Forced Marriage: Escaping Her Monster

Chapter 187 - Cant Live Without You

Chapter 187 - Can't Live Without You

"What else?" Jeremy asked lying beside Jerlina. He just wanted to hear her voice more.

Her lips were all red thanks to the kisses. Her eyes were watery and it added to her allure.

His heart was filled with glee. All he has to do now is to make her accept that she's in love with him.

But there is no hurry for that.

"What else..?" Jerlina smiled coyly. His eyes were so pretty and she grazed his cheek with the back of her hand.

His facial hair felt so soft on her hand and it made her drowsy.

"Joel..." She poked his cheek.

"Hmm..." He smiled biting her index finger. He could see she's tired.

She works a lot and it is not surprising if she gets tired. And if she feels relaxed around him, isn't that good for her? Him too?

He wouldn't mind if she rests all day long, but she likes to work. So all he could do is to help her to do what she wants with little effort as possible.

And if she does what she likes, she won't feel much stressed, right?

Isn't that what she meant? She doesn't have to do something but she is willingly doing it. And that contributes to her happiness.

Well, you can do what you want all the time, love. I'll be right by your side if you need help.

"I am doing things that I thought were impossible for me, thanks to you... And you gave me a lot of friends and relatives who love me for who I am. I don't want to lose anything I have now," Her eyes closed, "And I don't think I want to live without you."

"Yeah?" He chuckled and hugged her close.

She says she doesn't want to live without me. Isn't that love?

Maybe the word Love has lost its meaning for her... That doesn't mean she can't love.

He gently caressed her hair.

"Did mom say something to you? Is she sick or something?" He asked.

He didn't know why Jerlina is pushing on hiring more doctors for the clinic.

She said she talked with his mom on Thanksgiving and that she got some juicy details about him, but she didn't say anything else.

And he was told that his mom seemed depressed after she met with that journalist.

"Her BP got high lately and she started medication for that," Jerlina opened her eyes. Seeing his concerned face she patted his arm. "It's unavoidable once you reach a certain age. She still wants to work since a lot of people depend on her and all we can do is reduce her workload," she added.

"Is that it?" Jeremy lied on his back and stared at the ceiling.

He never considered his mom's age. His mom never let anything slow her down as far as he knew. Guess, age always gets you in the end.

"I thought that journalist may have contributed to her bad mood these days..."

Jerlina turned to look at him. She didn't know if she can share what the doctor spoke about her past with Jeremy.

Maybe, it is not my place to tell.

She patted his chest softly, "Amanda needs to be handled though... She is no good."

"Hmm..." Jeremy hummed.

He could understand Jerlina is not telling him everything. She is not refusing his allegation that the journalist contributed to his mom's bad mood.

So mom talks to Jerlina openly after refusing to talk to me?

Somewhere in his heart, something didn't feel right.

"Why are you pouting?" Jerlina grabbed his lips with her fingers.

"You've gotten pretty close with mom, huh?" He asked grabbing her wrist.

Her fingers on his lips are not good.

By the way, is her period over?

He turned to look at her.

"Yeah," Jerlina grinned ear to ear. "We are besties now."

Jeremy chuckled seeing that smile on her face. He almost got jealous of this little woman.

So what if his mom speaks of some things to her? Doesn't that mean she's finding Jerlina trustworthy?

Shouldn't I be happy that my mom likes my wife?

"Sleep," he blew on her face.

It is wondrous to see her eyes close whenever he blows on her face. She's like a baby.

As expected, she slept sooner. Watching her, he fell asleep too.


Jerlina saw the notification on her phone. It was from her bank. Apparently, her account has been credited with the money.

This is normal because she works and she receives payment through her bank... For the work she does, she has to be paid.


It's normal!


Why the eff did I receive almost a million dollars from Fitzgerald Lumber Corp?

Is this a mistake?

Didn't Joel say he'd pay me half? That's $30,000!

Jerlina thought she was muddled and even checked in her phone's calculator.

Half of $60,000 is... $30,000!

This is a mistake!

She dialed the finance department. She was greeted with a cheery voice that turned cold upon the mention of her name.

Ugh, Ashley!

She patiently queried her doubt.

"You don't have to ask us when you can directly ask the boss. Are you rubbing it on our face?"


The call ended and Jerlina gritted her teeth.

You don't have to go to the CEO for every simple thing! Isn't that why he employed you lot?

Ah, screw this!

She walked inside Jeremy's office without even knocking.

"What is this?" She pointed at the notification on her phone screen.

"Whoa, congrats Ms. Secretary! You got your first paycheck!" He got up and gave her a tight hug and a kiss on the lips.

"The cognitive dissonance!" Jerlina mumbled.

He calls me Ms. Secretary and kisses me on the lips.


"The amount, Joel... The amount..." She pointed at the six-digit number.

"Is it less?"

He kind of got where his thrifty wife is going, but asked anyway. She looked so animated and he wanted to tease her.

"You said half! Half! It's not half!" She spoke controlling her anger. Her face was red.

"It is half! Half of the profit!" He shrugged and sat on his seat.

As expected, she stood frozen. And then her lips twitched and then her entire face.

How adorable!

"Is this what you meant by half?" Jerlina pressed her lips. "My taxes would be more than my previous salary! What were you thinking?" She held her head.

Look at my cute wife... Worrying about her taxes already.

"Jerlina, Honeybuns..." He stood up and held her shoulder. She was in deep thoughts.

"Prepare your heart to pay hundreds of thousands, even millions in taxes. Once your company picks up, you'll have to."

Jerlina blinked her eyes as it set in.

I'm going to be a millionaire!

"Imma settle in the Bahamas or the Cayman Islands... I'm not gonna pay taxes!..." She started to mumble and Jeremy hugged her with a smile.

"The campaign fundraiser is tonight. Let's go home sooner, alright?" He wrapped his arm around her shoulder.


Fixing his suit, Gerard took a look at the mirror.

"Here I come, Jer... I'll knock some sense back to you."


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