Forced To Marry The Devil : A Crazy Love Saga

Chapter 100 - 100. Goodbye Aaron

As soon as Aaron was gone for the charity show, Kizy sent all the information to Jack who further passed it to Markus.


"Boss look, ladyboss sent this." Jack said while opening the document on his phone.

Markus quickly took the document and read it in ten minutes.

"Goodbye Aaron." Markus said with a smirk.

"Have you contacted Lucas?" Markus asked Joel.

"Yes boss. He said he will be waiting at a cafe that young Miss had told him about in her previous visit.." Joel informed him.

"Great!!" Markus said.

"Jack, pass Kizy a message saying '8.00 pm'." Markus told Jack.

"But boss, lady boss said not to message her through this phone." Jack said a little hesitantly.

"Mission is over Jack. Go text her." Markus said with a smile that made all others feel a chill down their spine.

It had been a long time since their boss was this scary. This was the smile they were always accustomed with, a smile signalling the beginning of someone's doom.


Aaron along with some other government officials, was sitting on a round table, looking at the information shown on screen about the next item that was about to be auctioned.

But this time, everyone was paying complete attention to the screen, as the item to be auctioned off, was today's last item and it was none other than a blue diamond ring, the only one on the planet. 

The ring was custom made by a prince for his secret lover, though he was not able to present it to her. The ring was found in one of the treasure boxes found last year by an archeologist.

Asron was fascinated by the blue diamond, especially its calm blue shade and he made up his mind to buy this ring for Kizy, the only person he thought who deserved to wear this.

Once the anchor had read all the details about the ring, the screen went off. All the lights were turned off, making it completely dark except one spotlight which showed a woman bringing the blue diamond ring on stage.

All eyes were upon that ring when suddenly the lights turned on and the projector showed Aaron's photo. But along with his photo, were the original details of his identity, revealing every single detail about his life.

Aaron was leisurely drinking his wine, thinking about how high the bid would go, when suddenly he saw his photo along with his fake and real name - 'Alexander Davis' and 'Aaron Miller'.

Below them were the proofs of his real identity placed against his Government Official's identity.

Aaron was about to quickly get up, thinking this was done by Markus as all this information was stored only in two cell phones, one at his current base and second one at the hotel that was blasted by Markus's men.

But the next minute, the slide changed to details of his black market and all the weapons he owned illegally and Aaron was left standing on his spot.

All the nearby people were whispering to each other, running footsteps could be heard from a distance away, while some were shocked and gasping at the sudden shocking news.

But for Aaron, no voice was present. The moment he saw weapon details, he knew that it was none other than - Kizy.

It had been hardly an hour or two since he shared all this information with her, and now the same information was presented publicly.

He felt as if his world had suddenly stopped. He didn't even understand whether he should run or not. The only thing he could feel was a sudden pain, though the pain wasn't there, he felt as if someone was choking him, depriving him from his only living hope.

And this was the scene Raymond witnessed after entering. Since he himself was injured, he shouted at his man.

"Protect our boss!!" He said.

He then limped his way towards Aaron, while his men formed a barrier around Aaron, protecting him from other people.

"Let's go boss." He said to Aaron.

But Aaron wasn't reacting at all.

"Boss!!" Raymond again called for Aaron, but there was still no reaction from him.

Finally Raymond started pushing Aaron gently, nudging him to walk ahead. And Aaron moved. 

Though he didn't understand what was happening or where he was going, he was walking ahead with Raymond's nudging.

People were trying to fight them, but once the weapons were out, none of them dared to put up a fight.

Once Raymond successfully made Aaron sit inside the car, he asked the driver to drive at his fastest speed.

Raymond could hear police sirens from afar, and if the police were to follow them, then they would also know their base and remaining information would also be leaked. Now, even though Aaron's identity was revealed, he could still escape and take on a new identity, starting his new life. But if he was caught along with other evidence, there was no scope.

The driver followed and drove away at his maximum speed, thankfully avoiding the police cars on time.

They reached the base area within ten minutes. There was only one single path towards this area, with all the jungle covering it from all other sides.

Aaron was still sitting lifelessly in the car when he saw a faint silhouette jumping from the base wall. And he could never mistake this silhouette for someone else.

"Stop the car." He said in a low but cold voice, suddenly a cold aura engulfing him.

"Boss we can't stop here. Let's go inside the base. We can leave the city through our secret exit and police will never find us." Raymond said.

"Stop. The. Car." Aaron once again said in his low voice, stressing on each single word.

The driver immediately stopped the car and suddenly Aaron disappeared from their sight.

On the other hand, Kizy successfully jumped from the fencing wall, and was now running at her fastest speed to reach the decided cafe, which was approximately one and half kilometers away from this surrounding jungle.

She ran past a tree when suddenly some grabbed her by hand and pulled back forcefully.

Kizy's head bumped into a strong chest, but that chest and that familiar touch made her panic a little.

"Baby girl." Aaron said in a low voice, almost a whisper.

Kizy immediately tried to jerk his hand, wanting to escape from him as soon as possible, but Aaron was definitely not thinking the same.

She tried to push him, hit him, slap and even kick him, but nothing was useful. Aaron who was unmoving for the past few minutes had suddenly woken up from his stupor, with only one thought in mind - Destroy.

