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7 months ago
Satoru is a poor young man. He is supposed to enjoy Christmas with his only living relative, his... Read more Satoru is a poor young man. He is supposed to enjoy Christmas with his only living relative, his younger sister, but suddenly finds himself in a different world where magic exists. The man is summoned by Leia, a beautiful girl who calls herself the “Immortal King”. Although she has summoned Satoru with the results of hundreds of years of work, she has no way to return him… By some mistake, Satoru has a huge amount of magic power that is impossible to find in the world. Leia surrendered before Satoru. Satoru’s journey begins in order to return to his world. Collapse An*l, Adventurers, Affair, Beast Companions, Beautiful Female Lead, Cheats, Determined Protagonist, Dragons, Fantasy World, Fearless Protagonist, Hard-Working Protagonist, Loyal Subordinates, Male Protagonist, Masochistic Characters, Mature Protagonist, Older Love Interests, Outdoor Interc**rse, Overpowered Protagonist, Personality Changes, R-18, Rape, S*aves, Transported to Another World, Younger Love Interests Can anyone tell me what happens to his sister? Harem??? A lot of pointless things happen in the novel, the novel is rubbish the author is sexist and hypocritical, which makes the novel even worse. People who read chinese complain how MC in JP are beta and spineless, well this guy is definitely neither spineless nor beta, but he sure is unlikable. We're entering into spoiler territory from here though it's only first 2 chapters but i think that much is enough to know what this novel is all about.SpoilerMC's mother died giving birth to his sister and his father commited suicide in despair after 1 year. so it is MC who takes care of his sister and earns a living. Pretty decent start right? Wrong. There's age gap of 16 years btw MC and his sister and from first chapter itself we start seeing MC making sexual references regarding his own little sister who is a minor. He goes onto talk about sex appeal of a fking 8 year kid and how he won't be able to have more skinship with her once she grows up a little more! SO MC is not only into incest but he is a through and through lolicon. After spending time of christmas with his sister he is suddenly summoned by a beautiful girl.You would think he would be angry at summoner who separating him from his sister, yes he indeed is but the problem is he is not at all fking worried about his sister's future he is only angry at having being separated from his sister. HE IS NOT AT ALL WORRIED ABOUT AN 8 YEAR OLD KID WHO IS LEFT BEHIND. Anyway giving into his anger the first task MC does is punish the bitch who separated him from his sister, and punishment was.... yes... he spanked her... sexual offender right there officer. It doesn't help that author makes it clear the girl looks to be like a young girl who has just started to bud in chest and bum department. Girl out of humiliation she suffered decides to unleash spells on MC but he has cheat amount of magic power so the spells doesn't even scratch him. so the girl decides to fool MC into signing the slavery contract with her which MC being a fking dumbass even with all the intiution of it being a bad thing signs. AND with cliche it is the girl who gets enslaved instead of MC because of ridiculous amount of magic power mc has.Continuing on after learning it was a slave contract MC is rightfully angry and he decides he has to punish her thoroughly, and he does... by raping a girl who he thinks looks like a kid... and by cliche the girl feels that she was lonely and the d of MC is giving her warmth and taking away her lonelines... she falls for mc and decides she will be slave in body and soul to him.Going further mc makes it clear he doesn't like backstabbing bitches, and he would look for other woman but the girl is not allowed to even touch another man... well feminists are seriously gonna kill the author if they do find him... let's just say its that badDID I MENTION AUTHOR SAYS MC HAS HUGE SENSE OF JUSTICE. IT SURE IS JUSTICE TO SEXUALLY SPANK A GIRL WHEN SHE MISTAKENLY SUMMONS YOU TO ANOTHER WORLD. IT IS JUSTICE TO RAPE HER WHEN TRIES TO ENSLAVE YOU. Yea sure.Anyways, now you know what's going on in the novel you can decide whether you're degen enough to read this or not. This has rape as ongoing theme from what i got from another review if that's not your thing it's better to not read this. and tags infidelity for what? i only read upto part where he met first harem member, so I can't tell sorry. decided to give his younger sister up for adoption,So don't worry about the future He gave her up for adoption when she was just a baby, babies have a huge advantage in getting adopted than grown up kids. She's been up for adoption for nearly 7 years and yet still in orphanage. I would be worried man. Especially since it looked like orphanage was only a place for her to stay, and she was still reliant on salary of mc to a significant extent. I Read Mtl.Mc Dies Old And His Sister Alice Adopted By Mc Dan Mc's Workplace Boss Takes His Sister To Isekai think of the plot as a watered down arifureta without struggles or classmates, and with OP mc that goes around picking girls and enemy aggro in predictable ways while trying to not gather attention. jp mc is not a complete pacifist but close enough to be annoying, missing harem tag. There's four ratings on this novel, one that hates it, one that absolutely loves it, and 2 who think it's alright. Looks like I'll be giving this one a shot. Why there is no Harem tag 💀💀First Thing The Mc Does After Being Summoned..... He Rapes The Summoner💀 of course that's what he does, a man get summoned to another world and sees a hot magic lady who has god-like power's and immediately he's gonna sleep with it. First chapter:Man taken to another dimension.Angry at the attractive woman that took him from his little sister, he spanks her as punishment.This is shit. 😋The Illustration On Chapter One....Am Driving Into This Novel Can't say no to that