Forgotten Juliet

Chapter 3:

Chapter 3:

The Dukes carriage, in which Juliet rode, soon arrived at the capitals Great Temple.

It was early morning, but rows of colorful carriages were already lined up in front of the temple. Today was the last day of this year. It was also the day when the temple made the most money.

Juliet purposely got off a little further away.

Ill be back soon.

Few people recognized Juliet, walking alone without a maid. Thanks to this, she could freely visit the temple.

If you make a paper with a wish and a donatiom, the temple lights a candle in the name of the family. The larger the amount of the donation, the bigger and more colorful the candle.

It was a shallow trick, thanks to which the aristocrats in need of luck opened their wallets.

As if many people had already made wishes for the New Year, quite a lot of candles were placed around the altar.

Thanks to this, the white marble statue of the goddess under the vaulted ceiling appeared to be covered with a halo.

It wasnt until Juliet pulled out the purse with the gold coins in it that she realized that she hadnt really thought of a wish.

What kind of wish should I make?

Juliet was looking up at the statue of the goddess in a daze when she heard whispers from behind.


Is that girl?

Duke Carlyles?

She didnt even need to look around to understand who they were talking about, she could feel their penetrating gazes on her.

Lennox Carlyle was utterly indifferent to society, but the nobles of the Empire were interested in him.

An unmarried young duke.

Wealthy and powerful ruler.

It is only once a year that the Duke of the North appears in the capital. 

It was only for the New Years Eve banquet at the Royal Palace.

He always showed up at banquets with a beautiful partner, but a different one every year. Although his relationship with them never lasted more than three months, these women were known as Carlyles mistresses.

His short-term lovers received a lot of attention from people.

Duke Carlyles taste and nonchalant attitude also played a part in this. The Dukes lovers were all beautiful, but surprisingly had low status.

Although dazzlingly beautiful, the Dukes lovers, low in status and somewhat uneducated, were the perfect prey for the nobles.

People were busy laughing at the appearance of the Dukes new lover, how vulgar his tastes were, and how naive the girl was.

However, the most popular gossip topic was something else.

Everyone wondered what happened to them after their relationship with the Duke ended?

But, isnt that Miss Monad?

Just as expected.

As soon as Juliet handed the young priest a gold coin and asked to light a candle, a crowd gathered around her and greeted her.

Miss Monad, when did you arrive in the capital?

How is Duke?

I sent you an invitation to the tea party the other day, but I dont know if you received it.

I will be terribly upset if you continue to refuse.

After taking a deep breath, Juliet turned around and responded with a smile.

Im a little busy. I appreciate the invitation, but I have to decline.

It was a smiling face, but it was a clear line drawing attitude.

They are meaningless people anyway. Juliet was well aware of what they were talking about behind her back.


Do you really believe that you will become a Duchess?

A few years ago, when Juliet Monad appeared for the first time escorted by Duke Carlyle, people were shocked.

First of all, Juliet Monad was the only daughter of a count family with a history.

Although the Monads were a family with nothing to present except that they were the founding contributors in the past, Juliets status was absurdly high compared to the Dukes lovers in the past.

Besides, until then, the lovers of Duke Carlyle were all dazzling, splendid types of beauties. On the other hand, Juliet Monad was an elegant beauty with delicate eyes as if drawn with a brush.

Those who clearly remembered Duke Carlyles tastes were puzzled.

Count Monad and his wife were decent people, and their only daughter, Juliet, was also far from gossip. On the other hand, what about Lennox Carlyle?

He was the Duke of the North, the center of all sorts of rumors and gossip.

However, a girl from a ruined noble family appeared at the ball holding Duke Carlyles hand. And was also a dazzlingly beautiful young lady.

It seems that the Dukes taste has changed.

Really, how far will we go this time?

Embarrassed for a while, people soon were excited and chattering.

Even if the topic of conversation has changed, in reality everything remains the same. The moment she foolishly took the hand of Duke Carlyle, Juliet Monads end was decided.

As high as he was, her downfall would also be miserable. Juliet Monad has become an easy prey for socialites to bite off.

What a pity that you are overwhelmed with such dreams.

The death of the Count and Countess has become quite an interesting topic.

There was mockery under the guise of sympathy.

People bet on how many months it would take Juliet Monad to be abandoned by the Duke. Everyone laughed at the foolish Countess and expected her downfall.

But a month passed, and then another.

Even though the seasons passed and the years changed, the expected news didnt come.

Juliet Monad was still in the North, and she was still the Dukes lover.

People were disappointed.

Of course, no one believed that the Duke might really be in love.

The only ducal family in the Empire who is not of the imperials blood. To be the hostess of such a ducal family, the Monad count family was far from lacking.

Not only that, but Duke Carlyles attitude toward her was no different from those of his former lovers.

If Duke Carlyle had really taken her seriously, or even cared for her, he would not have kept an aristocratic daughter of marriageable age without any official status.

