For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 116: Library (3)

Chapter 116: Library (3)

But where do I go to read erotica? Should I ask that golem from before?

Yandel You really cant read the room. You should be more moved by this moment!

Elisha slapped my forearm in disbelief.

But honestly, I was really curious.

How could one resist fantasy world erotica?

Think about it. Creative works, especially those of a sexual nature, always involve fantasy.

It was only natural to satisfy ones own or someone elses sinister desires, so it wasnt something to be surprised about.

In the Eurelia Continent, where different races lived together, the use of forbidden hypnotic magic to fulfill personal or sinister desires was a common, unsurprising occurrence.

Carla and Elisha, having grown up on the Eurelia Continent, might not realize this, but to me, this world itself was a fantasy.

Fantasy within a fantasy world. So, how could I resist?

Got it? This is purely academic curiosity.

Yeah, sure. But dont get your hopes up too much.


Well when I tried it with you, Yandel, I found it much more stimulating than reading a book.

Elisha was blushing and speaking in a voice as if she were shy.

Whats this? Was she seducing me?

Id love to pin her down right here, right now, and compare each detail of what we read in books, but

We were in a library, so I contented myself with gripping her hip tightly in secret.


Of course, Elisha, suddenly having her hip grabbed, let out a peculiar scream and jumped on the spot.

Elishas voice, breaking the silence, draws everyones attention.

Pretending to be stern, I scolded Elisha.

Shh! Be quiet in the library, Elisha!

You really really!

Elisha was holding her hip and sending resentful glances

A former noble High Elf with a bun hairstyle wasnt threatening but rather stimulated my sadistic side.

I chuckled and lifted Elishas chin, leisurely admiring her from various angles.


She wanted to retort, but shyly averted her gaze when our faces were close.

Thats cheating. This is cheating

So, are we going to read those erotic books now?

Lets go! Ill go. Just let go of me.

After lightly pinching Elishas cheek, I finally let her go.

Seeing Elisha touch her cheek with a somewhat dazed expression, a pleased smile naturally appeared on my face.

I made Elisha embarrassed! I could control Elishas emotions!

I enjoyed this moment briefly.

Carla suddenly came closer, linking her arms with mine.

Her slender arms wrapped around me, and her soft chest pressed against me.

But my initial reaction was more of curiosity than pleasure.

Carla? Why so sudden?

Please pay attention to me, Master. Otherwise


As if challenging her to continue, I tilted my head, and Carla stood on tiptoe to whisper.

Ill get down on all fours and bark like a dog.


Yes. Right here.

Elisha already drew attention once, and now Carla will bark and draw attention again?

Even for me, that was a bit

Shall we go there right away? I just have to ask a golem, right?

Well yes, but golems primarily respond to voice recognition. Its a bit embarrassing to ask directly, isnt it? I know the way, so Master, just follow me!

Ah? Then, Ill count on you, Carla.

Following the direction Carla led me, we headed deeper into the shelves.

We stopped only when we reached a considerably deep part.

The reason was simple. Up until now, the bookshelves were neatly aligned in a row, but from here on, they were haphazardly placed at various angles.

It looks like the entrance to a maze.

Ahaha. I thought the same at first. The inside is like a maze, too. But theres a reason for this.

Oh? Is that so? I just thought it was a secluded corner.

Elisha, listening with interest, was asked by Carla.

Elisha. What did you feel when you first came here?

How did I feel? I was just curious about what misunderstanding had led Carla to crawl on the restaurant floor, begging for food.

Ah. Thats right. Elisha originally had no reason to go that far.

But then, shocked by what Carla and I showed at the beginning of the semester, she ended up studying in the library after asking her attendant.

Elisha snorted, still finding the memory ridiculous.

Carla grinned at Elishas reaction.

What about the second time? You mustve been curious already, so what were your thoughts when you returned?

Uh! Th-that was

Carla nodded knowingly at Elishas hesitant response.

I wanted to take a look but felt embarrassed about it. But then thinking, Im an adult now, so its okay to look at it proudly, right?

Its okay! I felt the same. But what if you run into someone you know while you are nervously heading to the adult section? Or if someone sees you going in?


Elisha opened her mouth in understanding.

After all, it would be awkward to encounter familiar faces in such a place, especially when you had to keep living at the academy.

You might even avoid the library altogether because of the discomfort.

