Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 975: I'll Become The First Wife Of The Ling Family!

Chapter 975: I'll Become The First Wife Of The Ling Family!

"Young Master! Are you alright?" 

Once at the Feng family residence, Di Ji's intense worried and anxious voice reverberated through the place as she saw Ling Tian's current state. Her lovely sky blue eyes filled with tears as she rushed to support Ling Tian wanting him to sit down to rest. 

What had happened in this short period of time? How did her young master return in this state? Had he faced a powerful enemy? 

The more Di Ji thought, the more anxious and worried she became. Seeing Ling Tian in such a state made her heart hurt. 

Feng Qiangxun, the mother of Feng Zhiyun and Feng Xiao, was also surprised to see Ling Tian in such a state. She could not help but be concerned that Ling Tian seemed to be dying as she sensed a large amount of death aura surging on his body, indicating to her the seriousness of the matter. Seeing Ling Tian's aged face, Feng Qiangxun did not know what to say. 

"I'm fine, really." Ling Tian smiled warmly and patted Di Ji's soft little head as he saw her face full of worry about to burst into tears, "I just need to rest for a while." 

Pulling a thin, soft blanket from his storage ring, Ling Tian placed it on the ground and he lay down on it. He lifted one of his knees, placed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes as the gentle breeze of the wind fluttered faintly a few short strands of his hair. 

Although sleeping from exhaustion and fatigue is not unlike losing consciousness due to energy consumption and serious injuries from battles to recover, the last time Ling Tian slept due to natural exhaustion was several hundred years ago when he was still in the Immortal World. 

The women watched in confusion as Ling Tian lay on his back as if nothing had happened. After several seconds of staring at him, they could tell that his breathing steadied a little softer and slower, and now his chest was the only thing that moved slightly as air came in and out. 

Ling Tian had fallen asleep... 

After a long silence and confirming that Ling Tian really was sleeping, Feng Zhiyun and Li Fengyuan noticed the strange platform in front of them, which contained some formation flags with runes and symbols written on each of them and also on certain parts of the ground around and inside the platform. 

Feng Qiangxun explained to them that Ling Tian was making a teleportation platform to travel to his original world with Li Fengyuan, Di Ji and her family. 

Feng Zhiyun and Li Fengyuan also explained what had happened and how Ling Tian had faced another immortal cultivator, while his current appearance is due to practicing a special technique he told them. 

Time passed quickly, with several hours passing without any problems. 


Ling Tian, with his eyes still closed, frowned slightly as he slowly regained consciousness after sleeping for a long time. He felt that his hands that should be between his head and the blanket were now at his sides, while his head was resting on something very soft and comfortable. 

A familiar feeling came to Ling Tian as he felt that softness. 

"Di Ji?" 

Opening his eyes, Ling Tian blinked in surprise and looked at Di Ji's face with a bit of confusion, who had her face deeply blushed as she looked at him shyly and nervously. Her heart was pounding intensely, causing her tender chest to tremble rapidly. 

At this moment, Ling Tian's head was resting on Di Ji's soft thighs! 

"Y-young master! I-I... I-I wanted you to rest properly!" 

Di Ji stammered with nervousness overwhelming her, feeling unparalleled shyness flood her heart as she gathered her courage in looking at Ling Tian and relaying her concerns to him. 

Ling Tian was perplexed. At this moment he realized that he had actually fallen into a deep sleep and he didn't notice when Di Ji moved his body. Di Ji was probably also very cautious and delicate, so that she was able to accommodate Ling Tian's head on her lap without waking him up. 

"Thank you, Di Ji." Ling Tian finally smiled gratefully and he got up from her lap quietly. He patted Di Ji's head, noticing the nervousness, shyness, anticipation and joy mixed in her reddened expression. 

Di Ji was filled with utmost joy and happiness to see that her young master was not displeased by what she had done and, on the contrary, he was happy and grateful to her. 

Ling Tian also noticed that Di Ji did not seem to be uncomfortable with him at the moment because of his appearance. Di Ji did not show disgust or rejection at the sight of him, she still showed the same concern and joy as before at being with him. 

"My Lord! Are you better?" 

As if it was expected, Ling Tian turned his head and saw Li Fengyuan looking at him worriedly as well. Li Fengyuan was sitting beside him as well, less than 3 feet away as she kept her sword sheathed on her lap. 

