For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 109: Faye’s Conspiracy (Not In That Sense) (1)

Chapter 109: Faye’s Conspiracy (Not In That Sense) (1)

After Yandels duel ended, the Academy was turned upside down.

A cultist was hiding inside the Academy and nobody knew about it?

Especially since a freshman was recently attacked during a dungeon practice, the shock was even greater.

The unease spread faster than the rumors about Yandel, or even more so.

The Academy reacted swiftly.

With Yandels help, everyone inside the Academy was tested with the relic.

The results were shocking.

From students to staff, merchants, and even a professor, though only one.

More people were confirmed as cultists from various places than expected.

It would have been better if it were just about catching cultists.

But some cultists, realizing they couldnt escape or hide, committed suicide bombings under the name of martyrdom.

Of course, the enraged professors were vigilant, so there were no significant additional damages

But the students, witnessing the cultists threat firsthand, were unavoidably shaken.

Before the students could recover from the shock, it was the professors turn.

Intense interrogations were conducted, believing a huge conspiracy was at play with so many spies from different orders.

It turned out the captured heretics all belonged to the Boiling Silence Church.

The moment their secret power of ability copying was revealed to the world.

This news turned the Academys problem into more than just its own.

The whole continent, amidst confusion, started hunting for cultists or eliminating political rivals under that pretext.

Meanwhile, Faye, the starting point of all these events, was doing this.

Ahhh So dazzling.

Pockets full of gold. She kept marveling at its brilliant shine.

Youre amazing, Junior. Youre the best.

The sum of this months sponsorship and the promised performance bonus was astoundingly huge.

Faye, having received sponsorship money before, had spent it all on necessary equipment as soon as it came in.

She felt it was such a large sum in her hands and realized it was a first for her.

No matter what was happening outside, in her workshop, Faye thought only of what to buy next.

Though she had bought urgent equipment last time, more specialized equipment was needed to create gear for Yandel, the magician.

Obviously, I need to buy a mana extractor. A mana stabilizer maybe I can substitute it with a drug? Ill buy the other stuff first, and if there are any left, Ill get it. Right, I also need to buy ingredients. Since its my first time, a 15% manadyte should suffice, right? Yes, whats important is to succeed first.

Faye lay on the workshop sofa, humming while making a list.

Her usual timidity, unsure gaze, and shyness were nowhere to be seen, replaced by a confident demeanor.

And why not? This was Fayes territory.

A fortress and kingdom where no one could intrude. In her own workshop, Faye was an invincible God!

Hehe I should at least learn the basics of enchanting. Since the crucial part is circuit crafting, Ill etch the grooves during the process, and then pour mana into them Hehehe

Her innate gloominess seemed unavoidable.

So, she gleefully wrote down items to purchase, occasionally peeking into her gold pouch and chuckling unpleasantly as she continued writing her list.

If someone had seen her, they would have been slightly creeped out by her look.


Suddenly, she paused as if hit by a freeze frame.

There was no particular reason. She simply thought of Yandel out of the blue.

Fayes expression grew dreamy, as if lost in a reverie.

She recalled a dim alleyway.

Felop Brondei laughed mockingly. A sudden twist of the neck. The delayed surge of pain. The sting of words saying no one would protect her.

Just as familiar despair and resignation rose from deep within, darkening her heart

Yandel appeared.

His usually playful smile is now rigid.

His voice snarled fiercely like a wild beast.

But what remained most vivid in Fayes memory was different.

His eyes which were always full of deep trust toward her. Those playful purple eyes.

They were now glaring fiercely, emitting mana light as if he had been deeply insulted.

This image was firmly etched into Fayes heart, resurfacing time and again.

Ugh Aaahh!

Feeling inexplicably stifled, Faye eventually screamed and stomped her feet.

But she wasnt entirely displeased with these emotions, perhaps unknowingly smirking to herself.

She might not realize it, continuing to squirm on the sofa.

Contemplating purchases, smiling foolishly at her gold, and feeling shy about thinking of Yandel, who made all this possible.

This had been Fayes routine of late.

Even as she daydreamed, she gradually took care of her tasks.

But today was different.

