For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 51: Dungeon Practice (1)

Chapter 51: Dungeon Practice (1)

After a passionate encounter with Carla that consumed an entire day originally meant for rest, I realized that if I let my guard down, I would spend the whole day either teasing Carla or playing around with her.

It became clear to me.

Carla was definitely a woman who could mess up a man’s plans…

This couldn’t go on.

The 20% growth buff that had been active for a month now… It was due to the effect of the title of a talented new student, wasn’t it?

I should be training harder at times like these rather than messing around with Carla.

So, I implemented a strict policy that I wouldn’t even touch Carla unless I met my daily goals…

Strangely, Carla seemed even more motivated than me.

Thanks to that, I was able to focus on magical training every day after listening to the classes at the academy and receiving special tutoring from Carla.

Of course, I was fully focused on Carla during the ambitious nights.

I still couldn’t beat Elisha, but my proficiency in low-level magic was improving day by day, and my grades in sparring classes improved as well.

As a result, a few students in Class A who were decisively beaten by me started targeting their jealousy at Elisha, worsening her reputation day by day.

However, Elisha didn’t care about that at all and tried to recruit me under her more actively.

Probably, it was an action born from the confidence that no one dared to confront Elisha, who was the future of the Sylvan Magic Tower itself, as Carla had said.

I also met Faye periodically and shared a few alchemy recipes I had memorized.

I didn’t know how to make them, but I still remembered the ingredients, at least.

Faye would figure out the combination method on her own, I guess.

Anyway, as a result of working hard for a month in this way, I was finally able to keep up with the academy’s lessons.

“Up to now, we’ve roughly classified the characteristics of cores and discussed the ways to manipulate mana accordingly. And we talked about how, regardless of how you handle mana, you should ultimately find your own way.”

Professor Ethan Bailey, in charge of the Mana Manipulation course, stood at the lectern and briefly reviewed the content of the previous lessons.

Although he didn’t possess extraordinary vision, this elderly gentleman of a professor had a depth and breadth of knowledge that were anything but ordinary.

In fact, back in my H&A days, he was a character that acted as a speedwagon, providing various settings through his lectures.

“As I always say, and it’s important, so I’ll say it again: Mana Manipulation is the foundation of all magical acts. The more unique your manipulation techniques, the more you are free from the interference of others, and the more efficient you are, the more powerful or varied the magic you can use.”

He emphasized.

Previously, I couldn’t understand a word he was saying and would memorize it all to ask Carla later…but not anymore.

I somewhat understand what he is saying now.

It was a bit overwhelming.

“However, finding that method is ultimately up to you. Even if you possess the same core, each individual has different patterns and talents in mana, so naturally, the way you utilize it should differ. That would also result in varying ways to utilize your core’s abilities,” he continued.

I had a system correction ability that others didn’t.

Even if Carla and I possessed the same Lintblum core, our methods of mana operation couldn’t be the same since I didn’t need to worry about efficiency and stability as she did.

Carla was primarily a fixed-artillery mage, so it was effective for her to release powerful single shots of magic.

But I could cast full-powered spells while running or rolling around.

I needed to find the best way to utilize this system correction.

“You all seem bored with the repetition. But today is the last of that. Starting today, we’re going to spend time exploring your own methods of mana operation,” he said with a broad smile.

The atmosphere among the bored students suddenly changed, and they became much more excited.

After all, whether in this world or any other, people prefer hands-on practice over theoretical learning.

For me, studying magic didn’t feel like studying; it felt like memorizing the backstories in H&A, so it was fun.

Ethan, who had been watching the momentarily boisterous classroom, softly opened his mouth.


Though he spoke softly, his voice reverberated throughout the room.

It must be some sort of sound-amplifying magic.

Then Ethan, enjoying the attention focused on him, took out several cups from thin air in the classroom.

“Starting today, we’ll move on to the practical lessons. First of all, please place these cups on your desks.”

Was it psychokinesis? With a flick of Ethan’s hand, the cups floated through the air and stopped right in front of the students.

Ethan continued speaking only after confirming that all the students had placed their cups on the desks.

“Now, fill the cups with water using magic. Like this, ‘Water.’”

Demonstrating this, Ethan formed a small ball of water in the air and dropped it into the cup, triggering a surge of magical activity and incantations throughout the classroom.

I also filled about two-thirds of my cup with water that was created using the basic spell ‘Water.’


“This water made by the ‘Water’ spell is as ordinary as any water you’d drink. However, it has a crucial difference…”

Ethan paused and lightly touched the water’s surface, then lifted his finger.

The water spiraled upward, transforming into a serpent-like shape as it followed his finger.

“It’s sensitive to magical energy because it’s made of it.”

Then Ethan held the transformed water up high for everyone to see.

“Do you see this spiral shape? I didn’t twist it manually. I merely projected a moderate amount of magical power at moderate strength while lifting my finger. Do you understand what I mean?”

A few students raised their hands.

“Wilhelm, you were the first to raise your hand. Please give your answer.”

“Yes. If the professor didn’t manually manipulate the shape of the water, then that shape is influenced by your magical pattern.”

“That’s correct. The sensitive water, when it encounters its source of magical power, assumes its most natural shape. That is, the shape closest to the caster’s magical pattern.”

So, if someone else did it, it would look different.

“Everyone has a different magical pattern. There are similar ones, but no two are identical, which is why they’re often used in investigations or tracking… Ah, but let’s save that story for later. I’ve strayed from the lesson.”

Scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, Ethan cleared his throat.

“Ahem. Unlike simply casting a spell, projecting the precise amount of magical power with the right intensity can be a bit difficult. It requires pure magical manipulation skills.”

Ethan, after dispersing the spiral-shaped water, added with a seemingly serious face,

“However, of all the methods I’ve tried, this is the best for understanding your own mana pattern. Other books mostly suggest vague methods like meditation… Ugh.”

Seemingly annoyed, Ethan took big gulps of the water in the cup in front of him and continued.

“You can start practicing individually in 10 minutes. Ah, feel free to ask if you have any questions.”

To sum it up, among the students in Class A, the only one who successfully visualized their mana pattern was Elisha. Although most seemed to grasp the idea…

Perhaps because this wasn’t a completed spell and I couldn’t receive system adjustments, I was somewhat struggling. I should ask Carla for help later.

Then Ethan’s lecture, which consisted mostly of tedious explanations, finally ended.

The other subsequent subjects weren’t much different either.

We had focused on theory for the last month, so we were starting with the practicals now.

Just as I began to keep up with the classes because I had gathered some basic knowledge, there seemed to be even more to learn. Still, I couldn’t complain, as I was growing steadily.

Status Window

Name: Yandel

Title: Talented Freshman

Basic Abilities:

Strength: 12

Endurance: 11

Agility: 13

Talent: 14

Mana: 18


Endless Mana (A)

Elemental Affinity (B)

Excellent Memory (B)

Clumsy Weapon Skills (E)

Lintblum Mana Core (C)

Low-level Mage (D+) -> (C)

Blessing of the Sun God (C)


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