For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 103: Aftermath (2)

Chapter 103: Aftermath (2)

Except for weekends and some special cases, academy students must stay within its premises.

In the game, I thought it was just a system limitation or a mechanism to focus on the academy.

But later on, I learned from Carla that there was a reason for this.

Initially, students could freely leave, but every time they did, big and small accidents occurred, leading to a ban.

For example, some would continue their reckless behavior from their own territories in the city.

Or talented students who came to have fun were attacked by mercenaries or assassins hired by competing territories.

Or cultists would fabricate situations to make it look that way.

Originally, the academy’s purpose was to handle the remnants of Evil Gods that the first hero, Rahim couldn’t completely deal with.

But nearly 300 years of peace have faded its original intent.

Now, the academy is seen more as a stepping stone for personal success and family prosperity than a training ground for elites destined for the front lines.

Hence, these issues arose.

Well… thanks to successfully repelling the cultists’ terror for a long time and deliberately delaying clearing some dungeons to keep harvesting materials.

It would be hard to imagine that the cultists have been gathering strength for a counteroffensive.

After all, it had been a peaceful 300 years.

It was a bit off-topic, but the main point was that most students stayed within the academy.

Consequently, various convenience facilities started to emerge within the academy.

The market street was one of them.

Run by outside merchants with permits, it was a commercial area within the academy.

Here, you could find food not served in the academy cafeteria, and knick-knacks and luxury items not made in the craft district.

“This place should have a fan that Elisha would like.”

“Oh? My standards are quite high, you know.”

As soon as the classes ended, Elisha boasted with a proud smile at the entrance of the market street.

Perhaps it was because she had recovered from looking haggard after last night’s ordeal.

Anyone could see that Elisha was excited.

“Where can we buy a fan, though? Would a general store do?”

“They might sell them… But if you want something proper, you should go to a clothing store, Master.”

“Really? I thought if they’re in the academy, they’d have some high-quality ones on display.”

“They might… But I doubt they’d have the type Elisha wants. Those are just functional fans.”

“Yep. On the other hand, the ones in clothing stores are designed to complement luxurious dresses.”

“Ah, I see.”

I think I understood.

A regular fan might be expensive at 10 gold and well-made… but a fan that matched a 1,000 gold dress needed to be more than that.

Elisha wanted a fan not just for cooling but as an accessory, so going to a clothing store made sense.

As I nodded in agreement, Elisha cautiously added,

“Don’t worry… I’m not looking for anything too extravagant. It wouldn’t even match the maid outfit I’m wearing now.”

“Don’t worry about the price. Just pick what you like. But you’re right, something too expensive might not suit the outfit.”

The maid outfit provided by the academy was well-made, but, after all, it was still a maid outfit.

It was inevitably a bit plain.

“How about we buy some clothes for you guys while we’re here?”

“I’d love that, Master!”

“I like the idea too… But will we have an occasion to wear them?”

“Silly Elisha! We can wear them at night! Or on weekends when we go out.”

“You’re the silly one, Carla! Why dress up for a night walk…? Ah.”

Carla tsk-tsked, wiggling her finger at Elisha, who blushed red at some thought.

I chuckled at their antics and leisurely strolled through the market street.

Let’s start with the biggest store.

I bought fans, of course, but also clothes for casual wear, nightwear, and dungeon exploration.

Since we were here, I decided to buy everything at once.

On our way out, I also picked up some snacks and passed through the district selling raw materials.


I glimpsed someone in the distance who was unmistakably familiar with her bouncing chest.

Faye Yareunshade.

How could I mistake those distinctive features?

Recently, I asked her to focus on making magical equipment for me.

Perhaps she was here to buy materials for that?

I hadn’t given her the next sponsorship payment yet, so she might just be window-shopping.

Regardless, it was unexpected to encounter Faye here, so I raised my hand to greet her… but it was too late.

An unknown woman appeared, draped an arm over Faye’s shoulder, whispered something, and quickly led her into an alley.

“…Looks like there’s a problem. Carla, can you cast a silence spell?”

“Yes, Master.”


Carla promptly cast the spell without question or hesitation.

Invisibility wasn’t necessary. Even in an academy full of mages, invisibility would be too conspicuous.

We were on a busy market street where drawing attention would be counterproductive. Silence alone was more appropriate.

Elisha, noticing this, tilted her head in confusion.

“Yandel? Isn’t she just meeting a friend to chat? I know Faye Yareunshade relies on your sponsorship, but isn’t this an excessive invasion of her privacy?”