However, the dissatisfied people now began to sarcastically and blatantly disparage Juliet.

You know? the Countess has a magical talent.

How can she be shallow?

By pretending to be well-bred, perhaps that is how she won the favor of the Duke.

People didnt think she would become a northern duchess.

And Juliet agreed with them.

Contrary to the delusions of many people, Juliet never thought she would marry him. After all, she was the one who knew Lennox Carlyle best.

Any time the moment came when she was no longer needed, she would be abandoned without regrets.

Oh my, who is this?

Suddenly there was a commotion at the entrance of the temple, and a woman appeared leading a group of people.

She greeted Juliet cheerfully.

Its been a while, Miss Juliet.

Princess Priscilla.

She felt open hostility, but Juliet politely bowed her head, feigning ignorance.

It was Princess Priscilla, the Emperors niece.

The imperial family had no daughters, and she monopolized the Emperors affections. As a result, Priscilla enjoyed the status of a princess in the social world.

She was also famous in another sense, because she was the first dance partner ten years ago when Lennox Carlyle attended the first Imperial Banquet.

So early.

At that time, Princess Priscilla must have been only fifteen years old.

Anyway, after that day, the princess, who fell in love with the northern Duke four years older, began to pester the Emperor. She beg him to send a marriage proposal to Duke Carlyle.

The Emperor was troubled by this for a while. It was because if Lennox Carlyle married the Emperors niece, it would be like giving wings to the already threatening dukedom.

Conversely, if it was rejected, that would be another loss of face for the Imperial family. But in the end, because of Priscillas insistence, rumors spread that the marriage proposal was put in the name of the royal family.


Its late, but congratulations on your engagement, Princess.

Its okay. Since you live in a rural corner, it is only natural that you would find out about this later.

There were thorns in her words, but Juliet smiled thinly. There is a limit to being charming.

Half a year ago, after all, Priscilla was betrothed to Count Kasper, a relative of the imperial family.

Juliet met the eyes of a young man beside Princess Priscilla who was blatantly examining her. Judging by the disapproving expression and fancy clothes, that man must have been Count Kasper.

Not a bad option for Princess Priscilla.

Count Kasper was the adopted son of Marquis Guinness, and when his father dies, he would become the Marquis.

Marquis Guinness was a great aristocrat who ruled the southern part of the Empire.

Anyway, thats fine. Its fate that we met like this, lets make a wish together!

Suddenly, Princess Priscilla pulled Juliets hand. She then crossed their arms and carried Juliet to the altar with her stubbornness, like they were best friends.

We havent seen each other for so long, so I want to light a candle for Miss Monad.

With a friendly expression on her face, Priscilla took out a gold coin.


The gold coin fell from Priscillas hand to the floor.

Oh my goodness.

It was clearly a deliberate move.

Im sorry. My hand slipped. Juliet, can you pick it up for me?

While saying that, Priscilla gently stepped on the dropped gold coin with her shoe.

You dont mind, Juliet? We are friends.

Only then did the people who realized Princess Priscillas intentions burst into laughter. The onlookers crossed her arms, wondering how Juliet would react.

Juliet stared down at Priscillas shoes as she stepped on the gold coin.

It was a tactic Priscilla often used when publicly humiliating the Dukes lovers. It was a shallow trick that forced them to do this or that, and eventually made them bow at her feet.

Juliet didnt blush or panic.

Apparently, Princess Priscilla had completely forgotten who Juliet Monad was.

Although the Monad family was now considered fallen, they were still one of the founders of the empire. And although she has lived in the North for the past few years, Juliet grew up in the capital. She was tired of these childish tricks.

Everyone would want to see her embarrassed and disgraced or blushing and humiliated, but even if she picked the wrong person, she picked the wrong one by a long time.

Everyone wanted to see her embarrassed and embarrassed, but even if she chose the wrong partner back then, she was far from stupid.

Instead of blushing in contempt, Juliet smiled calmly.

She wasnt a naive girl who was lucky enough to catch a lover and who was full of dreams.

Im not naive enough to burst into tears over something like that.

And, most importantly, Juliet Monad was in a bad mood today.

What are you doing? Come on, pick it up Juliet.

Priscilla urged her again.

Normally, since she didnt like bothersome things, she could have just let it go, but

Looking at Priscilla, whose eyes were shining, Juliet calmly smiled.

I have a better idea, Princess.

A better idea?

It was at that moment that a puzzled look appeared on Priscillas face.

Clink, clink-clink.

With a cheerful sound, countless gold coins fell from Juliets hand to the ground.

Priscilla widened her eyes in shock.

Juliet didnt care and threw all the gold coins she had on the floor before she spoke.

I forgot to give you congratulatory money.

Hey, what is this all

Congratulations on your engagement, Princess, Juliet laughed lightly and added.

And she returned her words just as Priscilla had given her.

Oh, my hands are so slippery. But we are friends.  You wont be angry about it, will you?

In an instant, the temple became silent.


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