Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 771: Tug-of-War On Terminus (2)

Chapter 771: Tug-of-War On Terminus (2)

In the Outer Space of Terminus, the Bridge of the Kole-class Battlecruiser Northland, the Flagship of the Fourth Civilization Fleet.

The alarm of Hyperspace Fluctuations sounded again, and the Radar Officer came over and said: "Lord Angel of Death, General Matt Horner, the Republic has sent reinforcements again. This is the third time tonight..."

"How many?" Matt Horner asked with a frown.

"Not many, only two Venator-class Star Destroyers." The Radar Officer replied.

Matt Horner nodded, motioning for him to return to his post, and then said to Darth Malthael, who stood silently beside him: "According to the intelligence sent back by our Intelligence Personnel from Eriadu, the Galactic Republic The 18th Army now is sending one Warship at a time. As long as Warships are available for reinforcements from the Republic, they will be sent to Terminus immediately. Maybe the two newly arrived Venator-class Star Destroyers have just come off the production line, the parts are still hot."

Darth Malthael said coldly: "Techno Union Foreman Wat Tambor besieged the Capital Planet of the 14th Army of the Galactic Republic, but the Battle on Ryloth suffered a shameful failure! That coward actually had all the advantages, but the Jedi Knights counterattacked only once and he instantly lost, which allowed the Republic to devote more power to other battlefields such as Terminus."

"Those Businessmen who only know how to make money don't understand what war is! If this continues, our pressure will only increase!" Matt Horner was also filled with anger. "Now that the 18th Army is ready to fight and freed from the Battle on Ryloth, there are as many Warships coming as they want to send to crush us here!"

"How are the repairs of our Fleet?" Darth Malthael asked.

"In addition to the 10 Marza-class Heavy Missile Cruisers that have hardly participated in the war, 12 Kol-class Battlecruisers and 17 Sova-class Carriers have completed repairs and Combat Capabilities. The other 2 Kol-class Battlecruisers and 1 Sova-class Carrier still need further repairs before they can go back on the battlefield, but our material reserves that can be used for repairs have been exhausted. The Hoshiko-class Robotics Cruisers are sending Drones to cut parts from the wreckage of the Warships on the battlefield." Matt Horner said.

Darth Malthael nodded, "That's enough. Time is not on our side, we need to make progress as soon as possible. According to the plan, all the Missile Launchers of my Starfighter are to be filled with Proton Torpedoes, and I will destroy them directly. I will use the opponent's Flagship to gain a tactical advantage, and then you can annihilate the Republic Fleet in one fell swoop."

Matt Horner's face was full of worry, "This is too dangerous. If you don't carry Anti-Air Missiles, even if you break into the core of the Republic's Fleet, you will..."

"Enough!" Darth Malthael directly interrupted Matt Horner. He raised his fist and clenched it hard, "As long as I am determined to leave, no one in this Galaxy can stop me! No one can kill me! Follow the plan! I am the Natural Disaster!"

On his wrist, the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger was shining with an ominous golden light.

Matt Horner nodded solemnly and responded decisively: "I am the Natural Disaster!!"

The Fourth Civilization Fleet immediately began to take action, with 10 Marza-class Heavy Missile Cruisers, 12 Kol-class Battlecruisers, 17 Sova-class Carriers, and 15 Garda-class Flak Destroyers that had lost some and were gradually reinforced, took the initiative to attack the Republic Fleet!

At the same time, the Bright Red Elite Viking Hybrid Starfighter 'Red Comet' rushed out of the Hangar Platform like lightning, its Thrusters immediately increased to the maximum, and then flew around Terminus several times, continuously utilizing the Planet's Gravity Well and producing a gravitational slingshot effect, which increased the Starfighter's acceleration to over 3000 G-Force in a short time and directly broke into the Republic's Fleet at a speed that was difficult to detect with Electronic Instruments.

At such a speed, first of all, your eyes are no longer effective, because when the target appears within your field of vision, you have already hit it.

Secondly, the Detector is also ineffective. Because this speed has even exceeded the response speed of Electronic Equipment, there is no way to monitor the flight status of the Starfighter.

Finally, under such acceleration, even if there are Protection Systems such as Deflector Shields and Anti-Gravity Devices, ordinary people will be squeezed into a small ball under strong pressure.

