Forced to Sell Myself to the Female Lead After Killing the Male Lead

Chapter 55 - 55

Chapter 55: Chapter 55


"Who is that??"

Feeling the horrifying murderous intent coming from behind her, Mengxi's light purple eyes suddenly narrowed!

In the next instant,

As the scythe-wielding figure in black robes was about to behead the girl, Mengxi suddenly bent over, narrowly avoiding the fatal strike! Immediately after, Mengxi decisively struck back with a swift roundhouse kick toward the uninvited guest behind her! Accompanied by a burst of silvery-white light, the black-robed figure was heavily hit in the abdomen and was kicked several meters away!

Mengxi then grabbed the hand of the pink-haired girl beside her,

Pulling her close once again and leaping back to put more distance between them and the mysterious black-robed figure.

At the same time,

As if sensing something, Mengxi hurriedly looked toward the bewildered Galona and the others,

"Watch out on your left, dodge quickly!!"


"Left, left side?!"

Witnessing the scene before them and hearing Mengxi's sudden words, the knights of the Asumos church realized that the black-robed figure had ill intentions and hastily drew their swords, looking anxiously toward the direction Mengxi mentioned!

In an instant, an eerie chill enveloped Galona and the three knights,

As they stared in panic, another black-robed figure wielding dual scythes leaped down from the rooftop!


'What? Another one?!'

Seeing the black-robed figure appear, Galona and the others gasped in shock and quickly mobilized their inner Holy Law energy, preparing to counter,


It was already too late for any preparations now,

Beneath the black robe, the man revealed a mocking smile,

In the next instant,

Within a split second, the bright red fighting spirit within the black-robed figure exploded! The surge in speed was like a rocket booster, causing the figure to close the gap with the three Asumos knights before they could react!

Under the terrified gaze of Galona and the others, the gray scythes ruthlessly slashed down!


After a brief clash of blades,

Blood splattered everywhere!

The armor of the two male knights was instantly cut apart! Amidst screams of agony, the two were sent flying by the impact of the crimson fighting spirit, crashing heavily near Mengxi! Although they had suffered severe injuries, compared to Galona, they were undoubtedly luckier,

For at this moment, the female knight who first faced the black-robed figure had already been vertically bisected by a scythe, with no chance of survival,

Blood gushed out, staining the earth red,

The scattered flesh and organs stained the black-robed figure's coat red, accompanied by the man's eerie laughter, making the murderous man even more sinister. The surrounding residents, already terrified by the Abyssal Demon invasion, screamed in horror upon witnessing this scene,

The approach of the Abyssal Demons, along with the bloody and brutal scene before them, completely shattered the last semblance of order within the fortress,

Nearly every one began to flee in panic...


At this moment, Mengxi undoubtedly had no time to pay attention to the surrounding situation. She tightly gripped the silver longsword in her hand, staring intently at the two black-robed men not far away! At the same time, her peripheral vision couldn't help but glance at the corpse beneath the black-robed man's feet,


Although Meng Xi didn't have deep feelings for these new teammates, watching her companions being killed right before her eyes undoubtedly ignited a growing rage within her.

"You bastards..."

Staring intently at the figures of the two cloaked men, Meng Xi's light purple eyes suddenly erupted with murderous intent.

The surrounding air temperature plummeted along with the release of Meng Xi's killing intent.


Although the young girl was quite displeased, Meng Xi still managed to take a few deep breaths to calm her restless heart and carefully observed the two sudden enemies.

Abyssal demons were just up ahead,

And yet, they attacked me at this moment? Who on earth are these people...


'What... is that?'

In an instant, Meng Xi's eyes narrowed, and an enlightened expression appeared in the girl's eyes. Meng Xi had noticed the symbol on the necks of the two cloaked men, which was a ram's head cross.

This symbol was something Meng Xi was all too familiar with,

It represented an organization, a vast evil cult organization that was opposed to the Asumos Church,

"Are you from the Divine Punishment Holy Sect?!"

Upon hearing Meng Xi's question, the two cloaked men exchanged glances and then burst into a series of gloomy and chilling laughter.

"Hehehehe, since you know who we are, why not just surrender? We can make your death a bit more comfortable?"

The cloaked men had no intention of concealing their identities, as the dark eyes beneath their cloaks were locked onto Meng Xi's body. One of the cloaked men couldn't help but stroke the scythe in his hand,

"The Chosen One, huh? If we use her as a sacrifice, the Demon God would be pleased, right?"

"Hehe, a sacrifice? Would that be considered a comfortable death?"

"No, no, no, there are two types of sacrifices. One is to quickly behead you and give you a quick death! The other is to slowly torture you, remove your organs, and finally letting you bleed to death. So, what do you think?"


Upon hearing this, Meng Xi gave a cold laugh but didn't immediately respond, as this was also a good opportunity to buy some time...

Divine Punishment Holy Sect,

A faction formed by a group of people who worship the Demon God, believing that the appearance of the Abyssal demons is a divine punishment for the sins of the human world.

The demons don't hate humans; they despise those who harbor sins, and those devoured are simply getting what they deserve. Thus, those with holy energy, particularly the most despised Asumos Church members, became the greatest enemies of the Divine Punishment Holy Sect.


After seeing the emblem of the Heavenly Punishment Holy Sect, Meng Xi understood the reason for their attack. With her identity as the Chosen One, these sect members probably wanted to tear her apart for a long time.

Speaking of which,

Galona had mentioned earlier that the Divine Punishment Holy Sect members had been sighted near Linfeng City. It seemed that the news wasn't unfounded...


More importantly,

'Two rank-6 master,'

Feeling the majestic and imposing aura of the two cloaked men, Meng Xi couldn't help but squint her eyes slightly, her light purple pupils filled with a serious expression.

The opponents were two rank-6 , while they only had three rank-5 fighters and needed to protect a group of powerless children. Under these circumstances, it was impossible to fight the enemy. Now that the Galros Fortress had been breached by the Abyssal demons, relying on the fortress soldiers for support was clearly unrealistic.

They were all out of options; how could they spare any thought for them?

With this in mind,

Meng Xi glanced at the two gasping Asumos Church knights with a thoughtful look,

These two were not powerful enough and had already been injured,

Remaining here would only hold them back,

"You two, protect this child, and take her away from the Galros Fortress as quickly as possible."

'? ? !'

Upon hearing this, the two knights were slightly taken aback. Having lost their fighting spirit due to the invasion of the demons and Garona's tragic death, they desperately nodded after a moment and hurriedly ran to Meng Xi's side, preparing to take the pink-haired girl.

"Don't, don't, don't worry, Captain! We will complete the mission!"

The fear in their voices was evident, and they had no intention of staying to fight alongside Meng Xi, which made her feel a chilling disappointment.

Hadn't they eagerly vowed to protect me before coming to the Northlands?


'And now,'

'Is this it?'

Meng Xi's heart was filled with disappointment,

But just when her spirits were at their lowest,

An unexpected and crisp voice, like that of a songbird, suddenly entered Meng Xi's ears,

"Sis, big sister, I don't want to go, I want to be with you,"

'? ? !!'


Hearing this soft, trembling voice, Meng Xi was taken aback and looked at the pink-haired girl who was holding her hand with disbelief.

After locking eyes with the girl's deep blue pupils filled with dependency, Meng Xi bit her lip with mixed emotions,

"Why...why would you??"

'You were so afraid of me before,'

The pink-haired slave girl's hand was undoubtedly very cold, but at this moment, it made Meng Xi feel a touch of warmth...

Yumo: 'Hehehe, seizing the opportunity to increase favorability~'


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