For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Above the surface of the endless blue ocean, a huge black wyvern flew in a high speed, leaving the passing waves in dismay.

" Lennox, brother Ba is calling again "

Everly said, looking at the person behind the fluttering drapery. Lennox, who by unknown means managed to tie an entire cabinet on the wyvern's back, lazily waved his hand.

" Just ignore it, either way, they are going to nag us to death, may as well delay it until we return "

Everly looked back into the horizon. They have been travelling for about five days already, occasionally stopping by random islands to rest, and today they will finally reach YinYan continent. Usually, it takes a month and half to travel between the two continents, however, wyverns are known as the servants of dragons, naturally, they have the qualifications to deserve such a title.

Just as the land of YinYan continent appeared on the horizon, Lennox made a detour to the south, saying that he needs to visit a place beforehand. Fifteen minutes later, another island came to their sight, the thick mist around it couldn't conceal the flourishing greens.

Once Chan-Chan landed at the coast, slowly climbed down and stretched lazily. Everly, on the other hand, immediately jumped off and ran around excitedly. However, just as she reached the grassy land, an invisible wall bumped into her, causing her light body to bounce a few steps away. 

Everly held her red nose with teary eyes, looking at Lennox as if someone bullied her. Seeing that pitiful appearance, Lennox sighed and walked towards her. He rebuked her with his cold tone while his hand gently caressed her nose. 

" You deserve it. Why do you keep running around like a headless chicken? " 

With every touch of his hand, the pain in her nose quickly subsided. Seeing that he is not really angry, Everly totally ignored his words and ran back to where the invisible wall was and started feeling it, searching for a door or something. 

Pushing down the urge to spank a certain brat, Lennox waved his hand at Ashel to go forward and just leave this ball of fluff here. Bun-Bun of course won't leave her there, he quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her to follow behind his Lord.

Lennox put his hand on the invisible wall, chanting a short spell, soon after, the air in front of him started to glow faintly for a moment before disappearing again. Lennox did not turn back and casually walked forward, the invisible wall was no longer hindering them, so the two kids tagged close behind him.

The three walked for through the overgrown jungle plants for less than an hour before reaching a wide open space with an enormous lake in the middle. The warm breeze swept past them, giving a fresh and relaxing feeling.

While Everly was looking around in admiration, Lennox naturally walked to the lake and squatted next to it. He took a bottle from his spacial ring and started filling it with the lake water. The bottle looked like it could contain half a liter, but in actuality, it can fit contain around a hundred liters, so it took a good while before it was filled to the brim.

At that moment, Bun-Bun, who was staring at a certain direction from the beginning, suddenly mumbled in a sad tone.

" he is still here...."

Hearing that, Everly followed Bun-Bun's gaze and saw a white winged man kneeling on the lakeside, in his arms is an intact slender skeleton. His empty eyes had two threads of gold colored blood tears running down his cheeks and falling on the lifeless skeleton.

Although this was the first time she saw one, Everly immediately knew who this guy was.

That's a damn angel!

Stunned, Everly quickly walked to the man. However, she barely took two steps before Bun-Bun grabbed her with a look of panic.

" No, lady Everly, you can't go to him. Lord will get angry "

" Why, na? " Everly asked with a pout.

Clearly, that poor angel is crying bitterly over there, how can she not go kiss him? Especially when that guy is too pretty!

Lennox pretended not to hear that pretty-face sucker and minded his own business. Seeing that his Lord is not doing anything, Bun-Bun tightly warped his arms around the little girl, afraid that she will trick him and slip away.

" Lord said that man is a sinner, you shouldn't go near him "

Like she care! There is a pretty face, nothing else is important!

Everly wiggled her body, trying to break off Bun-Bun's embrace, but to no avail. Just as she was about to give up, Lennox called for them.

" little one, Maitea. Stop playing around let's get going "

Lennox said as he restored the now full-of-lake-water bottle back to his spacial ring. Everly stomped her feet and humped loudly, but still obediently followed her grandpa, after all, she doesn't want to be left alone!

On the way back to the island's coast, where Chan-Chan was, Everly kept pestering Lennox about that angle. After annoying the life out of him, Lennox finally gave up and spilled the beans, though, he said it vaguely.

" He is a servant from heaven, after falling in love with a mortal, he descended to the mortal realm and lived as one of them. I don't know what exactly he did but it was because of that mortal lover that he disobeyed the absolute one and got his retribution "

Everly furrowed, " but he did that because of love, love is good ba! "

" Not for everyone. To many of us, heavenly beings, love is more of punishment and burden than it is as a happiness. Immortals do not die unless the absolute one bestowed it upon us, having such an unstable emotion is only a form of endless suffering. It is also why immortals only bound with their pairs, a person whom God made them to be the best fit for us would certainly not cause us any pain "

Bun-Bun who was listening attentively, suddenly voiced his doubts.

" But, Lord, wouldn't finding his pair solve the problem? "

Lennox turned his head to look at Bun-Bun with amusement in his eyes:" you think people's hearts is a stain of ink on a black cloth? Let it be, nobody would notice? "

Seeing the little one being rendered speechless, Lennox had a light smile on his face. He shook his head, saying with a sigh.

" it's already beyond saving. We each have our stories to complete, our fates to live, so naturally he does too. Whether the absolute one forgives him and he gets reincarnated again or gets punished more, is nothing we can interfere with "

Both the little one and Everly had the same sad rabbit face. Lennox did not say more and continued walking forward.

Just as they were about to exit from the jungle, a figure appeared on their road. The man was covered in black clothes from head to toe, his face was hidden behind a black veil, only the blue crystal hanging on his forehead that had a not black color.

When both Lennox and that man saw each other, they both halted. Although, the man's face could not be seen, it was obvious that he was as surprised as Lennox, not expecting to meet here.

It took them a few seconds to come by again. Neither of them said anything, only nodding at each other as a greeting then went their way.

When the man was out of their sight, Everly and Bun-Bun chimed together, asking who that creepy man was. Not wanting his kids to get scared witless when hearing that they had just passed by Death, Lennox casually said that he was an old acquaintance....well, that's not a lie!


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