings and Spaceship Berths of the Spaceport.

Immediately afterwards, the Hyena Droid Bombers began to fire Concussion Missiles, Proton Torpedos and Proton Bombs and the powerful explosives fell from the sky like raindrops!

Boom! Boom! Boom!!! The violent explosions almost never stopped.

The small amount of Security Forces and some Bounty Hunters in the Spaceport rose up to resist. They flew Spaceships to attack, or they picked up every Weapon they could find on the ground and shot into the sky.

But it was still to no avail, and soon the Spaceport turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The Vulture Droid Starfighters are still hovering in the sky. Whenever they find a moving target, it will immediately swoop down and shoot at it.

"General, we have destroyed 27 Spaceports on Terminus. According to the Scan Results, 24 Spaceports on the Planet still remain. We should launch a Second Wave of Bombing Attacks." The Staff Officer said.

Matt Horner nodded, "Let the Hyena Droid Bombers return to replenish Ammunition and launch the Second Wave of Bombing Attacks in 20 minutes. Let the Pilots of the Wraith Starfighters get ready, and take off immediately after the Second Wave. Conduct a Third Wave of targeted killings!"

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "Our Ground Troops should arrive on the Battlefield in two hours as planned. Before that, we must ensure that we have control of the Planet's Airspace to facilitate the landing of Troops."

"Yes!" The Staff Officer immediately responded with a salute and then arranged the work.

Terminus suffered heavy losses in the First Wave of Air Strikes, but the Fourth Civilization Fleet only lost 20 Vulture Droid Starfighters, which can be said to be minimal.

After launching Missiles, Torpedos and Bombs, the Hyena Droid Bombers began to return to the Sova-class Carriers, continuing to replenish Ammunition, and also equipped Incendiary Missiles to prepare for a devastating blow to the Spaceports of Terminus.

However, at this moment, the alarm suddenly sounded on the Flagship of the Fourth Civilization Fleet!

The Radar Officer turned to Admiral Matt Horner and shouted: "General! Hyperspace Jump detected! The fluctuation is very strong, this is a Fleet!!"

Matt Horner was shocked, "How is that possible? Is it the Fleet of the Galactic Republic?"

"General, is it possible that the Republic has made preparations in advance?" the Staff Officer said.

"Judging from the reaction of Terminus, it is indeed the case. The Republic can naturally see the importance of this Planet to us. It seems that they are preparing to deal with our Fleet. Take off the Wraith Starfighters immediately!" Matt Horner said.

"Then the Bombing of Terminus will be suspended?' the Staff Officer asked again.

"Yes." Matt Horner nodded.

About 2 or 3 minutes later, the Sensors showed that there was an Extremely Violent White Light coming from the other direction of Terminus, and then 10 Venator-class Star Destroyers appeared!

These Venator-class Star Destroyers immediately launched an assault in the direction of the Dawn Fleet and opened fire first!

"The Hypermatter Railgun begins to charge! All Warships will start the first round of salvo immediately after entering the effective range! Take off 500 Wraith Starfighters, and it must be completed within 20 minutes!' Matt Horner kept giving orders.

"General, Hyperspace Fluctuations are still continuing. The opponent's Fleet is still coming in an endless stream." said the Radar Officer.

Matt Horner nodded, turned around and asked, "How long will it take for our follow-up Fleet?"

"The Hyperspace Lane from Manpha to Terminus is small in scale. This time we passed 40 Large Warships at one time, but there are still three Lucrehulk-class Battleships trying to pass. When the Hyperspace Lane is stable, It is estimated that it will take more than 10 hours to pass through the next batch of Large Warships," the Staff Officer replied.

"After the Lucrehulk-class Battleships transporting the Army arrive, let us gather other Fleets on Manpha to come in batches for reinforcements," Matt Horner said.

"General, maybe we should not let the Army come. After all, there are still huge threats in space." The Staff Officer said.

Matt Horner shook his head and said: "We must launch a Landing Operation on Terminus as soon as possible. Repeatedly fighting with the Galactic Republic in Space is not a result we can bear."

"But our Batch of Warships only includes all 20 Sova-class Carriers, which puts us at a huge disadvantage in Fleet Operations." The Staff Officer. continued to conclude.

Matt Horner thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Execute the order."


At this time, the Turbolaser Beams launched by the Galactic Republic Warships had also been fired, causing ripples on the Shields of the Fourth Civilization Warships.

However, at this distance, the temperature of the Turbolaser Beams dropped extremely quickly and its power also weakened a lot, so the shot was still acceptable.

The two sides continued to approach, and the 40-Meter Hypermatter Railguns of the 20 Kol-class Battlecruisers launched the first salvo. However, only one Shell hit the target, which greatly damaged the Deflector Shield of a Venator-class Star Destroyer. All other Shells were evaded.

This also reflects the shortcomings of these two weapons.

Energy Weapons dissipate quickly in cold space, and it is difficult to maintain focus at extremely long distances.

Although the range of Kinetic Weapons is theoretically infinite and the power will not decay, their speed is very slow for astronomical distances. If the distance is too far, it is easy for the opponent to evade.

The Turbolaser is actually a Plasma Sublight Weapon. In the specific situation between Energy Weapons and Kinetic Weapons, there are problems of Energy Dispersion and Evasion. Of course, Energy Weapons and have a faster rate of fire than Kinetic Weapons, which are also advantages.

There are indeed Weapons that have the advantages of both without so many shortcomings, but they are still in the laboratory and have not been developed yet.

After the first wave of tests, the Republic Fleet continued to approach.

The Fourth Civilization Fleet began to slowly retreat and shrink its Defense Line. The Sova-class Carriers began to deploy Missile Batteries around them, and Wraith Starfighters continued to take off to surround the Warships, always ready to attack.

However, at this moment, bad news came again!

"General! A Large Number of Enemy Starfighters have appeared on the surface of Terminus! It is confirmed to be from a Hidden Spaceport, and a large number of Z-95 Headhunter Starfighters are taking off from it!" said the Radar Officer.

The Staff Officer's face suddenly turned pale, "What about the Republic Fleet?"


[Note: For any users reading from pirated novel sites, whose bots are taking my translated work of Kagimi's Novel, please check out the official translated release on WebNovel instead. It's 100% free and you are supporting the original author and myself the translator, so there's no need to pirate. For you guys who are reading this from WebNovel, thanks for the support! -Sean Morabito]


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