Forging The Path To Godliness

Chapter 190: Exposed

Chapter 190: Exposed

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Brother, you must be careful.” Rasputin carried Weakling in his hands and reminded: “Your safety is the priority.”

Naturally, Ye Feng would not bring Weakling along, this infiltration attempt would be more successful if he was alone.

“Don’t worry.” After changing his clothes, Ye Feng replied: “Don’t you know about my strength? Unless they have already laid a trap, nothing will happen to me.”

“Even if they have a trap, they need enough experts to deal with me. It is easy to defeat me but they can’t stop me from escaping, they need at least a few Brights to do so. Even in the entire Dragon Tiger Town, they can’t find so many experts.”

He had encountered many traps in his life, back then, he was not as strong as now. Dragon Tiger Town was just a town, it was too small and could not have too many experts.

Bright was someone who would stand out even in a large city, but he was willing to be a tyrant in this tiny place, it was really hard to understand why he would do this.

After saying that, Ye Feng adjusted his clothes for the last time before saying: “Don’t worry, wait for my return.”

After that, he left the inn.

Ye Feng was not confident in this infiltration attempt, he was not an expert in this field after all. But if his information source was not wrong, Bright was about as strong as him as a Knight.

Although in general, Magicians were more keen in their perception, that was only for the lower levels, their perception was also more towards magic perception.

Which experienced Knight would not have keen senses? Their intuition was often very accurate.

Ye Feng’s prediction came true in the end, once he got close to Bright’s room, he heard a loud voice: “Who?!”

Once he said that, the room door was forced open as a muscular figure charged out.

But Ye Feng had disguised himself well, Bright did not recognize him.

Of course, it was possible that he did not know Ye Feng’s appearance. After all, they had never met.

Although Bright did not recognize him, he still attacked immediately. He flew forward like a cannonball, punching heavily while saying coldly: “No matter who you are, you must be prepared for death if you want to spy on me!”

Ye Feng did not have any weapon on him, he could only raise both hands to block this punch.


Using the force of this impact, Ye Feng took several steps back. In terms of pure physical strength, Bright was stronger than him.

After all, most of Ye Feng’s strength was obtained through forging. He was not like Bright who trained his own body, of course, Ye Feng was only weaker in physical strength, this was not the only way to measure his strength.

Without using magic, Ye Feng and Bright were evenly matched.

“Oh? You are not weak, but you do not seem like an assassin.” Bright gave Ye Feng a glance and said confidently: “Forget it, I’ll know everything after I subdue you.”

Ye Feng did not reply, he quickly turned around to try and leave. He was here to get information, not to have a fight. Since he was exposed, it would be best to leave now.

After all, accidents could happen if he waited.

“You want to run?” Bright did not intend to let Ye Feng off, he instantly burst out with speed and caught up.

In just an instant, he arrived behind Ye Feng by using a specialized offensive skill.

Ye Feng could sense him naturally, he quickly turned around and stabbed with a dagger that appeared out of thin air.

Bright was shocked as he subconsciously dodged, but Ye Feng did not let him off. He followed up with a kick, after a few moves, he actually managed to suppress Bright temporarily.

Because he was wary of Ye Feng’s weapon, Bright was acting quite restrained.

But how could an experienced warrior like him allow such an outcome?

“Steel transformation!”

Bright shouted as his arms shone in a metallic luster, he directly went against Ye Feng’s dagger with his bare hands.

Ye Feng’s dagger was not so easy to block, even though it was just a stage five dagger, the physical body could not repel it.

But the offensive skill still had some effect, after turning into steel, his arms blocked the dagger for a moment. Using this chance, Bright slashed towards Ye Feng’s arm with his hand, trying to disarm him.

At the same time, Bright’s other hand endured the pain and grabbed Ye Feng’s other arm.

This was a swift series of actions, Ye Feng could not react in time before Bright threw him to the ground.

Right when Bright was about to continue his attack, Ye Feng’s dagger drew an arc in the air as an earth wall appeared in front of him. Bright was caught unguarded and crashed into it.