“It’s not that.”

To an outsider, it might look like a casual meeting with a friend on the street.

But I knew better.

“Faye doesn’t have friends.”

So, this wasn’t a normal situation.

“What? Really…? Yandel, isn’t that a bit harsh…?”

Elisha was taken aback but quickly shut her mouth, remembering the rough outline of Faye’s circumstances I had shared before.

We approached the alley quietly and cautiously, finally able to see the situation inside.

Faye, backed against a wall and cornered, was surrounded by a man and a woman.

“You did well this time, as instructed.”

“Th-thank you.”

“You can leave now.”


The woman who had been friendly with Faye earlier retreated, being dismissed.

Judging by their badges, they were in the same second-year Crafting Department as Faye, but their relationship seemed hierarchical.

However, their relationship wasn’t my concern.

My concern was with Faye.

Even if we were not friends, we could talk, so I initially approached to check if it was something trivial.

But it seems unnecessary now.

“You’re looking good these days. Neatly dressed, smelling nice… and even browsing expensive materials.”

There was no need for subtlety.

The blond male student, scanning Faye from head to toe, clearly didn’t have good intentions.

Faye, slightly intimidated, trembled and spoke up.

“Wh-what do you want all of a sudden? If it’s about the rumors regarding your junior, tell me.”

“Right, that. Yes. You’ve been sponsored lately, right? Your grades improved, and you’ve been happily prancing around every day. That sponsor, isn’t it that famous Yandel?”

“That’s… why?”

“Looks like it is. Then hand it over.”


“Oh, it’s not because I’m short on money, so don’t get me wrong. Unlike others, I receive abundant support from my family. It’s just a temporary loan.”

The blond guy chuckled as if he had just made a funny joke.

Even a three-year-old could tell that his laughter was mocking Faye.

Upon hearing this, I immediately took out a recording crystal from my inventory.

Extortion at the academy? Was this guy insane?

It was true that I heard the academy wasn’t what it used to be, but they wouldn’t condone something like this.

If I submitted proper evidence, they’d surely face a fitting punishment.

Carla and Elisha seemed to think the same, frowning but not stepping in.

Instead, they began to stack invisibility spells so as not to be detected.

As we were making our preparations, Faye, unable to act under the looming threat, closed her eyes tightly and shouted.

“No, I can’t! I can’t give it! This is the money I received! If it’s nothing serious, I’m going to leave now…”


The blond guy grabbed Faye’s wrist as she tried to leave.

“Who said you could go already?”

“Let go! I’ve already spent all the gold I received from sponsorship!”


The blond guy seemed slightly disappointed but then smiled slyly.

“Then, if it’s not money, I’d like to borrow something else. Like, for example… that big pouch of yours.”

No, was this bastard for real?

Not just me. Faye also looked at him in disbelief.


“Don’t look at me like that. Everyone knows because of the rumors. You’ve been completely abandoned by your family.”


“If not, you wouldn’t be denying rumors about selling your body to a lustful junior for sponsorship, would you?”


“There’s no one in this academy to protect you. Not even outside.”


“But I’m different. For a small price, I can ensure no one touches you until graduation.”

He said this and slowly reached for Faye’s shoulder.

“How about it? It’s not like I’m asking you to reject the sponsorship. It seems like a decent offer to me.”

“Decent, my foot!”

Faye gasped and shook off his hand, then violently tried to break free from his grip.

“Don’t touch my body! And I’m going to report this incident to the professor, so let go of me now!”


Annoyed by Faye’s fierce reaction, the guy sighed and raised his hand again.

“Damn, you think you’re that precious? Haven’t you already given it up multiple times? You’re just a big-breasted half-breed!”



And then, violence ensued.

At the moment I saw Faye’s head snap back from the slap,

“I can’t take it anymore.”

Overcome with rage, I let my body act on its own and projected mana with all my strength.


The layered invisibility spells that Carla and Elisha had cast reached their limit, breaking with a loud noise.

And then…

“Cough… Cough…!”


My mana quickly enveloped the alley, lifting the two scoundrels by their necks.

Telekinesis magic.

The most primitive and fastest magic.

It was less powerful, but…

It was enough to restrain those two, who seemed to be from the Crafting Department.

Faye, her eyes wide as if she had seen a ghost, watched as I stood in front of the blond guy.

Looking at him desperately gasping on his tiptoes, a harsh voice escaped me unknowingly.

“What did you just say?”


“Say it again.”

“Cough! Cough…”

Obviously, I didn’t release the telekinesis.


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