Football singularity

Chapter 77 77 I Believe You

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I demand your power stones as I was deemed to be worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.]


"Hi sis glad you didn't fall," I told her with a smile as I handed her one of my sports drinks. She took it with a short thank you quickly taking a drink and quenched her thirst.

Looking at the refreshed look on her face as she drank my sports drink almost made me question if we were drinking the same drink. Her look of utter bliss almost made me want to take the drink back to see what was so special about it. After all, she might have just gotten the best one from the batch, but my rationality still held me back.

"It rarely ever happens it surprised us more than anyone," she said with a light pout seemingly remembering what happened. She's probably just happy that it didn't happen to her pyramid otherwise she wouldn't be so calm right now.

"Anyways are you ready to leave Mum will be here any moment?" I asked her since I just wanted to go home at this point. I was sweaty from today's game and just wanted a shower. I hate the feeling when my sweat starts to dry on my body after I work out, especially on hot days like these.

"You can't leave without me, Guess who?" I heard a mischievous voice behind me say as a pair of slender hands covered my eyes. I was slightly startled at first but upon recognising the soft but playful voice I knew who it was. From all the girls I know there's only one who likes to pull pranks on me.

"Hmm, it must be someone who is almost as good-looking as me," I answered her with confidence whilst I took her hands off my eyes. Turning around I was met with the pouting face of May who obviously wasn't happy with my answer. Looking at her green eyes that were giving me a teary look I almost apologised until I remembered how much she likes to tease me. Seeing the slight smile on her face I decided to just flick her forehead and be done with it.

"Ouch, what was that for?" She exclaimed with a more genuine pout on her face as she rubbed her forehead. At her actions, I inadvertently chuckled which only served to anger her more.

"I'm sorry my hand slipped, I promise it won't happen again," I told her with an apologetic smile as I stretched my hand up to pat her head. The fact that I was smaller than her didn't help my efforts, but I still manage to do so in the end.

"Stop that, it won't work on me anymore," She exclaimed again as she quickly swiped my hand away, but I still saw a hint of pink on her cheeks. Head pats are her weakness, I realised this when she got jealous of me giving them to Emma over the summer. So ever since then, I've been using them to placate her whenever she gets mad at me for whatever reason.

"Don't start fighting Mum is already here," Emma spoke up as she dragged me away by the arm. Letting her do as she wishes I watched her send a glare in May's direction who also followed behind us.

Even though I would like to believe I'm mentally more mature than her with my past life memory and all but I'm no match for Emma's emotional maturity. Mum described it as she is having a higher EQ than me, but I still stand by my belief of her being overprotective. Well, I can't really blame her she did find me bleeding out in her closet. That would be a shock to any kid especially if the kid you wound ends up becoming your younger sibling.

The fact that she packs a small first aid kit whenever we go out to play or when we train is slightly worrying though. I'm not saying that it's not useful as she has plastered me up for the slightest cut I got whilst playing. I can't complain though since she protects me whenever I annoy someone too much. She is the best shield I could ask for as no one seems to be able to stay mad

On the way to the parking lot where Mum was parked, Jenna ended up joining us also dawning her cheerleader gear. The three of them joined the team whilst Liv would only be able to join once her tennis season ends. Even then she only trains as a stand-in and is the team's assistant manager. Since she can't make up for the missed practices and doesn't want to risk getting injured between her tournaments it's what's best for her.


"So how was the game? Do you know what team you made yet?" Mum asked me after a little while of driving. I was sitting in the front passenger seat whilst the three girls were left to squeeze onto the comfortable leather seats at the back. Honestly, I don't think there is a reasonable complaint about where u sit in a luxury car. Plus, the car was big enough that you could still sit comfortably at maximum capacity.

"I did ok I guess, only managed to score one Goal and an assist, but I did make Team A though," I told her with pride virtually brimming off my body waiting to hear her words of praise.

Whenever I make the slightest achievement Mum is always the one who is the happiest for me. I remember when she was teaching me, she would brag to Dad whenever I improved my test scores even if it was just by a single percentage. She is for sure my biggest fan, so I'm always looking forward to seeing her smile beam whenever I achieve something. The warmth she showers me with is something that I can't associate with my memory of my past life but I'm definitely becoming addicted to it.

"Congratulations I never doubted you would make it," she said with a smile as she reached over to ruffle my hair. I could tell that she was genuinely proud and wasn't just saying it to placate me. Since she would be one of the first people to tell me when I'm doing something wrong.

