Football singularity

Chapter 79 79 Sirens

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I demand your power stones as I was deemed to be worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.]


Half an hour after Emma's trio performance all the groups performed their group performances. One of the groups performed a hip-hop-based dance that was quite exciting. The crowd was getting energised just by listening to the beat even nodding along as they enjoyed the show. When they started performing break dance moves that looked difficult for a human to perform it excited us even more. The killer was when two boys performed a backflip after using their teammates as a springboard. Whilst this was happening another boy was performing a head spin at centre stage.

The crowd exploded in a whirlwind of applause as the group performed their finishing poses as the last beat of the song fell. Even though I was biased towards Emma's team I couldn't help myself from applauding them for their performance. The judges seemed to love their performances as well which was reflected in the points they gave. They got a total of 25 points which was the highest anyone from their team had achieved during today's competition.

The next team's group's performance was a little generic compared to the first team's which could be seen by the crowd's reaction. It's not that their performance was terrible but after experiencing such an overwhelming showing from the previous group they just seemed a little lacklustre. This was reflected in the judges scoring giving them, just barely 21 points.

The third group was the Golden Girls, which was one of the stronger teams today. They didn't let up in their last showing fully displaying their talent. Their dance seemed like a mixture of ballet and contemporary that resemble an ambience similar to a symphony. They looked like golden flowers that swayed in the wind bringing a sense of vibrance with them. If the first groups dancing was electrifying this group's performance had a calming effect on the audience.

They told the story of fairies that performed a dance of blessings igniting a sense of awe in those that saw it. The ringing of the piano served as a backdrop to their elegant movements amplifying there moves giving them an emotional undertone. By the time their performance had ended, we were up on our feet applauding them for their wonderful performance.

Although I was reluctant to cheer for them, I couldn't help myself from joining in the crowd's applause. Emma's groups had their work set out for them if they wanted to stand a chance at winning this. I wasn't the only one who was thinking this judging by Dads worried expression. He still managed to remain calm probably through the composure he honed through years of business. Little did I know is that he was using his armchair as a sort of stress ball.

The audience wasn't the only ones who loved the Golden Girls' performance as the judges gave them a score of 27 points. This was the highest score that any of the teams received today, and the crowd seemed to agree by how loud they cheered. Listening to the judges giving out their reason for the scores they gave seemed to rub Dad the wrong way. I could swear I heard him mumble something about them being too generous for no reason.


The lights dimmed slightly as a slow song started reverberating throughout the room. On the stage, nine girls elegantly moved along the ground seemingly in sync with each other. They looked like sirens as they danced along the ground drawing our entire focus as the music continued to intensify. The girl at the centre of the performance managed to make it to her feet with the support of the rest of the group.

The grope looked like the waves that helped support the siren as she charmed the sailors into the sea. Following her lead, the rest of the girls started swaying to the serene music using a variety of contemporary moves. As their performance reached a climax the audience was in a trance not daring to make a sound in case, they would break the current ambience.

The dance resembled a mirage that only served to entrance the audience more. By the time the music started to increase its tempo the girl's dance moves looked quite chaotic, but it had a subtle elegance to it. Silent tension had been building in the entire hall as the performance reached the final stages.

The girl who seemed to be leading the dance seemed to sprout wings as she took to the air whilst performing an elegant spin move. When she landed, she was caught by two girls on her sides as she elegantly transitioned to the ground. She lay on the ground as the final note of the song sounded. The ambience on the stage had returned to calmness as all the performers returned back to stillness.

A minute after the performance had ended the hall remained silent as no one moved seemingly stuck in the moment. The girls still remained in the same position as when the performance ended not daring to move. However, the longer the silence dragged on the more nervous they became as they looked out towards the silent crowd.

Clap, not sure who in the audience it was that started clapping first but just like a snowball that rolled down a mountain it set off a chain reaction as an avalanche of applause rained down. The crowd got to their feet fully making their appreciation known to the performers on stage. Seeing the crowd's energetic reception to their performance the girls sighed in relief as they finally got to their feet.

Quickly bowing in thank you for the praise the girls are visibly brimming with excitement. This continued for quite a while as the crowd seemed to want to make up for their lack of reaction throughout the performance. It wasn't until one of the judges raised his hands to gain their attention that they finally calmed down. Even then it took quite a while for the rowdy crowd to calm down.