Li Fengyuan had been standing guard at all times, protecting Ling Tian so that nothing and no one would disturb him and he could rest well. Just as a Sword Maid would do for her lord. 

"Uhm! I'm much better!" Ling Tian nodded with a smile. The deep dark circles under his eyes largely disappeared, indicating at first glance that he had indeed rested well. 

Then, Ling Tian looked to his other side and saw a pair of beautiful eyes watching him silently. 

Feng Zhiyun was watching Ling Tian without saying a word. She was also sitting close to Ling Tian, as if she had agreed with Li Fengyuan to look after Ling Tian from the side as well. 

For the first time, Feng Zhiyun did not say any words since Ling Tian woke up, but her expression maintained that characteristic smile of hers whenever she saw Ling Tian in the past. Her peculiar long silver hair added an unparalleled charm to that enchanting expression of hers. 

"I let sister Ji'er take that place this time, but when you least expect it, I'll be the one taking care of you directly!" Feng Zhiyun deepened her smile, smiling full of anticipation as she looked at Ling Tian. Feng Zhiyun meant about offering her lap to Ling Tian the same way Di Ji did a few moments ago. 

Di Ji blushed intensely again and Li Fengyuan narrowed her gaze at Feng Zhiyun, showing some annoyance. 

Ling Tian gave in to Feng Zhiyun's stubbornness, so he no longer responded and simply shook his head. 

"Immortal young master, are you already feeling much better?" 

Feng Zhiyun's mother, Feng Qiangxun, walked over and she asked worriedly. Her tone of voice was still respectful, but unlike before there was no longer fear and nervousness. 

Ling Tian looked at this woman who reminded him of his adoptive mother for a few seconds before nodding, "I'm fine, the technique I'm practicing requires extreme requirements, so I'll be like this for an indefinite amount of time." 

If Ling Tian wants to bring out the full potential of his body, he has to go beyond the limit. 

Feng Qiangxun let out a sigh of relief and then she smiled softly. The fear and nervousness from a while ago when she realized that Ling Tian's identity was much more terrifying than she thought was gone, so now there was only respect left for a superior being that she could rely on. 

Ling Tian also learned that Di Ji's parents and siblings came to see him several times when they heard of his return, but did not want to disturb Ling Tian by watching him sleep. They were very worried when they saw his current state, but thanks to Li Fengyuan and Feng Zhiyun's explanations they calmed down and went back to finish gathering all their things. 

"Ling Tian... can you really build a teleportation formation to travel to your world?" 

After chatting about some trivial matters, Feng Zhiyun asked somewhat excited and a little surprised, which she quickly got used to and her admiration for Ling Tian kept growing much more. 

If Ling Tian, who is the legendary immortal cultivator and has amazing strength, and can do many things that most could not, creating a teleportation formation on his own without the help of others would not be impossible, and moreover, a teleportation formation between worlds! 

Li Fengyuan was also surprised. Looks like she will finally leave this world to go with Ling Tian to his. Li Fengyuan had already severed the few fake family ties she had long ago, so other than Feng Zhiyun and the Feng family, Li Fengyuan would have no remorse in leaving this world. 

Although she doesn't want to admit it, Feng Zhiyun has become a good sister.... 

"Although it's a complicated thing, it's not impossible to do." Ling Tian nodded at Feng Zhiyun's question. He looked at her for a few seconds and replied; Ling Tian still remembered that he might need Feng Zhiyun's help in order to embody and materialize the concept of Yin-Yang in his dantian. 

"Then you will finally introduce me to all your women?" Feng Zhiyun smirked slightly, but showed a determined and serious expression, as if she was ready for a great battle. 

Since she knew that Ling Tian had a wife, Feng Zhiyun was interested in that woman: how would be that woman who could have won Ling Tian's heart? 

But when Feng Zhiyun confirmed that Ling Tian had more than one woman, her interest and curiosity increased! 

Ling Tian did not seem to be the type of philandering man who would flirt with any beautiful woman he sees, and even he rejected Feng Zhiyun's advances and words despite her being a beautiful and strong woman as well. Ling Tian didn't seem to be interested in Li Fengyuan or Di Ji in that way either! 

