Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 95 - 95. Welcome To Our Base

"What is it, boss?" Joel asked, not having a good feeling after watching Markus smile.

"Contact Mr. Smith. Ask them to bring their most expensive rings to my house. I want all of them to be rare, only a single piece available in this world." Markus said.

And Joel knew he was into deep trouble. Because this task was even more difficult than writing thousands of files.

"Yes boss." He said and left the room.

'Though you are not interested in money, I want you to own only the most special things existing in this world.. And our wedding ring is no exception.' Markus thought with a smile.

He had planned to hold a grand wedding once he would kill Aaron, leaving no trouble for them to face.


"So welcome to our base." Aaron exclaimed.

Kizy simply nodded her head, taking in every detail of the place. Because finally the day she had been working for the past one month had come.

Kizy was busy looking at the base while Aaron was busy looking at Kizy. He felt that he was falling harder for her with each passing day.

His desire for her was growing at an alarming rate, which he knew wasn't good, at least not good for him. Because the one who falls harder for other, is the one who is always hurting.

He would crave for her, for her touch, her scent and her everything. It was becoming difficult for him to control himself from crossing the line made by Kizy. 

Thus he was only hoping, hoping that soon Kizy would accept him, stopping this torture.

But he was sure about one thing. He was never going to do anything to her without her will. Even if he had to destroy himself to protect her, he was more than willing to do so.

"And lastly this is our weapon room." Aaron said, his eyes never leaving Kizy.

Kizy who was feeling anything but uncomfortable under his gaze tried to divert her attention. But the next moment, her eyes lit up, showing how excited she was.

And why wouldn't she be? Aaron had taken her to the weapons room which was filled by her all time favourite babies. And by babies, Kizy meant guns.

"Babies!!!" She cried happily and hoped inside the room. And instantly a chuckle left Aaron's mouth.

Kizy turned back to look at him, feeling a little embarrassed for forgetting her environment easily just because she was looking at so many guns after a long time.

"Yeah babygirl, that's one of the reasons I love you!!" Aaron said, still chuckling a little.

"What?" Kizy asked.

"No normal women would call weapons as their babies while they would either fear true babies or scare them away." Aaron said, remembering the past one month where the relationship between Kizy and any other kid was funny.

Once Kizy hurriedly left a cafe because a little girl was crying her heart out. While on another instance she glared at a kid who was pointing his toy gun at her. Alas the kid was scared from her glare and ran away.

"You are calling me abnormal?" Kizy asked while raising her eyebrow.

"No. In fact you are perfectly normal, living and kicking. Just that you are unique and most importantly you are above all those women out there." Aaron said, this time in a serious voice.

Kizy just smirked without replying before hopping back to her favourites.

The room was filled with all types, starting from Beretta 92FS, P99, M1911, Ruger-P series to Gepard M3, Koch MP5K, Colt M4A1, SPAS-12, MG34 and so on.

Kizy could no longer keep her hands to herself, touching every single gun she could. 

Suddenly she remembered her initial days at Markus's house, the morning he had pointed the exact M1911 at her forehead only to hear that she screamed for her periods. She had to think real hard after that to divert his attention because of her slip of tongue about the gun.

Remembering the incident, a faint yet affectionate smile bloomed on her face. But unfortunately Aaron mistook it. He thought Kizy was smiling lovingly thinking about him, for showing her all this.

"Oh my [email protected]#king goodness you have a WINCHESTER!!" Kizy literally shouted, no more able to keep her calm.

Aaron only smiled from the sidelines, his eyes glued to Kizy, only speaking when needed.

Finally after almost half an hour of a quick run through all guns, Kizy looked at Aaron, though her still sparkling eyes conveying how much she loved the guns.

There were also grenades, rocket launchers and other weapons present alongside the guns.

"How did you manage to have all these? As far as I know, there are only three ways through which you can get this in black." Kizy asked.

"Maybe one of those three ways then." Aaron said, not giving any information.

"But all three of them are dangerous. Contact with anyone out of them means that you are walking on the edge all the time." Kizy said sincerely.

"If only I am able to kill Markus, all this is

 worth it." Aaron said in a low voice.

"Is it truly worth it? Risking your life just to kill him?" Kizy asked.

"Then what was I supposed to do Kizy? My dad was murdered. I had no one to rely upon. Just a young teenage boy, running away for months to save his life along with two or three trusted men.

The last thing my dad said was to live bravely and reach to the heights where nobody would kill me like he was killed.

But how could I make it in myself to forgive those who killed him? Give me one reason to not avenge my father?" Aaron asked, his voice raising, indicating he was getting angrier.

"And what if your father was the one who killed Markus's father and what grandpa did was avenge his late son?" Kizy asked, knowing she was touching a vulnerable topic and Aaron might explode on her.

"Yeah. Even when he killed Satan's dad, he did nothing wrong. His dad had been ruling the mafia world for years, with no change in regime.

And even if murdering him was wrong, at least that old bones had a grandson and that Satan had a grandpa to rely upon. But what did I have? No one. Literally no one." Aaron said, his voice getting louder.

"Calm down Aaron." Kizy said, knowing full well that Aaron was about to explode.

Aaron took a deep breath before looking at Kizy. But he lost his control after looking at her and walked towards her with large strides.

He engulfed her in a tight hug, breathing in her scent which acted like a sedative for him.

Kizy struggled in the beginning but stopped after knowing that Aaron wasn't doing anything more than hugging.

Aaron hugged her tightly for one whole minute before taking one last breath of her scent and releasing her.

"Sorry." He said.

"For what?" Kizy asked confusedly.

"For hugging you without your permission." Aaron said.

Kizy didn't reply but just looked at him.

"When are we going back?" Kizy asked, trying to divert the topic.

"We will be staying here from now on." Aaron said and guided Kizy towards his room.

"This was my room until now, but from today, it will be ours." Aaron said, a tinge of excitement visible in his voice.

Kizy entered the room, her mood dampening after hearing that she will be staying in Aaron's room.

After all, even back at that hotel, she had her room and it was Aaron staying in her room. But today onwards she will have to stay in his room, something she didn't want at all.

"Do you not like the interior? Actually I never paid much attention to my own room as I was busy working. But since this room will belong to both of us, you can change it according to your preferences. 

I will arrange for interior designers tomorrow, and you can let them know how you want our room to be." Aaron said after detecting the sudden change in Kizy's mood.

Unlike Markus's room, which was filled with solid colors of black grey and white demanding authority or showing his dominance, Aaron's room had a touch of loneliness in blue shades.

His room, though huge, was filled with minimalistic furniture, showing that Aaron actually didn't pay much attention to his room.

The walls were sky blue colored while curtains were pastel in shade. All the furniture was wooden brown with no artificial coloring, a contrast to the light blue walls. 

"No Aaron, I do not have any preferences in this. I like this bluish color." Kizy said, trying to sound happy.

"Are you sure?" Aaron asked once again.

"Yeah, I am sure." Kizy said firmly.

"Ok. I will ask Maria to shift your luggage by afternoon. Till then you can do whatever you want." Aaron said.

"Where is my team?" Kizy asked.


Don't forget to vote and comment!! Have a fabulous day.

- Kizy


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