For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 151: Iona’s Observation Diary (6)

Chapter 151: Iona’s Observation Diary (6)

The sight of the pale, pushed-forward calves made me realize something was wrong.

Sneaking into a professors lab, peeking at a diary, and now hiding under a desk to spy on calves?

Was thisright?

It didnt seem like it.


A bead of cold sweat trickled down my spine.

Im going crazy.

Though I wish I could just sigh deeply and relax

Ionas legs were closer than I thought. The thought that my breath might reach her made me forcefully hold it back.

I focused on concealing my presence, even being careful with my breathing. At least for now, it should be okay.

It should be okay, right?

Suddenly, the thought of how long I must stay like this began to fill me with anxiety.

I had to get out of here quickly Could it be that I had to hide here all day?

Worrying about Carla and Elisha was one problem, but could I even maintain my focus all day in the first place?


And if I showed even the slightest gap, Iona would catch me.

Goosebumps prickled all over me.

Iona wouldnt expel me. After all, she knew I was exceptionally good at socializing.

But that didnt mean there wouldnt be any punishment.

What should I do now?

Just as my magic began to waver with my anxiety

Rustle, rustle.


The sound of pages turning and a strangely excited moan reached my ears.

Wait. Could this be?

It felt like a dizzy spell, as if someone had hit the back of my head.

Come to think of it, there was an erotic novel open on Ionas desk.

According to what I heard in the library, because it had been a long time since she last drank blood directly, her constitution had somewhat changed.

Vampires seduce with their beautiful appearance, but they almost lack sexual desire.

This was because the sexual desire from their human days would transform into a thirst for blood when they became vampires, and that was why young vampires, intoxicated by blood, would cause trouble.

It must be difficult to control the thirst for blood since it is intertwined with sexual desire.

But what if, as Iona mentioned, she had resisted the vampires instincts for a long time, and her sexual desire had resurfaced?

Could it be that Iona was now experiencing an uncontrollable sexual desire?


For some reason, Ionas hand was slowly moving under the desk.

I couldnt tear my eyes away.

Not the pale calves, not the rounded knees, not even a glimpse of the thighs, nor my own conscience.

At this moment, none of that was in sight.

Only the sight of Ionas fingers digging into her hot pants, which were as short as shorts, was in view.

Just as a finger slipped inside those pants.

Oops! Oops! I forgot to put up the sign!

Iona exclaimed as she suddenly stood up. I blankly blinked my eyes at the sound of the chair rolling backward.


Though I hadnt fully grasped the situation yet, Ionas receding footsteps were clearly audible.

The sign that must be it.

Sometimes, professors conducting sensitive research or needing personal time would hang a sign asking not to be disturbed and lock their doors.

It was probably a system developed because the offices were located within the academy where other students and professors come and go.

It was meant as a way of showing consideration for each other.

Just then, what was important was not the origin of the sign or what Iona intended to do with it.

It was that I must seize the moment the door opens to slip out.

That was all that mattered.

If the door locked while I was still here, then I really had no choice but to hide all day long.

This was an opportunity I absolutely couldnt miss.

For a moment, the vision of Ionas fingers digging into her pants filled me with regret.

But right now, I must take advantage of the moment the door opens to escape from here somehow.

I steeled my resolve and carefully moved my body.

And so, crawling out from under the desk


Upside-down features. Crimson hair flowing in reverse. A voice full of mischief.

Suddenly, Ionas head popped out from above.



Startled, I hit my head on the desk, but despite the tear-inducing pain, I managed to dash out successfully.

The problem was that it didnt end there.

An unnecessarily large portrait. The eyes of Iona within the frame rolled around and then locked exactly on mine.


Even pulling up the corners of her mouth into a bizarre smile.

At this point, I couldnt help but scream again.


The portrait! It laughed!

And having screamed twice, it was only natural that Iona would catch me.

Gotcha! Gotcha, you stalker!

Iona swung a thick erotic novel.


And then everything went dark before my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, Iona was right in front of me.

Hello! Hello! Youre finally awake!


A strange sense of dj vu.

I seemed to have experienced this before Right, it was when I had defeated Edmerek and was recovering in the intensive care room.

So, was this a dream?

My student is a perverted stalker criminal! This Professor Iona is so sad

My mind, which had been groggy from sleep, suddenly cleared.

Now that I was awake, there was obviously something I had to do.

With fluid motion, I kneeled before Iona.

And to prove my harmlessness, I raised my hands high.

It definitely didnt look like I was surrendering.

Anyway, I looked up at Iona with a serious face and said,

Its a misunderstanding.

Huh? Huh? Yandel followed me secretly, and just when I thought no way, leaving the spot to find you had entered the research room, peeked at the diary, and even hid under the desk to look at the Professors legs and you say its a misunderstanding?

Its a misunderstanding.

A misunderstanding, you say?

Iona asked, tilting her head.

Well then. You mean you have some excuse?

Of course.

Only after taking a deep breath to calm myself did I speak up.

The truth is, ever since I saw the Professor in the library, my heart has been pounding uncontrollably

Lies! Lies! I just confirmed that youre not under my charm.


Thinking back, Iona had implied from the beginning that she was aware of my presence.

Could it be?

In the midst of swallowing my saliva, Iona pointed towards the portrait behind her and nodded her head.

Yandel, do you recognize what this is?

Um a portrait that beautifully captures Professor Ionas grace and generosity?

No, no! This looks like a portrait, but its actually a security magic tool! And flattery wont get you anywhere!

According to Ionas explanation, this portrait had the ability to detect suspicious movements and locate them immediately.

In some cases, it could even share its vision with Iona, allowing her to monitor the inside of the research room in real time.

So, seeing the portraits eyes meet mine or it smiling just before I fainted wasnt a hallucination.

I didnt see Yandel, but I saw you peeking at the diary!


Now you understand? Knowing someone was there, do you think this Professor Iona would comfort herself alone Ahem. It was a kind of test!

If I had been under the influence of charm, I would have acted strangely when Iona put her hand in her pants.

Trying to pounce on Iona despite knowing the power difference, attempting something foolish, or even trying to pull down my own pants to retaliate.

But I didnt show any particularly strange reaction, even though I was holding my breath and watching.

If it seemed like I was charmed, wouldnt she have captured me immediately to neutralize it by some method?

Iona was cautious about her own charm.

Well, looking at the diary, I roughly understood why.

You get it, right? You get it, right? So now, tell me honestly!

No choice, huh? If Iona already knew everything, then I had to confess and ask for forgiveness


If Iona knew everything from the start, why did she blatantly leave the erotic novel and notebook on the desk?

Professor, did you intentionally show me the diary?

Hmm, I have no idea what youre talking about.

This time, Iona turned her gaze away.


I straightened my knees that had been kneeling and exclaimed.

Could it be Was this all part of your plan?!

What?! What?!

You lured me in! You made me naturally peek at the diary, hide under the desk, and then you planned to capture my weakness!

What?! What?! Why would I capture Yandels weakness, and for what purpose?!

Thats for you to know! What were you planning to do with the weakness of a student 350 years younger than yourself?!

I showed Iona a look filled with as much betrayal as possible.

For reference, the inspiration was Elisha right after being bought at the auction.

After all, if Yandel hadnt been stalking or sneaking around, none of this would have happened!

Shes right. Essentially, this happened because I stalked Iona.

But admitting that would really make it my fault.

A sense of self-reproach rose, but

I swallowed hard and threw Ionas words back at her.

Pervert! Stalker! Criminal! Planning to do something violent with my weakness?! Like in an erotic novel! Like in an erotic novel!


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