Football singularity

Chapter 88 88 New View On Life (2)

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Quickly walking down, the path we promptly arrived at the area around the lake. There was a paved pathway around the lake before you reached the pedal stone area around the lake. Dribbling my ball along the path I took in the serene atmosphere around me through my widened field of vision.

Mom easily kept up with me as she was just jogging and wasn't dribbling a ball whilst Zeus seemed to just be racing ahead before stopping to taunt us. The beautiful greenery of nature around the lake is quite the remarkable sight to behold. An assortment of different aquatic flowers decorated this section of the lake. Although they retained their beautiful lustre, I could easily tell they were in the last phase of this season's bloom.

Multi-tasking became much easier which I hadn't noticed so far as I was too mesmerised by my surroundings. Even though I was paying attention to my surroundings I could still calmly control the ball without having to adjust much to dodge the stray pedal stone that managed to make their way on the path.

Not only could I control the ball much easier but when I didn't specifically focus on anything in particular, I could easily notice anything in a two-meter radius. Relishing in this new sensation I didn't even notice that I subconsciously started speeding up my pace making sure to keep my contact with the ball close.

After about five minutes of this, I started incorporating some skill moves such as simple stepovers or a couple of stop-and-goes with a change of speed. Although my movements did not improve significantly through the improvement of my field of vision, I could seamlessly adjust much faster. However, I could already tell that this wasn't the full extent of my new eyes, and I would have to continue training to fully utilise it.


"Hey, you seem especially energetic this morning," Mom said as she finally caught up to me. Zeus and I had ended up racing ahead of her, both being lost in our own worlds me in my fascination of my new skills and him just not wanting to lose a race.

It wasn't until we reached the entrance of the pathway leading to the pier that I noticed that she was around two hundred meters behind us. That didn't bother us though as Zeus used the opportunity to quench his thirst as I just started doing Keepie uppie's managing to do fifty before she reached us.

"Guess I'm still happy from yesterday's game, I feel like I could play even better than I did yesterday," I told her with a wide grin making sure to continue my keepie uppies without losing control of the ball.

"(Sigh) What will I do with you, anyways let's pass by the bakery so we can get breakfast for everyone," she said in a slightly exasperated tone as she wiped away the bits of sweat on her forehead. However, with the rising sun, the glands of sweat only glistened further highlighting her beauty. Especially her light blond hair which made her seem more like an angel.

"You should get a bodyguard," Is all I said to her as I turned around to start walking to the bakery.

"Huh, why would I need a bodyguard when I have you and Ben," she said with a knowing smile seemingly understanding why I said that. I could only sigh at her antics as I remembered something Liam said; Women who are beautiful and are well aware of it are the scariest.

I don't know who he heard it from, but I've come to realise just how true this phrase is. Especially as most of the girls and women here seemed to be fully aware of how their beauty affects those around them. Heck, the amount of time I've watched May and Liv cause Bennet and Liam to blush due to their pranks is countless. Not me though I've developed mental fortitude even sages would be proud of.

"Let's just go the girls should be up any minute now," I told her as I started jogging in the direction of the bakery finally dropping the ball. Zeus was done refuelling and promptly followed us as we left the trail around the lake.


"We're home," I exclaimed as soon as we walked in through the front door. Walking straight to the kitchen counter we dropped off the bags with the bread and pastry from the bakery. The house is quiet so maybe the girls aren't up yet probably enjoying their Saturday to sleep in.

"They are probably still in their room, go and take a shower before breakfast," Mom said as she immediately started preparing some porridge for us to eat. Heading her words, I quickly made my way upstairs with Zeus in tow. Soon as I got to my room, I could hear the girl's blasting music by Pitbull probably the reason why they did hear me earlier.

"Good morning," I said to them as I open the door only to be met with a sight that left me dumbfounded. Somehow Two girls turned into four and for some absurd reason, they were all in their Pjs dancing all over the room. However, this ambience hit a standstill as soon as I opened the door.

From the looks of it, Jenna and Liv joined the girls at some point last night when I fell asleep, or they decided to show up in their PJs. Right now, the four of them all had a blushing expression as if I had just caught them red-handed doing something they shouldn't be. Zeus as always, the oblivious one charged into the room and started excitedly jumping around to the music.

