Forced Marriage: Escaping Her Monster

Chapter 67 - Not A Monster

Chapter 67 - Not A Monster

"Yeah, Emma got my knife to cut the apple. It was weird. Today I searched for it in the cabin and found it under the bed." Charlie didn't know why his boss is asking all these, but he answered anyway.

"Okay then... you know what to do with those guys. Figure out if they are connected to Mosely." Jeremy said and closed the door.

Under the bed? Did Jerlina store it there for future use? She said she finds those kinds of places as safe places. But if she was planning on using it, why didn't she take it with her during her escape?

And Emma... did she bring the knife to Jerlina to share the apple with her? And Jerlina might have got triggered thinking she was bragging and tried to stab her? But Jerlina said there was no struggle between them.

I should talk to Emma.

Jerlina kept the jewelry she was wearing safe in her closet and changed. She went to the balcony to check up on the planter.

Squatting beside the planter, she sighed. She didn't know what she is doing as everything seemed murky. She couldn't even understand her actions. Thinking about everything, made her more confused and tired.

As she was about to go to bed, she heard scratching noises by the door and she opened the door with the chain lock still on, and it was Earl.

She let him in and he ended up occupying the whole bed and he shed a lot. It was annoying, but his presence gave her some company.

"Do you know, Earl?" she petted his head and he looked at her as if he was willing to listen to her. "I feel like I have no one... When was the last time someone hugged me..? A month..? No, it's been two months already. I feel so lonely," she sighed.

She almost cried when the dog placed his little paw over her shoulder as if he understood her. "You're annoying at times. But you are very adorable most times, Earl. I love you," she closed her eyes.

"I...wuv uuu...." Earl the talker, said with a howl making her smile. Her mood got a little better and she soon fell asleep.

In the morning, she woke up early and Earl was waiting to be let out. After letting him out, she took care of the planter. After a shower, it took a lot of time for her to decide what to wear. After deciding she has to buy some casual outfits, she changed to one of her less formal business outfits and stepped out of her room.

She didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb by being too formal. When in Rome, be a Roman is what they say, right?

She checked the refrigerator on the second floor and oddly it was empty. The pantry in the kitchen was empty too.

Is he not going to feed me anymore?

She rubbed her tummy that was grumbling. Deciding to buy breakfast in Peyton, she got down the stairs. The aroma of hot pancakes as she reached the first floor, made her more hungry and she silently cursed that heartless monster who denies her food.

"Wait!" Jeremy came running out of the kitchen.

"What?" she turned and was surprised to see the heartless monster she was cursing in front of her in an apron and a spatula in his hand.

"Come here," he waved his hand and as she was hesitating, he led her to the kitchen holding her purse.

"Sit" he pointed at a chair and there was a plate with stacked pancakes and maple syrup dripping at the edge.

Jerlina gulped as she wondered what is going on. Last night, she shouted at him and he screamed at her for talking about his dear sister. He even lied to her and caused her suffering.

And in the morning, as if nothing happened, he is making me breakfast? Why should I accept before he apologizes for lying to me? I have my pride!

"It won't taste good if it gets cold. Come on!" he pulled the chair for her.

Oh, screw you, pride! It's food! I cannot show my anger at food!

Jerlina shrugged and sat at the table. She was hungry and since he insists, she will accept. Plus, he said she has to stay until he lets her go and that means, he should feed her.

Heh! Who knew getting kidnapped has its perks? You don't have to work for food and you get a free stay without worrying about bills... And this guy is a good cook.

Jeremy flipped the last pancake with a smile. He wanted to have meals with her and so he emptied the pantry and refrigerator on the second floor. He wanted to have little talks with her to make memories with her in his home.

He couldn't sleep the entire night as he knew she will return back to that guy. But then he decided to make most of her stay here. If he could be happy for the past ten years thinking of the hour-long interaction they had one night, he can live the rest of his life happily with the new memories he makes with her in his home. He already has a handful of memories and he can make more.

He saw her savoring his cooking and was delighted. Of course, she should love her mother's recipes.

He wanted to ask more about what happened that day between Emma and her, but he didn't want to spoil her mood so early in the morning. But he wanted to hear her voice.

"It's not wrong to feel the way you do. You don't have to beat yourself about it," he said and Jerlina paused her chewing. Her mouth was stuffed and she looked at him in confusion.

"You're like a squirrel," he chuckled seeing her stuffed mouth. Jerlina bowed her head in embarrassment.

"Cute like a squirrel..." he added. and she looked at him. He had a boyish smile and she didn't know what to think of him anymore. She has seen his belligerent side, his protective side, his vulnerable side, and his boyish side.

Although his protective side mainly was towards his sister, it is an admirable quality.

Ah, why am I even analyzing him?

She bowed her head and started eating.

"You're not a heartless monster who throws people away for no reason," he said and she looked at him. "You're still the kind-hearted person you are."

Jerlina suddenly felt her eyes stinging. Last night, the person she knew for seven years, looked at her like she was an alien. Why is the guy she barely knows saying what she wants to hear?

"You endured a lot over the years and you were resilient and strong. It is not wrong of you to choose to stop getting used by them just because they are family. And you let them off pretty easily for everything they did to you. I know I won't be this courteous. You saw how I was with my family..." he paused seeing her sniffle.

I made her cry?

He wanted to get close to her but fearing he might anger her, he held back.

Jerlina didn't know why, but tears started dripping from her eyes. She, who felt like she's a piece of wood drifting in the deep blue sea, alone, felt like she is not alone. There is someone who understands her.

Even if it is him...

But then she gained her senses and realized she is crying in front of TJ. "I know. You don't have to tell me that," she said wiping her face and started to eat.

He didn't want to talk about it, but he wanted to assure her that she can be with Gerard without his interference. Emma won't come between them either. "And Gerard Cooper... you might be angry at him for now, but you still love him and can get back with him. You-"

"You're wrong here, TJ," Jerlina took in a deep breath and looked at him. "I cannot get back with him. He made sure of that."

"Why? Because he married another woman? It's just a fake marriage," he spoke as gently as possible.

"There... you said it. Just a fake marriage. Just?" she smiled wryly.


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