Ye Feng quickly got up and escaped using the cover of the surrounding buildings.

He specially chose this dagger that contained a spell to prevent Bright from recognizing him as a Magician.

It was best to leave as little evidence as possible.

“How is the situation?” Rasputin was waiting for Ye Feng to return, if he was successful, he would not take too long.

“He noticed me.” Ye Feng frowned as he said helplessly: “We even fought, he is quite strong indeed.”

Rasputin let out a sigh of relief and asked in concern: “Did you get injured?”

Since Ye Feng said the opponent was not weak, he was definitely not easy to deal with.

Ye Feng stretched his body as he smiled and replied: “No, he is only about as strong as me without using magic, or just slightly stronger than me when we are unarmed.”

His words were quite clear, if he used magic, Bright was not his match. His weapon was also superior to Bright, so if they fought while holding weapons, they would be evenly matched.

“Then that is fine.” Rasputin was no longer worried, he joked: “Then it seems I should be the one to be careful, it will be troublesome if he targets me instead.”

Although he was using a joking tone, Rasputin was serious about what he said.

He wanted to stay with Ye Feng for the rest of their time in Dragon Tiger Town to prevent any problems from occurring.

“That is true, in the past, some enemies had used my disciple and wife to threaten me, I hope something like that never happens again.” Ye Feng said solemnly: “Since we are here in Dragon Tiger Town, we should do something memorable. Using brute force to subdue them is quite boring.”

“Then, should we focus on blacksmithing?” Rasputin understood what Ye Feng was intending to do, he asked with a smile.

“That is right, I want to make fifty to sixty stage five equipment and also a few stage six equipment to send the town into an uproar. This Dragon Tiger Town is not as rich as the adventurer town earlier, they can’t afford to buy too many stage six equipment.”

Ye Feng squinted as he said in a confident tone.

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Chapter 191: Troublemakers

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

For the current Ye Feng, the failure rate of forging stage five weapons was basically zero, it was just that making them used up considerable time.

As for stage six weapons, even though they took even longer to make, the success rate was also very high.

With Weakling here, the quality of his forged equipment was raised alongside the success rate.

In the end, he forged fifty stage five equipment of varying grades, as well as two stage six equipment meant as the final climax items.

He did not know if Dragon Tiger Town had any stage six equipment, but two should be enough for now.

Even if they were insufficient, he had more in his storage.

Ye Feng wanted to settle this quickly.

On the second day, he brought these weapons along and set up a stall.

This place was not like the adventurer’s town earlier which had few permanent residents, there were not many people who would sell equipment here at a stall.

After Ye Feng’s stall was set up, curious people came to take a look.

“What stage is this weapon?” This person did not seem to be a Knight or Blacksmith, he did not know much about weapons.

He was likely here to just take a look.

“Peak stage five weapon.” Ye Feng said in a lazy tone: “It is up to you if you want to believe it, but you can test it if you want to.”

He replied before the questions even came to him.

“Oh... okay, I’ll find someone to test it.” After hearing Ye Feng’s answer, the person did not mock or provoke him, he left after putting down the weapon.

After all, he was not an expert at this. Since the seller was so confident, he did not want to offend him. What if he was telling the truth?

In just a while, he brought someone to the stall, the person took a look at the weapon and said solemnly: “It is a stage five weapon indeed, I’ll buy it.”

Clearly, he could tell the quality of the weapon, and knew that it was stronger than most weapons of the same grade.

Ye Feng nodded as he pointed to the other weapons at the stall, saying: “You can look at the others too, there are better quality ones.”

This person had held up a stage five inferior-grade weapon earlier, it was one of the poorer quality ones that was being sold. Of course, since Ye Feng was the Blacksmith, it was still better than most weapons made by others.

After feeling a little stunned, the person held up other weapons and tested them, his expression became more excited and heated.

“These... are these all stage five weapons?”

“Yes, they range from stage five inferior-grade to peak stage five.”

