For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 111: Faye’s Conspiracy

Chapter 111: Faye’s Conspiracy

Is this proof enough?

As I stared at Fayes protruding crimson tongue, I nodded absentmindedly.

Thats sufficient.

This might be forgivable.

Click, click.

Just as I was about to loosen my tightened belt, a remnant of rationality held me back.

Was this really okay?

Faye isnt drugged right now, is she? She cant be making proper judgments in this condition.

I was also slightly influenced, my sexual desires aroused.

That meant this would not just end here. Both Faye and I would want more.

But what if things became awkward with Faye later, and we ended up drifting apart?

Was this the right thing to do here?

Such practical thoughts momentarily stopped my hand.

But then


I glanced down at Fayes chest.

Despite her small frame, her breasts seemed almost violently disproportionate, making me swallow involuntarily.

Damn it. Just take responsibility until the end.

If I could freely handle those breasts in return, it would be a win.

Swish. Thump.

My pants fell to the ground.

Only then did my member reveal itself.


Faye, who until moments ago seemed drugged was actually really drugged, and had a dazed expression, gasped.

She must have been overwhelmed by the majesty of a natural power level of 18.

I pushed my member closer to Fayes face.

Perhaps it was because various pieces of equipment were operating as a light source instead of a regular lamp.

An imposing shadow of my member cast over Fayes frightened face.

Thats why, although she still held her mouth open with her hand, Faye looked at me with a significantly more apprehensive attitude than before.


Watch closely, Senior Faye. This is whats going to enter that small mouth of yours.

Wi-will it fit?

Ill make it fit.

Fayes trembling tongue began to quiver as I placed the tip on it.

I felt a warm and moist sensation on the underside. After rubbing it a couple of times to apply some saliva, I gently pushed my hips forward.


Faye had her eyes tightly shut and her jaw as wide as possible, but perhaps it was because her mouth was so small.

Just by taking my member into her mouth, it was filled to the brim, leaving Faye looking up at me, unsure of what to do next.

Gently tapping Fayes head, I continued to instruct her.

Just keep your teeth out of the way and open your mouth wide, Senior Faye. Ill handle the rest.


Taking her nod as a signal, I began to slowly move my hips.


My member wedged into Fayes mouth. The dampness enveloped the entire tip and slowly covered the shaft.

Hmmph Euh

This alone was overwhelming for Faye, and tears started to well up in her eyes.

Although the sight of her fully taking in my member was extremely arousing, I had to remind myself that this was Fayes first time.

So, I decided not to do a deep throat as I had with Carla.

Moving gently, I teased the inside of Fayes cheeks and the roof of her mouth with my member, if only for a moment.

Suddenly, Faye, who had been still until then, swallowed my member deeply with a resolute expression.

Senior Faye?

Faye continued to push forward, undeterred, despite my startled call of her name.

Mmph Suck. Eugh

After struggling for a while near the throat, she finally managed to take it all the way to the base.


Was this really happening?

Her mouth was so small that nearly half of my lower half was inserted into her esophagus.

Despite what must have been a significant difficulty, Faye didnt stop there and began to move her head on her own.

Slosh, slosh.

Hnk Suck

Fayes mouth felt unbelievably good, beyond what I could have imagined. Was it the effect of the drug? She was incredibly proactive.

Although I was very angry about her plot to drug me, seeing her bury her face in my member made me forgive everything.

As I stroked Fayes head to signify her good job, she looked up at me with teary eyes and smiled.

Gaining confidence, she even began to playfully touch my buttocks, which elicited a wry laugh from me.

Slosh, slosh, slosh.

I was lost in thought, wondering how long I should let Faye continue to move freely.

Fayes movements began to slow as if fatigue were setting in.

Right. Its time to finish this. Ive held back too long.

I hadnt touched Fayes head since the initial minutes, but I grasped it once more.


I then pushed deeper into her mouth.

I put so much force that her small nose pressed against my lower abdomen.


Overwhelmed, Faye gagged. I reveled in her tightening throat as I released the pent-up semen.



My twitching member flooded her throat with semen.

Faye attempted to relax her throat to accommodate it, but


Seemingly unfamiliar with direct ejaculation, she couldnt suppress her gag reflex and jerked her head back.


As soon as she expelled my member, she vomited the semen.

To make matters worse, the continuing ejaculation splattered onto her face.


Covered in semen, both inside and out, Faye looked distressed and coughed.

Its not tasty Its bitter and acrid

Did you think it would taste good?

But in the books from the library, they seemed to enjoy it.

What kind of books have you been reading?

The library again?!

Why does the academy library have so many erotic tales?

Ive made this resolution countless times, but after my current tasks, I must visit that library.

I need to see them for myself.

Sighing inwardly, Faye gingerly reached to catch the dripping semen from her nose and chin, directing it onto her chest.

