Forced to Sell Myself to the Female Lead After Killing the Male Lead

Chapter 65 - 65

Chapter 65: Chapter 65

"Master, what is this?"

"This is the Blood Soul Pill, made from the blood of high-level abyssal demons. It can Significantly increase your strength in a short amount of time."

"Significantly increase?!"

"Yes, but don't use it recklessly unless absolutely necessary."

"Why, why not?"

"Because once you use it, your death is certain."

"?! "


Recalling his conversation with his leader, Elbino's expression inevitably carried a hint of helplessness.

The power of the Shadow was incredibly wild, and accepting this force would turn one into a brutal, bloodthirsty monster.

The price of gaining this power was losing one's reason.

The 'Blood Soul Pill' could also grant the user tremendous power while maintaining their sanity. However, the price was consuming a vast amount of life force and soul energy.

After a brief burst of power, the user would face death.

But death?


For Elbino now, death was already close. The Reaper's scythe had long been hovering over his neck. If the battle continued, being killed by the Chosen One would undoubtedly be the outcome.

In that case, might as well die in a desperate attempt!

If he could kill the Chosen One and eliminate leader's greatest concern, his death would be worth it!

'I'll risk it all!'

Staring at the oncoming silver light, Elbino let out a hysterical roar in his heart! His face twisted and distorted with madness!

The next moment,

Elbino swallowed the red pill.

With the 'Blood Soul Pill' entering his body, an indescribable surge of power instantly exploded within Elbino's abdomen! The pain from his wounds instantly vanished, replaced by an intense excitement that overwhelmed his brain like a raging wave.

His muscles began to swell, and a trace of blood-red light gradually appeared in Elbino's eyes.

Feeling the majestic power within, Elbino's mouth slowly curved upward,

'This power, it's amazing...'


On the other side,

Mengxi, wielding her silver longsword and charging at Elbino, inadvertently bit her lip, and crimson blood dripped slowly from beneath her mask.


She couldn't continue like this.

'I must remain calm,'

Feeling the wild power and bloodthirsty impulse spreading unconsciously within her body, Mengxi tried to suppress her instincts by inflicting pain upon herself, preventing her consciousness from being devoured by the endless desire for slaughter.

Relying on her strong willpower, the strange purple-black light in Mengxi's eyes gradually subsided,

Silver holy energy once again gained the upper hand.


Though it seemed that she had temporarily suppressed that power, Mengxi felt no relief. Instead, she locked her gaze on Elbino in front of her.

She had to deal with this expert of divine Punishment sect while she could control her sanity!

Otherwise, she might...


'What's going on with him?!'

However, just as Mengxi's sword was about to touch Elbino's chest, the black-robed man, who seemed on his last breath, suddenly erupted with terrifying fighting spirit fluctuations! And within these fluctuations, there seemed to be a faint trace of the power of the Shadow?!

Moreover, with the explosion of fighting spirit, Elbino's momentum directly went from mid-stage 6th rank to the peak of the 6th rank!

'Not only had his power recovered?! It had even increased?!'

This scene left Mengxi dumbfounded,

'Was it that pill just now?!'

Although she had suspected that pill was dangerous and wanted to kill him before the effects kicked in, she didn't expect it to work so quickly?!

'What was that thing?!'

'It feels like shadow energy of abyssal demons?'

'I had heard that the member of divine Punishment was conducting experiments on abyssal demons; was that pill a result of their experiments?!'


Mengxi didn't have time to think too much,

After releasing the terrifying power of shadow, the black energy transformed into solid armor attached to Elbino's body! Then, Elbino swung his scythe at an unimaginable speed, knocking Mengxi's silver longsword away!



after letting out a hysterical, savage roar, Elbino's face was covered in blood, swung the scythe in his other hand, mercilessly aiming for Mengxi's neck! At this point, Elbino had abandoned his original idea of sacrificing her.

All that was left in his mind was one goal: to kill the Chosen One!

"Soul Releasing Slash!!"

Faced with the oncoming scythe,

An indescribable, deep color appeared in Mengxi's pale purple eyes.

At this point,

She could only devote all her energy to dealing with her current enemy!

As she lost part of her willpower, Mengxi's suppressed bloodthirsty intent once again surged within her heart! The eerie purple-black light, which had barely dissipated, emerged again in her eyes, becoming even more dazzling.

An excited smile appeared on the girl's face,

"Kill me?!! Do you have the ability?!"

At The next moment,

Mengxi raised her hand, and the two silver longswords hovering around her suddenly blocked the scythe in front of her!!! Withstanding Elbino's attack!

Seeing this scene,

Elbino couldn't help but clench his teeth and roar in anger,

"Let's see if I have the ability or not!!!"

Roaring, Elbino launched another storm-like attack on the silver-haired girl! The black scythe relentlessly struck at her body!

In response,

Mengxi was not to be outdone, as a surge of eerie purple-black energy gradually emerged from her body! Unafraid, she faced Elbino's torrential onslaught and fought back! Five silver longswords attacked Elbino from all directions!


black light and silver holy light clashed once more, causing earth-shaking explosions,

accompanied by bursts of sword light and energy collisions!

The already chaotic fortress logistics area turned completely into ruins amid these energy surges! Several abyssal demons watching the battle as Yu Mo had instructed were unfortunate enough to be affected by this power, and they were sent flying dozens of meters away.

As the scythe and silver longswords continued to collide,

the intensity of the black energy and holy energy began to decline,


both sides' power was wearing away during the battle.

And this scene

was exactly what Elbino wanted to see!

As time passed, Elbino, who had more energy within him, gradually gained the upper hand! After all, Mengxi's strength was only mid-stage 5th rank, and there was still a significant gap compared to Elbino at the peak of the 6th rank!

After knocking away one of Mengxi's silver longswords, the fierce-looking Elbino viciously swung his soul-devouring scythe, slashing it across her chest!

In an instant,

the silver breastplate shattered! Crimson blood splattered all around!

The overwhelming force sent Mengxi's body flying backward, crashing heavily into the ruins not far away.

"Did I... succeed?? Did I win??"

Gazing at the silver-haired girl who lay in the ruins, seemingly motionless, a frenzied smile appeared on Elbino's face.


with the support of his black power, Elbino gripped his scythe and charged at the girl again,

According to the sect leader,

It was essential to ensure the enemy was truly dead by delivering the finishing blows.

And moreover,

at least another 100 slashes were necessary!


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