Forced Marriage: Escaping Her Monster

Chapter 166 - She Is Family

Chapter 166 - She Is Family

Jeremy was stunned. He didn't think she could shout this loudly. His ears hurt.

"Yes, Ma'am," he let her go seeing her angry face.

Earl got spooked by her shout and ran out.

"Thank you!" Jerlina got up and walked to the bathroom.

Although she thanked him, Jeremy detected no gratefulness from her voice and his heart sank.

What happened suddenly? She was fine last night! Is she mad that I sneaked into her room? Did she leave the door open accidentally? What have I done!

He wondered if he should leave her alone and leave. But he didn't want to leave. He waited for her to come out of the bathroom.

Jerlina took a quick shower and changed her clothes. Her entire body hurt and she stumbled out of the bathroom to have a painkiller.

When she stepped out, she was startled to see Jeremy standing in the middle of the room. Only then she remembered shouting at him. He looked stunned but she didn't care and left him behind.

"Joel... My sweet, Joel..." with a pout she walked to him and hugged him around his waist.

Jeremy lifted his hands to hug her but stopped, wondering if he might anger her again.

Or is she not angry anymore? It was confusing.

"I am sorry for shouting at you," her voice shook and she kissed his chin. "Oh, poor boy... I scared you by shouting at you," she rubbed his back and rested on his chest.

Okay, what is happening?

"It's just... my periods started and I wanted to use the bathroom and you weren't letting me leave... But I shouldn't have shouted," she took in a deep breath. "And you smell so nice. I wish I am the shirt you wear. Then I can smell your scent all day long..."

Okay, so this is what happened. And she wants to become my shirt? I don't mind.

And how cute is she?

Jeremy's heart melted to a puddle. To see every side of her made him feel blissful. But there is no need for her to apologize.

"Please, forgive me... and where is Earl? I have to apologize to him too. Poor puppy got scared..." she stopped hugging him and walked out leaving the man wanting her embrace. "Ah, what do you want for breakfast?" she asked and he held her hand.

"Don't apologize for something like this,"? he kissed her forehead and was happy to see her smile. "Take rest if you want. I'll prepare breakfast. What do you like?" he didn't want to stress her out.

"No," Jerlina waved her hand. "I'll be fine... Ah, almost forgot... I'll take some pain medication and I'll be fine," she walked to the first aid box.

Jeremy watched her taking the pills and he let out a sigh. She didn't look like she's in great pain but even if she is, will she let others know?

"Jerlina," he held her shoulder. "Promise me that you'll tell me when you can't bear the pain, right? And ask me whatever you need. I don't know much about these women's issues, but I will support you however you need me to. Just ask me, alright? Don't hesitate and don't push yourself, okay?"

"Okay," Jerlina nodded.

It's just periods and she can get by as usual but his words were comforting.

"For breakfast?" she asked.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Well, I usually eat oatmeal and I'll prepare something else for you," she walked out. She remembered that he doesn't like oatmeal.

"Froot loops," Jeremy didn't want to make her overworked although she seemed fine.

He knew she'd not appreciate it if he tries to force her to take a rest. He just hoped she won't push herself too much.

"Okay then," she waved her hand and walked out. "Earl!" she called out for the dog.

Is she really going to apologize to the dog?

Jeremy chuckled.


At the breakfast table, Jeremy watched how Jerlina tried to pacify Earl who was pouting and not even accepting his favorite snack from her hand. She was cooing Earl like he was a baby and she was relieved only when Earl accepted the snack.

Duke was lying beside Jeremy's feet and was watching everything with one eye open. He seemed like he was so over Earl's tantrums.

"It's Thanksgiving week," Jeremy started the conversation.

"Oh, yeah," Jerlina turned to face Jeremy. "So how do you celebrate it?" she was curious.

"Mom, Me, Bobby, Scar... we all go to Daisy's house. The whole day we'll be there and we'll just eat and eat until we are stuffed. Oh, we watch the parade, games, and napping..."

Jeremy was enthusiastic as he talked about it and Jerlina listened.

She knew he'd bring her with him wherever he celebrates it. She was mostly glad that he doesn't celebrate it at Emma's home. And she was more glad that he had no plans on asking her to cook a turkey.

I suck!

Yeah, he'd probably help and he probably will cook it better, but she is scared of cooking an entire Thanksgiving meal by herself.

"...This is Cia's first thanksgiving! And this year is going to be more fun because you'll be with us," he was excited.

Every year Daisy will nag him because he is not dating anyone. His mom will also express her concerns and this year none of that would happen.

I am married! I have a wife! They'll have to shut it and will have to let me watch my game in peace!

Jerlina expected that he'd bring her with him. That much was pretty obvious for her. But hearing it from him, made her emotional.

She hasn't celebrated Thanksgiving with her family in years. And his invite made her feel touched.

"Thank you," she said and her voice shook. "Thank you for taking me with you..." she wiped her tears.

Jeremy got to her and patted her head. "You're my wife! You're family! It's obvious that we'll be going together! Daisy will kill me if I don't..." he paused realizing why such an obvious fact made her emotional.

Mikhail said that the other guy never included her in his family celebrations. She must have felt alone.

"I know," Jerlina sniffed. "It is obvious. But thanks anyway," she looked at him with a smile. "I should be a lot emotional because of my periods."

"Yeah," Jeremy kissed her forehead. "Let's have lots of fun together in the future, Jerlina."

"Okay," Jerlina nodded. She had a feeling that her life would be different with him near her.


"How long will you lock yourself inside?" Harold Harrison entered Emma's room and opened the curtains and the windows to let the light inside. "It smells stuffy."

His face twitched seeing that figure sprawled on the bed. Even after acting this pitifully, it seems like Jeremy didn't contact her.

It's been days since he saw her out and about. His mother got worried for her and her dad wanted to know if Jeremy is going to attend their company's Thanksgiving party this year.

Jeremy! Jeremy! Why is he that important in this family still? Aren't I the heir?


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