Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 769: Ground Invasion

Chapter 769: Ground Invasion

White Light Flashed Violently, and three Lucrehulk-class Battleships left Hyperspace and suddenly appeared in the Universe.

Due to the Unstable Fluctuations in the Hyperspace Lane, two of the Battleships were almost vertical when they broke away, and they almost collided with each other, but they finally managed to break away.

What came into view of these three Battleships was a Tragic Battlefield.

The Warships of the Fourth Civilization and the Galactic Republic opened fire and fired wildly, and some Warships began to suffer losses. On the Fourth Civilization side, three Kol-class Battlecruisers have completely lost their Combat Capabilities, and one of them was even blown into two pieces. In addition, at least seven Kol-class Battlecruisers had been damaged.

The Galactic Republic Fleet also suffered heavy losses. Five Carrack-class Light Cruisers were destroyed, and two Arquitens-class Light Cruisers were floating crookedly behind, losing their Combat Capabilities. The largest Invincible-class Heavy Dreadnoughts also suffered varying degrees of damage. There were at least 20 damaged points on each of these Warships. In addition, two Venator-class Star Destroyers were destroyed.

The two destroyed Venator-class Star Destroyers had the same posture - a large hole was directly punched through the Hull by the Kol-class Battlecruiser's powerful Hypermatter Railgun!

The Battle has become fierce, but both sides still refuse to retreat.

Seeing three Lucrehulk-class Battleships appearing here, the Galactic Republic Fleet also understood their intentions and immediately stepped up their offensive.

And this is what Matt Horner has been waiting for!

Seeing three Lucrehulk-class Battleships entering the battlefield and immediately rushing towards Terminus under the fire of the Republic Fleet, Matt Horner understood that the highest leader of the Fourth Civilization was currently on one of the Battleships. He also understood what he meant, and expressed his support through actions.

A trace of determination flashed in Matt Horner's eyes, he slammed the console and said loudly: "Charge all Kol-class Battlecruisers, regardless of their current status, charge all Hypermatter Railguns immediately! Countdown to 60 seconds, Prepare for a volley!"

At the same time, densely packed Vulture Droid Starfighters also took off from the three Lucrehulk-class Battleships! The number is 1,500!

It can be seen through the Sensors that among these Vulture Droid Starfighters, there are also three Viking Hybrid Starfighters!

These three Viking Hybrid Starfighters are slightly larger than ordinary Viking Starfighters, and the leading one is all bright red, with a sharp horn installed on the top of the cockpit.

Darth Malthael and his two Dark Jedi Followers, Glynn-Beti and Aidan Bok!

Moreover, the intensive Quad Turbolaser Cannons on the three Lucrehulk-class Battleships also began to fire wildly. The intensive firepower immediately put great pressure on the Republic Fleet.

At the same time, the Republic Fleet also began to launch a concentrated attack on the Kol-class Battlecruisers whose Hypermatter Railguns were charging! Under the intensive firepower, another Kol-class Battlecruiser suffered heavy damage. The charging Railgun was bombarded, and the energy immediately reacted. In a terrible explosion, a quarter of the entire front end of the Warship was completely destroyed, and exploded into pieces!

But the other Kol-class Battlecruisers finally finished charging!

"Fire!!" Matt Horner roared!

When more than a dozen Hypermatter Railguns fired in a salvo, the bright light almost eclipsed the entire battlefield!

In previous battles, Matt Horner had always kept the Hypermatter Railgun ready to go, and would not fire it unless necessary. But this time, the sudden burst finally had an excellent effect.

What stood out at the forefront of the Republic fleet were the five 2,001-meter-long Invincible-class heavy cruisers. However, during this salvo, two Invincible-class Heavy Dreadnoughts were attacked intensively! The 2 Heavy Dreadnoughts, whose Deflector Shields had been mostly destroyed, were unable to withstand this terrifying power.

The two Heavy Dreadnoughts immediately began to explode and catch fire, which resulted in subsequent fires and explosions inside the Warships. Finally, they completely lost their Combat Capabilities and all systems shut down. However, the flames did not extinguish but intensified. In the end, the two Heavy Dreadnoughts became two huge furnaces, turning everything inside into coke.

But the Fourth Civilization Fleet also paid a heavy price for this. The Hypermatter Railgun required lowering their Shields to fire, and there was a lack of cover from other Warships. This act of lowering the Shields directly on the enemy Warship's face, directly caused their Warships to only use their Front Armor to resist the powerful firepower of the Republic Fleet.

Almost every Kol-class Battlecruiser has damage on its body. Even if the Shields were raised again, the Combat Effectiveness of these Warships is constantly decreasing.

At this moment, the 20 Sova-class Carriers that had been behind the scenes spontaneously moved forward to take off and land Starfighters in the more dangerous battlefield area. But in this way, they can better use the X-ray Lasers equipped on their Warships to provide more support.

At this moment, the Group of Vulture Droid Starfighters taking off from the three Lucrehulk-class Battleships posed an even greater threat. In less than 10 minutes, at least 70 to 80 Republic V-19 Torrent Starfighters were attacked. The Vulture Droid Starfighters swarmed and destroyed!

The three Elite Viking Hybrid Starfighters were even more impressive, and more than 30 ARC-170 Heavy Starfighters were destroyed under their hands!

With the desperate fighting of the Fourth Civilization Fleet, the Republic Fleet finally began to retreat and give in.

At the same time, more than a dozen Dragonfly-Shaped C-9979 Landing Craft had begun to take off, carrying the Army of the Fourth Civilization to land on Terminus.

After entering the atmosphere, Hundreds of AH/G-24 Banshee Ground Fighters attached to the wings of these C-9979 Landing Craft started their engines and took off, beginning to bomb targets on the ground to ensure the safety of the landing site.

The Anti-Aircraft Firepower on the ground of Terminus was also very crazy, which forced the C-9979 Landing Craft to choose to land in the suburbs far away from the city, and began to establish a landing site.

The hidden Z-95 Headhunter Starfighters on the surface of the Planet immediately launched an attack on the Fourth Civilization's Landing Fleet and launched a fierce air battle with the escorting Vulture Droid Starfighters.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!! The AH/G-24 Banshee Ground Fighters in Stealth used Shockwave Missiles and Backlash Rockets to launch Carpet Bombing on ground targets, and several Anti-Air Positions set up by the Defenders were directly plowed into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the C-9979 Landing Craft began to land, the hatch opened, and the M650 Mastodon Armored Personnel Carriers rushed out and spread out in a fan shape. The M49 Vulcan Chainguns on the roof fired at the occasional sporadic targets.

Each of these Troop Carriers contained 20 Fourth Civilization Soldiers. They got out of the APC and immediately began to establish their positions.

Followed closely by Vulture Hoverbikes and the M9B4 Wolverine SPAAA Anti-Aircraft Artillery. These Half-Tracked Tanks follow the pace of the M650 Mastodon APCs and provide accompanying Anti-Aircraft Firepower at all times. The Vulture Hoverbike not only provided fire cover for the M-9 Wolverine but also used its super-high speed to start weaving farther away.

In order to unify logistics, the M9B4 Wolverine SPAAA Anti-Aircraft Artillery uses Hellfire Missiles of the same type as the Goliath Mech. Those Z-95 Headhunter Starfighters who wanted to come over and launch Air Strikes while the Ground Forces were not stable, their attacks failed in the face of Anti-Aircraft Firepower.

As the first batch of 3,000 Ground Troops successfully landed and established their positions, the Fourth Civilization's Ground Invasion of Terminus officially began.


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