“Then... I’ll buy this one.” The person chose a stage five superior-grade spear in the end, he left in satisfaction.

Ye Feng was selling them at a reasonable price, normally speaking, people who were strong enough to use such weapons were wealthy enough to buy them.

While this person made his purchase, many people started to gather around. Even in the entire Dragon Tiger Town, there were not as many stage five weapons as the ones Ye Feng displayed!

Ye Feng saw that there was a crowd gathering as he took out his two trump cards.

“I have two stage six weapons, it will go to the highest bidder!”

Once he said that, the entire scene went into a commotion. Although many people had no plans on buying them, the appearance of stage six weapons still sent them into a state of exhilaration and excitement.

The bidding for the stage six weapons started. During this time, the stage five weapons were also being sold at a rapid rate, Ye Feng was basically surrounded in all directions.

But good times did not last, soon, troublemakers came.

“All of you, scram, don’t block my path!”

“I am sent by Lord Bright, hurry up and move aside!”

The two of them forced their way through the crowd.

Although there were many people around, they controlled themselves and did not resort to force. But these two were different, when there was an obstruction in front of them, they would use force directly.

“Damn, there are so many people here, I am dying of exhaustion.”

These two were quite young, they seemed like they were about twenty years old. Although they were not strong, the surrounding people seemed fearful of them.

Or rather, they did not dare to provoke these two.

“So you are Ye Feng?” One of them asked in an arrogant tone.

He had an arrogant expression and his facial features were ugly, it was certain that people would want to bash up that face of his. But before knowing his intention for coming here, Ye Feng could not chase him away yet.

“What do you want?” Ye Feng frowned as he said plainly: “If there’s nothing, don’t interrupt my business, if you are not buying anything, don’t cause trouble.”

Once these two arrived, the people near the stall stopped talking. This had severely affected his business.

“We are sent by Lord Bright.” The other person seemed more reliable, but he still spoke in an arrogant tone: “Lord Bright has taken an interest in your forging skills. Contribute all of these stage five and six weapons to him and stay in Dragon Tiger Town for the rest of your life to forge for our leader.”

“Indeed, if you are lucky, our leader may even give you the title of the number one Blacksmith in Dragon Tiger Town.”

Their words were quite clear, they wanted Ye Feng to submit to Bright and stay in Dragon Tiger Town to serve him forever.

This was not considered slavery, but it was about the same. Most importantly, his freedom would be restricted.

Bright would not refuse to give him remuneration, but it was likely that the amount would only be enough for his daily needs.

Of course, even if the remuneration was high, Ye Feng would not agree to this. Selling things yourself and working for someone else were two different concepts.

Ye Feng paused his business for a moment as he leaned forward on the table and smiled at the two of them: “Then, should I be thanking you?”

“Of course.” The ugly young man chuckled: “It is your honor to be able to work for Lord Bright!”

Why did nobody speak up even when they were acting like this?

It was because they were backed by Bright, he was the overlord of Dragon Tiger Town!

“Heh, you need to be qualified first.” Ye Feng scoffed in disdain: “Does he really think he is a king just because he dominated this small town?”

“Even when I am doing business, I have to get interrupted by two fools, this is really annoying.”

Saying so, Ye Feng packed up his things and decided to leave with Rasputin.

But once he turned around, he felt someone pulling at his shirt.

“Do you think you can leave as you please?”

Ye Feng turned around and shrugged off the person’s arm as he said coldly: “Don’t do anything foolish.”

Saying so, he turned around and prepared to leave.

But this time, instead of tugging, he felt the sound of the wind coming from behind him.

Ye Feng quickly turned around and grabbed the young man’s wrist before twisting and pulling it, while kicking with his knee.


Ye Feng ignored his anguished cries as he pulled the young man’s arm again, slamming him on the ground.

The other person was also taken down by Rasputin.

Ye Feng kicked this person before squatting down and patting his face, saying lightly: “I won’t kill you now. Go back and tell Bright that I am not interested in your games.”


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