Curiously, she examined the collected semen from her cleavage, stretching and sniffing it with the inquisitiveness of an alchemist, even in such a situation.

What are you doing, Senior Faye? You said it tastes bitter and acrid.

Yeah. Thats true, but well

Faye hesitated, then spoke.

But oddly, it makes me feel aroused.


I dont know if its the drug or the semen.

She licked her lips and glanced at me with a suggestive look.

You know, Junior You mentioned earlier that using just my mouth would suffice, correct?

Yes, thats what I said.

Really, its enough?

Faye, her hand sticky with semen, slipped it under her skirt and spoke.

Isnt this insufficient? Look. Juniors um, its still so firm.

Faye appeared impatient.

Reflecting on it, I realized I was the only one satisfied while Faye remained dazed by the drug.

Perhaps she couldnt contain herself any longer after becoming aroused and then coated in semen.

Faye gazed at my face and lower body with longing, pressing her breasts towards me.

You like my breasts, dont you, Junior? So do you want to touch them?

Her demeanor suggested she fully expected me to yield.

This sparked a mischievous urge within me.

Well, I forgave you for attempting to drug me just a short while ago Do I really need to do more?

Oh, or should I use my breasts instead? I read about this technique in a book. Im not sure if I can do it well, but Ill give it my best shot!

Ah, well. Todays incident was more like an accident, right? Lets call it quits here. And starting tomorrow, lets forget all this happened.

Um, Junior. Thats not what I meant

As I stood firm against Fayes awkward attempts at seduction, she rolled her black eyes, half-hidden by her tousled bangs.

Watching her, restless with semen smeared across her face and chest, a sense of wicked delight began to surge within me.

It seemed it wasnt the time to label Faye as dark and shady.

Struggling to suppress a smile, I spoke.

Lets clean up now. Clean.

Feigning to cast the cleaning spell on Faye, she reflexively seized my member.

She should have grabbed something else, but thats what she chose.

What is it, Senior Faye? If you continue this, Ill have to cast Clean on your hand again. Even if it is your saliva, thats somewhat

Dont go.

What? What did you say?

Dont go, Junior

Ah, I cant stay here forever. I have to go. Well talk again tomorrow.

No, dont! Youre still so hard because of me! I have to take responsibility!

Im fine. I can just go back to the dorm and ask Carla and Elisha for help.


Faye dropped her head as if the world were ending with a heartbreakingly sad voice.

It seemed too heavy a reaction to attribute solely to the drug.

Maybe there was another reason, but well, it didnt matter.

Dragging out a joke would turn it into something serious.

Just as I was about to reveal it was all a joke, Faye raised her head sharply.

Then she shouted at me with eyes mixed with anxiety and a bit of resentment.

Please do it!


I cant stand the heat from the drug! So please, use your member and do it!

Faye, realizing the embarrassment of her own words, blushed furiously and fumed.

I didnt expect it to go this well.

Haah So, youre saying we should have sex?

Exactly! Its unfair for Junior to have all the fun alone! I want to be fully satisfied too!

But, Senior Faye.

I cut her off and smirked.

Is that how someone whos asking for a favor should behave?


You heard me. Senior Faye is begging me to do her. And its all because she accidentally drank the aphrodisiac intended for me. Isnt it a bit inappropriate to be so haughty and loud about it?

Faye, who was gaping like a fish out of water, suddenly seemed to make up her mind and nodded firmly.

Fine. If I ask properly, will you do it?

Of course. Thats how it is between me and Senior Faye.

From today, our relationship will change a bit.

Faye, who said something meaningful, abruptly stood up.

And then she began to take off her clothes, one by one, slowly.

What was she trying to do by undressing?

Even as I wondered, her clothes kept falling to the floor one by one.

A ragged gown, a school uniform soaked in sweat, and even her astonishingly sized underwear.

Faye had thrown off all her clothes and now stood naked before me.

Though she was short, reaching only to my chest, her breasts appeared even larger without any clothing.

I couldnt tear my gaze from those irresistible breasts, but when I managed to look away, I saw her completely hairless groin.

The smoothness of her belly and the moist folds of her vagina secreted love juices, a reaction to the aphrodisiac.

The sight alone had already brought me to full arousal, yet the scene before me was not over.

Faye carefully knelt and began to fold the clothes she had discarded as if shedding her skin.

Senior Faye?

Curious about what she was doing, I spoke, but she continued to stack her clothes silently.

Only after she placed her bra and panties on top did she slowly bow down.

Her large breasts pressed firmly against the floor, but Faye did not halt her motion.

She bent her body further until her sizeable potion pouch distorted and jutted out to the side.

Finally, her forehead touched the ground.

A naked kowtow.

Lying flat on the ground, Fayes voice trembled as she spoke.

Pl-please. Use your mighty penis to thoroughly stir my virgin pussy pickled in aphrodisiac!

Ah, um.

I hadnt intended for things to go this far.


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