Therefore, only those with strong Force-Sensitivity can control such speed. Only a Jedi Knight or a Sith Lord can use The Force to withstand strong pressure and control the Starfighter.

Darth Malthael had closed his eyes. Like all powerful Force-Sensitives, he was piloting with Precognition. Only the ability to predict can allow him to react at such terrifying high speeds. After all, it takes time for the Starfighter itself to make moves.

Under his control, all of Red Comet's Evasive Actions were completed in advance.

When an oncoming Turbolaser was fired, the Red Comet had already completed its turn a few seconds in advance and was barely able to dodge it. While turning, he did not forget to continuously fire X-Ray Lasers into the empty space and then waited for a Republic V-19 Starfighter to crash into the Laser Beam.

At this moment, all of Darth Malthael has been integrated into The Force, touching the long river of time through The Force, and then looking for the next action he should complete in the countless futures.

He has locked onto the Flagship of the Republic Fleet and is now sprinting back and forth among the Republic Fleet's Battle Formation. He can only maintain speed by continuing to maneuver, and as long as he has speed, he is unbeatable.

But in the constant sprint back and forth, the Republic Fleet also poured out most of its firepower. Countless Turbolasers and Missiles streaked around the Red Comet. The density of firepower was so high that even the Force's Precognition sometimes failed. It's hard to find a gap to break through.

However, the Fourth Civilization Fleet also launched an all-out assault. The Marza-class Heavy Missile Cruisers were firing all Missle Launchers and Heavy Missiles were being launched continuously. The Wraith Starfighter Formations also fought bravely and fearlessly against the Republic's overwhelmingly superior Starfighter Group.

Through the bravery and sacrifice of countless Soldiers, Darth Malthael was finally able to approach the Republic Flagship, and at the same time, he sent a signal to Matt Horner.

Without waiting for a reply, he flew behind the Republic's Flagship, his wings shook slightly, and a series of X-Ray Lasers were all fired. Then he fired more than ten Proton Torpedoes directly at the Republic's Flagship whose Deflector Shield was still open. However, the Proton Torpedoes were extremely ineffective against Deflector Shields, and the attack seemed to be in vain.

Under normal circumstances...

However, at this moment, Matt Horner gave the order, "Hypermatter Railguns, fire!!!"

Bright Light once again streaked across the dark space. The Republic's Flagship was instantly hit by three Hypermatter Railgun Shells, and the Deflector Shield was instantly overloaded!

At the same time that the Deflector Shield was overloaded and shattered, the pre-emptive Proton Torpedos directly hit the Bridge and Energy Core of the Republic's Flagship!

There was a violent explosion, and the Venator-class Star Destroyer, the Flagship of the Republic Fleet, tilted. But it's not over yet!

The Red Comet rushed directly to the wreckage of the Warship's Bridge, transformed into a Mecha Mode, and fired wildly in one direction with the Laser Cannons in its arms!!

The Commander of the Republic Fleet, who had survived the explosion just now and was preparing to escape, was directly killed in the elevator by this burst of fire.

The firepower of the Republic Fleet became more and more crazy. Taking advantage of this moment of transformation, a large amount of firepower was launched. One of the legs of the Red Comet was hit and broken. Darth Malthael quickly controlled the Mech to transform into a Starfighter again, and the speed reached its maximum speed again. Quickly, it disappeared like a shooting star.

"It's now!! The Republic Fleet has no command!! All-arms attack!! Annihilate the Republic Fleet!! I am the Natural Disaster!!" Matt Horner was almost hoarse, and he gave the order with all his strength.

All the Fleets of the Fourth Civilization launched an attack almost desperately, and they had only one goal - to destroy all Republic Warships!!

However, the desperate Hyperspace Fluctuation Alarm sounded again, and then, five Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruisers and one 2,500-Meter Procurator-class Star Battlecruiser escaped from Hyperspace and appeared on the edge of the battlefield!

The reinforcements of the Galactic Republic have not stopped...

On Eriadu, Wilhuff Tarkin, the Governor of the 18th Army of the Republic who was still bandaged, was looking in the direction of Terminus. His sharp eyes like an eagle were full of murderous intent. Said: "Inform all Warships available from everywhere to go to Terminus! No need to assemble! Go immediately! As many as you can!! I will let them drain the blood of Dawn right here!!!"


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