Now, Feng Zhiyun was more determined than ever to meet those blissful and interesting women who managed to win Ling Tian's heart! 

After all, great and true men tend to have many exceptional women! 

Feng Qiangxun observed her daughter's bold yet determined behaviour, while Li Fengyuan and Di Ji looked at Feng Zhiyun and then at Ling Tian. If they remembered correctly, in that world were Ling Tian's current disciples, as well as his wives and their families. They would finally meet those people who were so important and special to Ling Tian. 

Ling Tian lifted the corner of his mouth and said, "Do you think it is easy to meet and convince my wives? I'm afraid you will run into an infinitely high wall!" 

With Zhang Xinya would be more than enough to stop Feng Zhiyun!

Among his beloved wives, Zhang Xinya is his most jealous and straightforward wife. Therefore, she would easily reject Feng Zhiyun! 

Ling Tian wanted to leave and prevent Feng Zhiyun from going to his world as well, but he had two reasons not to do so. The first is that Feng Zhiyun has the Yin-Yang Seeds, and somehow there is a strong karmic relationship between the two of them and Ling Tian also wants to witness whether Feng Zhiyun can really meet his expectations and even go beyond. While the second reason is that Ling Tian really needs some help from Feng Zhiyun. 

Ning Xiaoyi and Zhang Xinya helped him before, as well as Tang Wanying, Long Yuyin and Mu Shuiruo, but Ling Tian did not succeed in physically conceptualizing a bit of Yin-Yang. Yun Mengxin and Xi Fei had gone with Gao Xue and Gao Yue to the Ice Heart Essence Sect, so Ling Tian sensed that Feng Zhiyun's help might be necessary because she also possesses the pure Yin-Yang affinity. 

Feng Zhiyun deepened her smile upon hearing Ling Tian's words, her eyes shone with firmness and determination: ''Rather, it will be your women who will accept me as a fellow wife! Or what? You think I won't be able to convince your women, Ling Tian?" A sly little chuckle escaped Feng Zhiyun's lips. 

Ling Tian rolled his eyes as he witnessed this woman's cheek and shamelessness, at once he replied, "If that's what you think, then don't blame me for not warning you..." 

Feng Zhiyun snorted lightly as she maintained her proud and superior attitude, grinning with an unwavering will. 

Although Feng Zhiyun did not know Ling Tian's women, it was obvious that each of these women must be very special, be it from being stronger, smarter, talented and beautiful. But Feng Zhiyun had confidence and pride in herself! 

Feng Zhiyun had also not forgotten what Ling Tian told her that time inside the mysterious realm; if she managed to convince his women, then Ling Tian would no longer deny her to consider and accept her as his woman too! 

"You'd better prepare yourself~ life gives many surprises..." 

Feng Zhiyun finally added with a mysterious touch while still looking Ling Tian in the eyes, her grin widened, adding a charm full of cunning and confidence to her attractive expression. 

"When you least expect it... I'll become the First Wife of the Ling Family!" 

Feng Zhiyun declared her resolution she had in mind! 

These words caused stupefaction in the women as well as Ling Tian.

The First Wife of the Ling Family? 

Ling Tian was speechless as he thought to himself. He deeply loves his wives without any distinction, and he has never made any distinction between them... even if Yun Mengxin holds that special and unique place in his heart because of the love of two lifetimes, he will not make any less of his other current women and he will love them the same way he loves Yun Mengxin. 

His beloved wives are aware of the past lives between him and Yun Mengxin, and that they were also lovers, except for Xi Fei and Ning Xiaoyi. But his wives have no problems, and they are even happy for the two of them to meet again in this life and, above all, they feel more united and happy to know Ling Tian's intentions of wanting to love them deeply just as he loves Yun Mengxin. Ning Xiaoyi and Xi Fei will probably also understand. 

But in fact, Ling Tian had never thought about the matter of the Ling family's first wife. Somehow, Ling Tian feels that if he asks his wives, they will most likely agree that Yun Mengxin is the First Wife of the Ling Family. 

"That... that position is already filled and always will be!" 

Ling Tian whispered, smiling softly full of love as the faces of his beloved women appeared in his mind and the bonds in his heart seemed to respond to his feelings. 

For Ling Tian, all his beloved women hold the first place in his heart! 


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