Forced Marriage: Escaping Her Monster

Chapter 306 - Her Lost Memories

Chapter 306 - Her Lost Memories

"He probably didn't know," Jeremy chuckled. "My mother told me that she was never very diligent in studies and maybe that's why I didn't feel very bad when I dropped out of school," he said and hugged her close.

"Mom threw a huge fit though… She did everything to make me at least get a high school diploma but… I couldn't study," he rocked her gently.

"Do you remember her well, Joel?" Jerlina asked. "Your mother..?"

Jeremy thought for a moment. "I used to remember her very well, even her voice used to be still fresh in my mind. I could hear it whenever I wanted. But as time passed… Whenever I see her picture I could remember her face well and her voice would come to me when I am not actively searching for it from my memory," he said.

"It should be nice for you to remember at least parts of your mother," Jerlina patted his hand and kissed it. "Me… I don't remember anything about my mother. When my grandpa was alive, he'd tell a lot of stories about mom, and after him… Dad tried to not hurt my stepmother and so he never talked about my mother after he remarried. But I could say that he treasured his memories with her. At times, he'd sneak a look at my mom's picture and I even caught him crying once," she let out a sigh.

"In the end, it was I who was left alone with no memory of my mother and no father. But I am thankful for where I am now," she didn't forget to add that.

She would never dismiss her past as if she wasn't affected by it and that doesn't mean that she would blame her past for everything.

Jeremy hugged her closer. She has lost a lot in her life. He lost too but he always had people around him who loved him unconditionally. And even from the situation she is from, she still shines like a moon. He really admired her.

And he vowed to give her every happiness there is for her.

"I'll tell you all the stories I remember of your mother, alright?" he said in her ears.

"Okay," she smiled brightly but he saw the little sadness in her eyes looking at the horizon. He didn't understand what she is thinking about.

"You didn't ask me for Christmas presents," he asked.

He never dated but he knew how much efforts men put in to find proper presents for their wives. And he was told that their wives would leave clues as to what they wanted. Like leaving open a particular page on a fashion magazine or talking to them about the beauty of that particular bracelet in a jewelry magazine. But his wife did no such thing.

But then again, she is not such a person who would value such things.

He knew she forgot to buy him presents too. But he won't blame her for it. He knew how terribly busy she was in the past few days as she handled everything related to the Holidays season of his company.

But still, she gave him an awesome present by recreating that picture. And she makes him happy each day and she alone is his valued gift.

"It's fine, I don't mind. I never wanted anything anyway," she waved her hand. "I was a little mad but then I forgot your gift too so I have nothing to be mad about," she turned and kissed his cheek.

Jeremy looked at her face and she looked honest and he held her around her neck and pulled her face closer to his for a kiss.

"I will get you diamonds and gold next year," he said and she gave a carefree nod.

Even by her nod he could understand how uncaring she is towards those jewels. But he wanted to see how she would react when he gifts her something of great value.

She didn't like them before..!

Will she act like she acted before- reluctant, or will she be more accepting and happy? Or will she not care?

"But," he said and she turned to look at him with curious eyes.

"But..?" she repeated.

"I carved something for you," he put his hand inside his back pack.

"You did not…" she got more excited.

Jeremy chuckled. He wished he has her temperament. When she thinks she is not getting any gifts, she doesn't mind. But when she knows she is getting a gift, she cannot hold back her excitement.

What a lovely woman!

"Ta-da!" he offered her a little wooden box with a bow carved on it.

Jerlina's heart started to pound.

"What is it?" she asked and without expecting his reply, she opened the box. Her mouth opened wide seeing that little thing inside.

"Joel! You made it, didn't you? How? When?" she couldn't shut her open jaws as she picked up the little carved bouquet of roses inside the box.

"A bouquet of red roses for my love," he kissed her cheek.

Jerlina held it in her palm and looked closely. She counted twelve roses in the bouquet and it was carved in some fine wood. The details were so exquisite and fine. She was looking and looking and her eyes clouded.

She knew he could carve pretty well. But she never knew that she could carve this well. She is not an artist but she knew that carving little things take more effort and more skills. And this one…

She thought she was with him the whole time but she never knew he was making this. How did he get the wood? Where did he get the tools? When did he find the time to carve this? This would have taken a lot of time and energy!

"I didn't know you could carve little things too, Joel," she turned to look at him. "Aww… this is so cute… Thank you, Joel!" she pecked his lips.

Jeremy saw her keeping the wooden bouquet and the box safely on her lap. The way she held it was so gentle and how careful she kept it close to her heart, made his heart warm.

He has bought her jewelry and gems. She was thankful for them and she'd store them safely. But he saw something different in her eyes when he saw her hold the pine cone she got in the graveyard, and now – holding his gift.

He knew in his heart; he's always known. She is the one for him. She proves it to him every day. And he knew more than anything, being honest with her would work wonders than trying to be careful around her.

He tried to be careful around her and that pushed her away. Only when he started to be honest with her did she start to fall for him.

He decided to be honest with her.

"Do you think I want a baby to replace the baby I lost, Joel? Is that what makes you hesitate?" she asked before he said anything.

Oh, dear! Her brain! She keeps on thinking, right? Was she worried about it for this long?


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