"GET OUT!!" like a dam had broken all four of them shouted simultaneously as they somehow managed to summon pillows to their hands before launching them at me. Not wanting to risk getting hit I reflexively closed the door just in time as the pillows impacted the door.

"Mom says to get down for breakfast," Is all I said as I quickly scurried away to my room. Grabbing a change of clothing I hopped into the shower in no time letting the cold-water rain down upon me.

Taking a deep breath, I allowed the cool water to wash away any lingering thoughts of the chaotic scene I had just witnessed. As I stood under the invigorating spray, I reflected on the morning's events. With my enhanced field of vision, the peaceful run by the lake, and the awkward encounter with the girls I couldn't help but feel happy for the calmness under the water.

After a refreshing shower, I dried off and changed into clean clothes. Not wasting any time since I could already smell the enticing aroma of the porridge that filled the air, further stimulating my appetite I made my way downstairs. The kitchen was now alive with activity, with Mom busy plating food for the four girls gathered around it.

The girls seemingly feeling awkward about what happened earlier decided to change into regular clothes. Their faces still carried a hint of embarrassment as I joined them at the table. Most of them wouldn't even make eye contact with me, only May opting to send a glare my way. Not bothered though I took my seat next to Dad, who seemed to have finished his morning work since he's usually still in his study by this time.

"Hi, Dad you are already done with work for the day?" I asked him as I had no intention of engaging with the four of them. That seemed to be the right choice as the girls relaxed their awkwardness and May even stopped glaring at me.

"Yeah, just had to look over some documents, I'm going to pop into the store down the street if you want to join, I think we might have those shoes in stalk today," he calmly answered me as he glanced up from the newspaper by his side to make eye contact with me. It's weird how he just reflexively makes eye contact with you when he speaks with you. Don't get me wrong most folks do it but when he does it makes you feel like he's taking you a hundred per cent seriously.

Mom seemed to notice the weird atmosphere around me and the girls since we are usually close, but she didn't bother asking as she just handed me a fresh bowl of porridge. It was just then that I noticed that she had already gotten cleaned up and made everyone breakfast by the time it took me to take a shower. It wouldn't surprise me if I found out that she has superpowers honestly.

"Yeah, I'll come, I will ask Liam if he wants to join us, is it still the same deal from last time?" I quickly answered him excited about getting a chance to get a new pair of Jordans to add to the collection.

The deal I'm talking about is one Dad came up with so Mom wouldn't get on his case for just giving us stuff. All I have to do Is help around the store on the Saturday of every month they have a stock turnover. It's pretty simple stuff really, all I do is fill the empty racks with the new jerseys of MLB, NBA, and NFL teams. All I do is scan barcodes for the old stock that's coming off the shelf and the same for the new things.

As a reward for my help, I get to pick one thing from the shop as payment. Honestly, If Dad was being honest, it would probably be cheaper for him to just pay me, but I really wouldn't have the need for the money. Plus, if I wanted to get the money, I can just do something on the chore list.

Also, another Idea from Mom is if you want cash do a chore on the list. Each chore has a corresponding price to it and usually, Emma and I just split it since we really don't have the use for the money currently other than to buy the snacks we want. You might ask why not save it or spend it in the school's cafeteria. Well, that would be stupid since one Mom and Dad have set up a savings account for us which we get once we are 18 and two once you try moms' cooking, you'll never want anything else.

"He won't be able to make it he's got a taekwondo meet today," Jenna chimed into the conversation bringing me out of my inner monologue. But now that she said it, he did mention something about him having to fight somebody this weekend, but I thought he was joking.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that, how come you aren't going to watch?" I asked her in curiosity since just like me and Emma both of them also have a good sibling relationship. Well maybe not as good as the two of us since we hardly ever fight, we just complement each other's strengths and weaknesses.

"I was going to but it's in another state and I dint want to sit through that car journey," She answered me with a bitter tone as she continued to enjoy her croissant which were still fresh from the baker's.

"I get you I'm not a fan of long car journeys either," I told her as I also focused on my breakfast since I had no plans of letting my food get cold. Just like that, we continued to eat our breakfast in a comfortable atmosphere. After a while, the girls even overcame their embarrassment and started engaging in conversations.





To Be Continued...


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