Had it been the Faye of yesterday, just thinking of Yandel coming to her rescue would have overwhelmed her mind

But with repetition, even embarrassment became familiar.

Todays Faye had the luxury to think beyond that.

The events that followed in the alleyway.

Yandel, whom she thought was just a wealthy, somewhat skilled junior, turned out to be suspiciously rich and exceptionally talented.


Faye tilted her head, wondering if that was really any different, but then she recalled the duel and shook her head.

The flames that engulfed the entire training ground and his agility, like that of a decent Knight Department student, were beyond her imagination.

And it didnt end there.

He suddenly apprehended a cultist, and as soon as the issue became public, he collaborated with the Academy to eradicate the spies.

Faye, pondering about Yandel, who must be busily handling the aftermath of this incident, voiced a fundamental doubt.

What exactly is the true identity of Junior Yandel?

There were too many incomprehensible aspects to Yandels actions.

It was clear he was not an ordinary commoner Could he really be, as the rumors suggested, the heir to a major figure in the underworld?

While it was common to dislike cultists, his extreme aversion suggested he might even be the secret child of a high-ranking priest.

As Fayes imagination took flight, before long, her face turned pale, and she threw the pen and paper she was holding onto the table.

Then, she straightened up from her slanted position and sat on the sofa.


Just sitting up caused her chest to shake violently, which she hastily steadied with her arm, continuing her thoughts with a serious expression.

I dont really know anything about Junior Yandel, do I?

What Faye knew about Yandel was limited to his name, handsome face, hefty gold pouch, the unusually deep trust he showed her, his sly glances at her chest, his seemingly good relationship with slaves, and his unbelievable magical abilities.

It seemed like a lot, but these were just superficial details.

Anyone who spent a little time with Yandel could notice these.

But Faye wanted to know more, the deeper aspects.

Why was Yandel so wealthy? Why did he care for her? Why was he so good with slaves? Why did he loathe cultists to such an extent, and so on?

Faye wanted to understand Yandels motives.

Not just the image he projected but to truly understand him.

And she also wanted to be understood by Yandel.

However, Faye knew nothing about him.


The realization struck her painfully.

Like sharp claws tearing through her heart.

Although Faye had become much happier than before, perhaps it was because this happiness came so suddenly.

Just like when she first met Yandel, the fear of him leaving suddenly without a word started to grow.

What would happen to Faye if that occurred?



The thought made Faye shiver reflexively.

Now that she had tasted this lifestyle, she couldnt go back to her past.

Cold, hungry, scavenging for materials in waste facilities, being treated as invisible in class

She didnt want to live so miserably anymore.

It was her choice, but that didnt mean it wasnt hard.

This thought brought back Fayes old trauma.

Her father, who had taken her in after her mother, a talented alchemist, died in an accident.

Rokan Yareunshade.

He wasnt always harsh towards Faye.

Initially, he was a kind father, understanding of Fayes difficulty adjusting to the new family.

But what about now? Wasnt their relationship worse than strangers not even acknowledging her existence?

Faye still remembered the shock of the first time her father ignored her.

What if she experienced this again through Yandel?

Could she stand up again?

Probably not.

Faye started trembling uncontrollably, her teeth clattering.

She had been so happy these days, living as if in a dream but Faye was inherently a pessimist.

All she could do amidst her spiraling negative thoughts was continuously wipe away her rising tears.


Alone, she broke down, struggling and then starting to sob.

The thought that anyone seeing her would think she was insane added to her self-mockery, and then a sudden inspiration struck her.


From the first day, Yandel couldnt take his eyes off her chest.

Just a few days ago, he even jokingly asked if he could touch it.

Considering he always carried two slaves with him and teased them incessantly, he certainly seemed to like women, even if not as much as the rumors suggested.

He also appeared to have a strong sense of responsibility.

So, what should Faye do to keep Yandel from leaving her?


She needed to create a reason for Yandel to find it hard to leave her.

For instance

Something like a foregone conclusion.

With this thought, Faye suddenly tore up the list she was writing.


Then, on a new page, she wrote down the most needed item in large letters.

Love Potion.

A sly plan was forming in Fayes mind.


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