He directly pushed her against the tree bark, making her gasp from pain. He raised his fist and aimed it at Kizy with full force.

Kizy closed her eyes in fear, knowing there was no way she could survive this punch. She was involved in a lot of fights, but all.of them involved guns. Plus her teammates were always there to protect her.

But here without guns, Kizy was completely defenceless, especially when the one to hit her was Aaron who was not her match in hand fights at all.

But just as his punch was about to land on her face, he changed direction, punching the tree bark adjacent to her face.

Kizy heard a swoosh sound and opened her eyes slightly, only to see a bloodthirsty Aaron who was looking at her with weird emotions. He punched the bark once, twice and thrice.

Kizy once again started pushing him, guessing that Aaron wasn't planning to hit her.

Aaron didn't care about Kizy's struggle and suddenly picked her up on his shoulder, walking back towards his base.

"Aaron!!" Finally Kizy spoke.

Aaron, who was carrying Kizy on his shoulder, paused for a brief moment before resuming. No matter what Kizy shouted, he didn't react at all.

All this time, Kizy was punching his back, trying to kick his chest, shout at him, but nothing worked.

Finally they arrived before the base's gate where Raymond and other men were panicking, worrying where Aaron had gone.

Once Raymond saw him returning, he sighed a little. But once he saw the person on his shoulder, he could no longer keep his cool.

He suddenly stepped in front of Aaron, wanted to pull Kizy and throw her on the ground, but Aaron simply said one word.


"But boss I can't-" Raymond wanted to speak but Aaron didn't wait and walked past him.

Aaron climbed the stairs to the room where he and Kizy had been living together for the past few days.

Once inside, he kicked the door shut before roughly tossing Kizy on bed.

Kizy knew what Aaron was intending to do by now. She quickly tried to get up, only to be trapped under Aaron's gigantic body. He was straddling her, his knees placed on both sides of her legs, his hands roaming around her body, engaged in her silky locks.

"Aaron listen-" she tried to speak but Aaron didn't even wait and directly bent to kiss her.

After knowing the truth about Kizy's betrayal, he thought he would hate her to the core. He would hate her so much that he wouldn't even hesitate to kill her if he got an opportunity.

But once he actually saw her, he couldn't make it in himself to hurt her in any way. There was no hatred remaining, but just the feeling of being used.

And what hurted him the most was that all this time, he had been blindly trusting her, exposing his deepest secrets to her. But Kizy was only using him, using him to save Markus and that was something he could not tolerate. 

Knowing that Kizy still loved Markus and was fooling him to save Markus's life made him go crazy with jealousy. Thus the only thing that came to his mind was to keep Kizy to himself, to not let her go, no matter even if he had to force himself upon her.

He tried hard to kiss her, but Kizy kept turning sideways, pushing his chest away with all her might, making it impossible for him to kiss. 

Finally frustrated, he pinned both her hands above her head and used his second hand to remove her waist belt while bending down to kiss her once again.

"Aaron, stop.. no.. don't.. I am warning you.. sto-" Kizy was still shouting but Aaron was done removing the belt.

Aaron had trapped her from all sides and was about to unbutton her trousers when Kizy kicked him in the groin, making him shout from pain.

Kizy took the opportunity to run when Aaron grabbed her tightly by her arm, roughly throwing her back on the bed.

"Why? Why did you do this? Weren't we happy together hours ago?" Aaron said in his deathly cold tone while tying her hands to the headboard with her belt.

"Stop Aaron, you are making another mistake." Kizy said, in a panicked voice.

After all, she knew that she wasn't his match. If Aaron wanted, he could even kill her right now. But she was truly terrified at Aaron who had caged her completely, while she lay defenceless underneath him.

Suddenly all her battle techniques and fighting strategies seemed useless at the current moment. What was the use of her skills when they couldn't even save her at such times! 

"You made the mistake by choosing him over me." Aaron said after he finished tying her hands.

He roughly separated both her legs and placed himself between her thighs, making her unable to move at all.

He once again tried to kiss her, but Kizy kept turning her face, not giving him the chance to capture her lips.

"No.. Aaron don't… no.. you can't… Aaron no-" Kizy was desperately shouting beneath him, tossing and turning, when Aaron got frustrated and tore her t-shirt from her sleeve.

Suddenly her bare milky white skin over her shoulder, neck and collarbone were exposed on one side. Kizy started struggling more powerfully this time, determined to not let Aaron have his way.

"No… don't… don't do this… Aaron.. Aaron stop.. n-" her cries were even louder now.

But Aaron simply held Kizy from her bare shoulder on one side and waist from another side tightly. His tight grip was killing Kizy from its immense pain. He was about to bite Kizy on her neck when someone kicked him away with a great force.

Aaron was directly sent flying with the kick, his body crashing on the study table while Kizy was enveloped in a warm and protective hug.

"Are you alright, my little lamb?" Markus asked in a gentle voice.


Guys we have reached till our 100th chptrs!!! And thus todays chapter is longer than 2k words!! So happy to complete our first hundred chapters!! 

Also I recieved my previous month pay today and I am so so slsksksksnsvdsjs HAPPY!!!

Don't forget to unlock priviledge chapters.. I am releasing one bonus chapter for every 200 unlocks of priv chapter!!

Comment and vote with golden tickets and powerstones!!

Have a happy day ahead.

- Kizy


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