"What an exciting competition let's give the teams another round of applause," Jason Lee spoke into the mike as he warmly welcomed all the teams back on stage so that the final winners could be announced.

The four teams stood huddled up in their teams waiting anxiously for the announcement of the winners. On the faces of some of the dancers you could see nervousness written all over their faces and others seemed to be brimming with confidence. However, some of them seemed to have calculated the result already as a sense of dejection was written all over their face.

"Alright without further ado third place in today's semi-final with a total score of 96 is..." Jason started saying as he read a flash card that seemed to hold the results, making sure to build up the tension. "Dynamic Dance, thank you for gracing us with your talents and we hope to see u at nationals," he said with a consoling smile on his face as he also made sure to encourage them to work hard. Since they managed to get third place, they still had a chance at making it through to nationals if they won the wildcard rounds.

The crowd loudly applauded the dance team thanking them for today's performance. Wishing them all the best for their future endeavours as they quickly regain their composure waiting to see which two teams would make it to the finals.

"Thank you again for entertaining us but the show must go on," Jason bellowed out in his mice capturing the attention of the crowd. he continued to hype up the audience further as he built a subtle tension between the three teams that have yet to have their fates decided. In reality, everyone knew it was only between the two teams who managed to move the crowd during the group performance, but no one would point it out.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone that participated today but the show must come to an end, Today's Runner-up and first to qualify for the finals with just two points short of first-place The Golden Girls," As soon as he finished speaking the crowd erupted with loud cheers as the said team began celebrating their qualification to the finals.

The celebration is bittersweet but overall, the girls had happy smiles as they congratulated each other on succeeding. The organisers quickly handed out the runners-up medals to the team members whilst also handing the captain the team's second-place trophy. After another five minutes, the audience calmed down again as Jason took control of the situation again.

"Finally, Your Regional Semi-final winner with a total score of 115 is Serenity Dance," He promptly announced not wanting to hold the audience on the edge of their seat any longer. The team burst into cheer hugging each other as they celebrated frantically whilst confetti sprinkled from the air.


[Mc Pov]

'Dang that was more frantic than I expected,' I inwardly said as I got up from my chair following Dad backstage.

After the final winners were announced they continued on to personal awards, surprisingly a girl from the bottom team won the award for best solo performance. Emma's trio team managed to get the runners-up medal for their performance with her getting an honourable mention. Overall, it's been quite a productive day for her and judging by the huge smile she had when accepting her reward she is over the moon.

[That goes to show you to not look down on any sport,] Eva chimed in her two cents, but she seemed rather disinterested.

It didn't take long for us to reach backstage to the massive dressing room where all the girls were still celebrating. I spotted a few of them having congratulations forced upon them by their parents. Whilst others managed to escape that fate and dragged their teammates to take pictures with the trophy.

Looking around I quickly spotted Emma who was being smothered in a tight hug by our mother. She gave us a pleading look as soon as she spotted us, but Dad didn't seem to get the memo because as soon as Mum let go, he enveloped her in a tight hug also. I struggled to hold back my laughter when I saw the look of relief when he finally let her go. The look of betrayal on her face when I also pulled her in for a tight hug the next second was even more priceless.

"Don't give me that look I was just congratulating you," I told her as she continued to scowl at me after we separated from the hug. My words didn't seem to do the trick as her frown just depend.

"I would rather you congratulate me from a distant," she managed to say after moments of contemplation. her serious expression only made me want to tease her more, so I did.

"Ok then I'll just stick to giving head pats to May," I quietly said as I looked around the room to see what else is going on. However, the next second I felt someone pinch my hand with a bit of force. Turning around I was met with her pouting face as she sent me a slight glare.

"You can't I won't talk to you if You do," she said in a serious tone, but I could see slight nervousness in her eyes. Chuckling at her antics I just raised my left hand to pat her head whilst I took out a small package from my jacket pocket.

"Here Dad and I got you this," I told her with a smile distracting her from whatever she was thinking about. Just like a cat who's seen a shiny new toy all her attention was shifted to the box forgetting our conversation.





To Be Continued...


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