Forced to Sell Myself to the Female Lead After Killing the Male Lead

Chapter 19 - 19

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

"Forget about the 'Female lead' for now! What about the 'Male lead'? Wasn't he supposed to be dead thirteen years ago? Did you guys fail back then?!"

Staring intensely at Sebastian, in Liyu's eyes appeared an unprecedented brutality. This thick and extreme brutality made everything within tens of miles fall into a deathly silence.

In anger, Liyu's hand around Sebastian's neck tightened even more, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Although Liyu usually tried to maintain a good girl in front of Yumo, her true nature was still that of a powerful and brutal demon.

Once the hidden brutality in her heart was provoked, the consequences were unimaginable...

Fortunately, Limo came forward in time and pulled at her sister's clothes corner, carefully saying.

"Liyu! Liyu! Stop, you'll kill him..."

"Hmm? Kill him?"

Hearing her sister's words, Liyu finally realized that she had gone too far.

If he died, she wouldn't be able to explain it to her mother, among other things.

Thinking of this, Liyu reluctantly released her grip on Sebastian's neck, and he fell off the giant rock, sitting on the ground, panting heavily.

However, although he had been treated so violently, there was no trace of displeasure on Sebastian's face.

He understood Liyu's feelings very well. After all, when he first heard the news, he was shocked and angry, and even smashed his desk into powder.

The people around Yumo, except for Yumo herself, didn't want the "protagonists" to survive. They all wished to kill them as soon as possible, and he was the same.

After wiping the blood from his mouth with a handkerchief, he took a deep breath.

"Miss Liyu, I understand your feelings, but please calm down. We definitely did not fail back then. After killing the 'Male lead,' Duke Xiaw not only cut off his head and removed his heart, but also used five consecutive holy domain magics to thoroughly crush him. The 'Male lead' is definitely dead and cannot die anymore."

Upon hearing his word, along with the comfort of her sister by her side, Liyu gradually calmed down. However, her emerald eyes were still filled with confusion and incomprehension.

"Died? Then what about the one in Snow Night Empire? That ridiculous prince?!"

"Sorry, we're not sure about that either. But from the intelligence we have, that man also had those golden patterns behind him. He should be the 'Male lead.'"

"What? This..."

"Well, we're also a bit confused, so we're still investigating."


Liyu took a deep breath, but her emerald eyes still showed dissatisfaction. For sure Liyu was very unhappy with Sebastian's actions.

"Okay, even if you didn't make a mistake before. Why did you have to tell a Mother about the 'protagonist' this time!! Can't you just solve it privately?! That Xiaw guy, he's a Divine Magician now! Is it difficult for him to eliminate two rookies?"

(Divine = 8th level)

To Liyu's questioning, Sebastian shook his head.

"To be honest, it's not easy to solve it privately this time. The 'Male lead' is the prince and always stays in the palace of Snow Night Empire. And the 'Female lead' after we received the news, entered the headquarters of Asumos Church. These two places can no longer be easily destroyed like before."

As he spoke, he stood up with difficulty and began his most skillful persuasion.

"Moreover, Liyu, think carefully about the state of Lady Yumo these past years. What is the biggest issue she cares about?"

"The Male and Female Leads and their Companions?"

"Yes, what Lady Yumo cares most about is the protagonist group! If the Male and Female Leads are quietly killed by us, Lady Yumo will still be concerned about them in the future. Putting all her energy into something that doesn't exist? Is that what we want to see?"

Thinking back to the months when her Mother didn't play with her in order to get equipment for the protagonist group, Liyu shook her head repeatedly.


"In addition, even if we succeed to kill them, we need to attack the capitals of two major forces without authorization from Lady Yumo. It's hard to keep such a big thing hidden. If one day, Lady Yumo knows what we did, how will she feel? We not only acted on our own but also secretly killed the 'protagonists'. If Lady Yumo finds out, she will definitely be very disappointed in us. Liyu, Limo, you don't want to disappoint Lady Yumo, do you?"

"No, I don't want to," said Liyu and Limo almost simultaneously, after exchanging a glance.

Disappointing their Mother was one of the last things they wanted to see.

After listening to his words, Liyu had already regained her composure and solemnly bowed to Sebastian as an apology.

Even Limo obediently imitated her sister's actions, although not quite perfectly.

"I'm sorry, Seba, I got a bit too overwhelmed just now."

"It's okay, miss Liyu, I understand."

"But what are you planning to do after you told Mother about this?" Liyu's emerald eyes still had some confusion.

For this expected question, Sebastian smiled slightly, but this time his smile had a chilling touch to it.

"We all know that Lady Yumo has been wanting to "cultivate" the 'protagonists' to destroy herself, right? She's been constantly searching for information about the protagonists and preparing trial checkpoints. We don't want that, do we?"


"At the same time, we also don't want Lady Yumo to keep consuming her energy waiting for these so-called 'Chosen Ones', right?"

"Right, so what's your plan?"

"It's simple. In Lady Yumo's eyes, there seems to be only one Male and one Female protagonist. We'll inform her of the information about the appearance of the Male and Female Lead, so she knows that the protagonists have already appeared! Then, if the Male and Female lead suddenly have an unexpected 'accident' and die, Lady Yumo will surely abandon her 'suicide' plan, won't she?"

"Oh? That makes sense."

Liyu placed her hand on her chin and fell into a brief contemplation.

On the other hand, Limo didn't quite understand, but she still pretended to be in deep thought, imitating her sister by holding her chin with her hand.

The three of them began to think, but just then, a ray of crimson light flickered in the sky, and a familiar and overwhelmingly powerful aura rushed into their perception, causing their faces to change suddenly.

"What... What is this aura?!"

In an instant, the three of them immediately abandoned their contemplation and turned their heads in astonishment toward the direction of the Eastern part of Winter Forest, where the Demons Temple was located!

At this moment, a red light had already risen from the direction of Demons Temple, shooting straight into the sky, shaking the clouds for thousands of miles. The terrifying power of shadow and the unparalleled pressure from the depths of the soul continued to spread out in all directions from the light.

The immense power spread wildly like a bursting dam, causing mountains to collapse and the earth to shake. Countless Abyssal Demons and monsters lost consciousness and fell into a coma the moment when they were swept away by the red aura. Even strong demon kings like Limo and Liyu felt an unprecedented trembling.

The howling wind swept past, and suddenly the sky was torn apart. Crimson light replaced the sunshine, shining on the earth and making everything covered in a layer of the red veil.

Then, under the delighted gaze of everyone, the endless red shadow power that had been liberated suddenly flowed back toward the center of Demon Temple.

The liberation and condensation of power are the two most important parts when using transformation magic for the first time!

The "liberation" part has already been completed, and the "condensation" part seems to be going smoothly, which means...

"The transformation magic worked!!!"

Limo and Liyu looked at each other for a moment, both showing expressions of joy. Then, they suddenly liberated the power of Shadow in their bodies and rushed toward the location of their Mother, facing the fierce stormy power...



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