So, the shelves are twisted on purpose to prevent such unfortunate encounters? So that its hard to spot each other from the outside or inside.

Thats right, Master! There are quite a few people here, so its common to bump into someone But unless you have very similar tastes, its rare to meet someone you know!

Thats certainly convenient. But isnt it hard for first-timers to find their way?

Dont worry. There are arrangements made by seniors for such beginners!

As Carla fiddled with the bookshelf where the adult maze began, she pulled out a thick book, revealing a small booklet hidden behind.

This is?

[A Guide for Freshmen Traveling the Library]

Its a guide written by seniors for first-timers.

They even made something like this

Smiling, I took the booklet from Carla and flipped through it.

The mazes map, sections divided by genre, how to find your way out if you get lost, and finally, recommended books for beginners.

Wow just how serious were they about erotic stories?

I couldnt help but laugh at the absurdity, but upon further thought, it made sense.

How many people could freely enjoy nightlife like me?

Not to mention the attendants assigned by the academy; even those brought from home were not easy to meddle with.

Usually, the attendants were the offspring of families that had served the house for a long time.

Of course, some high nobles might bring one of two attendants specifically for sexual purposes

But that was only applicable in powerful households and only to men.

Given the value placed on chastity in this world, it was a considerable disadvantage for a woman to lose her virginity before marriage.

Well, things might loosen up after marriage, but how many married people were present in the academy?

In the end, the only students who could satisfy their desires were a handful of noble male students.

The rest must be managing somehow on their own.

It must be a critical issue for students, in the prime of their lives, confined mostly to the academy, living alongside peers of the opposite sex.

Unlike Earth, where you could easily watch adult videos on the internet at home, the only option left here was erotic books.

That was probably why there was an unusually extensive section of erotic literature and why so many people came here.

Nodding to myself, I confirmed the contents of the booklet before putting it back in place.

Alright. Ive remembered it all, so lets go in now.

Yes! Oh, Master, is it alright if I borrow some books too?

Do as you like. Class A has a generous borrowing limit anyway. Elisha, do you want to borrow a few things youre interested in?

Hmm. If Yandel insists, I wont refuse.

Despite pretending not to, the corners of her mouth twitched, seemingly excited.

After all.

It was Carlas first visit to the library since being expelled from the academy, and Elisha had just begun to take an interest, akin to being sold into slavery.

It would be nice to accommodate them for today.

Lets take our time looking around. Carla, what was the title of the book Elisha seemed to enjoy last time?

The Lady Becomes a Bitch in 100 Days!

Ca-Carla?! How do you know about that?!

Well, Ive read it too, right? Oh, did you know theres a second volume?

Really? Can you tell me a little about it? I thought Melina was already trained, so there wouldnt be any useful content left.

Hehe well, Melina is like that. But what about Melinas younger sister?

What! The younger sister who briefly exchanged names and parted ways in the early part?

Right, right. I cant say much because it would be a spoiler but can you imagine what it might be like?

Chatter, chatter, chatter.

Elisha nodded vigorously.

The sight of the two chatting happily was quite pleasant.

The topic might be erotic literature, but so what?

If they were happy, that was all that mattered.

Sometimes, seeing them get along like they used to was surprisingly heartwarming.

But just watching would be a waste.

Squeezing between them, I wrapped my arms around the waists of Carla and Elisha.

This was like a man interrupting a yuri scene! (Not really)

Is that book so interesting? Maybe I should read it too.

Hmm its mainly from the female protagonists perspective, so it might be hard for Master to get into.

I just want to talk about the same topics as you.

Ah I suddenly want to give Master a kiss.

We chatted lightly like that, occasionally taking out books with interesting titles to skim through, and proceeded leisurely.

As we went deeper, where harder genres were kept, the pure love stories began to give way to novels mixed with training themes.

At that moment, a particularly eye-catching book appeared.

[I Picked Up a Self-Proclaimed Genius Magician]

If I had to abbreviate it, maybe Self-Pro Genius Magician?

Just as I reached out, drawn by a strange allure



Hmm? Hmm?

There was someone who had grabbed the book before me.

Her hand was so pale that it was almost white. I couldnt think to remove my hand overlapping her, and I asked in a dumbfounded voice.

Professor Iona, what are you doing here?

Perhaps, perhaps! Student Yandel might be here for the same reason?


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