Forced Marriage: Escaping Her Monster

Chapter 50 - Staring Unconsciously

Chapter 50 - Staring Unconsciously

Jerlina held the knob of the door to close it but she couldn't. She remembered TJ was warm when he embraced her before. And the way he suffered when he had the panic attack made her feel bad. But then she was a little scared if she'd get attacked like before.


She closed the door and lied on the bed. She tried to sleep, but she couldn't. She wondered if people would die of high fever and google said that they can. It gave her a fright. She wondered if something happened to TJ, she might get blamed.

Ah... I will make him take a pill!

She got up and walked to her first aid box. She remembered that there were some antipyretic drugs. As she pulled open the drawer, her eyes got drawn to her balcony. The door was closed, but she could see the little planter out there through her heart.

Her hand holding the drawer handle paused. She stood straight taking in a deep breath. Her eyes teared up.

Yeah, so what if he has a fever? I lost my baby because of him!

She went back to bed and cried.

Gerard... she really didn't think he'd do this to her. Surely, his word would have been enough to stop her from getting paranoid. She wouldn't have tried to escape had Gerard spoke to her.

I will not forgive him either.

When she woke up, it was morning and she checked the time. She had enough time to get ready. The first thing she did was to take care of the rose bush. She felt hungry and went to the kitchen and made a banana oatmeal smoothie for breakfast.

She didn't even remember that Jeremy had a fever and proceeded with her chores.

As she was having her breakfast, Earl came to her, wagging his tail. To make fun of the jester, she peeled a banana and gave it to him. She thought he'd run away smelling the banana, but she was the one who was surprised.

"Are you a monkey or a wolf?" she asked, seeing the dog devouring the banana. The dog looked at her with its icy-blue eyes and licked its lips with its long tongue and started to rub on her leg.

"You're happy eating a banana? You're a shame for all the wolves out there. They'll bow their head in shame seeing someone who shares their appearance eating a banana. To think I was scared of you... Shame!" she mumbled as she checked google if it is okay for a husky to eat bananas and apparently, it is.

Earl didn't understand what she said, but he was proud for some reason. "Shame on you," Jerlina with a chuckle petted his head and he lied on the floor showing his belly.

"You want a belly rub? Who's a good boy? Earl is..." she played with Earl for some time and her heart lightened.

She walked to her room to get ready. As she was about to open her door, she heard the door click from TJ's room. She reflexively turned that side and that's when she saw the bloodied rug by the door.

That is blood! Did he kill someone?

She gulped and her eyes ended up on the figure opening the door and he was one foot out. His hair was a mess...more like, he in his entirety was a hairy mess. She had never seen anyone with this much hair other than... Tom Selleck, Sean Connery,... And boy did she adore them!

She gulped. The hair hid the scars in his body almost pretty well. And those biceps and triceps, pecs and abs...

D*mn! Now I see! Henry Cavill – that's who he resembles!

She thanked God for the boxers... those bright pink boxers with cute puppies and heart prints.

Other than that, he had hair everywhere, even in his well-defined legs- like a werewolf.

Ah, werewolf! Now I understand where the name 'Luna' comes from. Luna – the mate of an Alpha in romance novels.

Wait...I am staring, aren't I?

Before she knew it, she was already staring at him for more than five seconds. It is not like her heart pounded seeing his naked body. She was surprised to see the kind of body she thought only Hollywood actors would be able to achieve.

Okay, Jerlina! Pretend you saw nothing.

She told her brain, but her neck didn't listen to her.

Jeremy on the other hand was exhilarated. He thought of getting in since he didn't want to scare her. Out of habit, he got out without getting dressed, but seeing her reaction, he flexed a little. There wasn't much change in her expressions, but she was stunned.

I knew she didn't see me clearly yesterday and hence the lukewarm reaction. But now seeing me in bright sunlight, she cannot look away.

He wanted to jump in joy. But he controlled himself.

"Good morning. Did you have a nice rest last night?" he asked.

"Ah... yes, good morning," Jerlina cleared her throat and turned the doorknob. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable by staring at him. But then she remembered about his fever. "Bobby said you had a fever. How are you-"

"I'm fine!" he smiled brightly.

That d*mn Bobby! Why did he tell her?

"I'll get in..." she smiled and the corners of her lips hurt because she held her smile for long.

"Sure," he nodded and turned to get in.

"By the way, TJ," she suddenly shouted. "Your itinerary for today... Can I enter your office? When will you be there?" she asked.

This would be her first day there and she wanted to do her job perfectly.

"Itinerary?" he turned to look at her. "You can use my office – use my desk. I don't have a desk for a secretary. And... Isn't this your first day there? Just try and get to know everyone. You don't have to do anything there."

"But..?" Jerlina was confused.

Use his desk? So where will he sit?

"What?" he scoffed. "F*ck! Were you one of those kids who ask the teacher to start classes on the first day of school? You were, weren't you?"

"Well, we go to school to get educated so..." Jerlina was confused why he suddenly mentioned school.

Jeremy rolled his eyes. As expected!

"Do what you want. Make yourself comfortable. I won't be there in the morning. I'll have to see my shrink," he went in and Jerlina blinked her eyes.

So what should I do in his office? Why am I getting paid? Eh, whatever!

She got dressed in one of her business suits. After applying light makeup, she stepped out after receiving a call from Scarlett that she has arrived. She didn't know how Scarlett got her number, but she didn't bother to learn. She doesn't know a lot of things anyway!

"You're wearing THAT to work?"

TJ's voice stopped her. She turned to see TJ eating cereal, holding the bowl in his hand as if he was waiting for her.

"This is my best suit. Is it not enough?" Jerlina took a look at her outfit. It was not Armani, but she got the suit from a decent brand and it suits her.

You're overdressed!

That's what Jeremy wanted to tell her. His company had no dress code and no one wears suits. She'd stand out like a sore thumb there. But seeing her sad face, he decided not to tell her.

Maybe I should change the company's dress code from tomorrow...

"No, it is perfect," Jeremy smiled. "Go on, Scar is waiting..."

"Yes," Jerlina gave a smile and stepped out.

Seeing Scarlett in overalls, Jerlina was surprised. The baby was in the car seat and she thought she will be dropped in daycare and wondered if Wolford even has a daycare.

Scarlett was mumbling something about not wanting the company dress code to change. Jerlina asked her about the daycare baby Ciara will be left at and Scarlett chuckled.

"Our company has a daycare!" she said with a chuckle and started singing praises of her boss TJ.

Jerlina was not that surprised by the way TJ runs his company. She knew he takes good care of his people.

Only my salary is low... but whatever!


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