"Well done I was rooting for you," Emma said from behind me as she stretched her hand forward to pat my head as soon as Mum finished.

Sometimes it's comical how competitive she can get over the most random things. However, I just let her be as she was even more nervous than me during the entire week of tryouts. Heck, throughout the week she gave me half of her cookies during the break, all in the name of encouraging me and she seldom shares her sweets. She must get that from Dad since he doesn't share his snacks either, heck I once witnessed him buy an extra slice of pie instead of giving her a bite. The look of disbelief on her face was something else as she watched him finish his desert whilst making her wait for her own. Let's just say that was one awkward ride home from the restaurant.

"Oh, you made the team, I guess I'll forgive you for earlier," I heard May chime in still pouting from what happened earlier. Looking back at her I watched as she averted eye contact with me by looking to the side.

"Don't listen to her she was also rooting for you, they both dragged me to check how your game was going during our break," Jenna ruthlessly exposed her showing no mercy whatsoever. May upon hearing her instantly panicked to cover her friend's mouth before she could expose her further.

"Don't listen to her I was only helping Emma hurry Jenna along," She quickly defended herself but by the blush on her face I could tell that she was lying. Looking at her serious expression I couldn't help myself from laughing at her actions.

"I believe you I promise," I ended up telling her before turning back to the front to focus on the road.

"I'm serious," I heard her say seemingly not convinced that I believed her excuse. She was right in her thinking, but I have no intention of telling her that.

"I know I believe you," is all I said to her not bothering to turn back to face her but If I did, I would have been met with her flustered look.


"You want to go hang out on the terrace before dinner?" Emma asked me as soon as she barged into my room. She was dressed in casual wear consisting of one of my white hoodies and a pair of shorts to match. Although she has her own hoodies, somehow, she always ends up with some of mine. The funny thing is I've never caught her in the act of stealing them, they are there one day and just disappear the next. She does return whatever hoodie she gets bored of so it's not so bad.

"Yeah, I was getting bored anyways, by the way, have you seen Zeus?" I answered her as I got up from my bed making sure to hold onto the towel on my head. Now that my hair has grown quite a bit it takes so much longer to dry them once wet.

"Oh, he's following Mum around in the kitchen," she said as we quickly made our way down the stairs. Walking past the dining room on the way out I caught sight of Mum Scolding Zeus for stealing the bits of chicken she was going to prepare.

This has become a routine for them ever since she made the mistake of feeding him a little ham whilst she was cooking. Ever since then, He follows her whenever she is cooking like clockwork. He tried that with Dad, but he didn't budge in the slightest forcing him to settle with regular dog food. So, like every smart K-nine he learned his lesson and only pesters mum when she cooks.

"C'mon Zeus let's head outside," Emma called out to him, saving him from another round of scolding. Taking a seat at one of the chairs at the firepit I started running my towel through my hair as I got comfortable.

"Sigh one of these days Mum will say no to you," I said to Zeus who hopped on the chair next to me still looking innocent.

"We both know she will never say no to him," Emma commented from the side hinting at the fact she seems to let him get away with almost anything.

"To think that she didn't want a pet at the start," was my only answer remembering her reluctance when we went to the dog breeder.

She literally tried her best to bribe us with new toys and sweets all the way there. It wasn't until she held Zeus in her arms that she was convinced of the idea of us keeping him. As a matter of fact, she spends more time with him than us, as she takes him with her to her fitness studio.

"Yeah, she's a big softy even though she likes to act fears," is all she said as she started playing with Zeus's fur. Looking out on the lake that reflected the setting sun I felt at peace at this very moment. All the hard training is offset by the calming feeling I get whenever I see this scene.

"This reminds me of the celebration we held when your dance troupe made it to regionals," I subconsciously said as I came out of my mesmerisation by the scenery before me. Looking at Emma a smile inadvertently formed on her face after recalling what I was talking about.


[A couple of weeks ago]

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the 2009 Junior regional semi-finals, we have four talented teams here but only two can move on so join me for a round of applause as we welcome them to the stage," The Asian MC who was dressed in a silver suit announced from the side of the stage making sure to capture everyone's attention with his charisma.

Adhering to his words the audience stood up from their chairs clapping thunderously as the dance teams entered the stage. Dressed in their Unique team colours all the teams stood together in an orderly manner as they received the cheers of the audience. Each team had a minimum of eight members with only one team having the maximum allowed number of ten.

"Now that's what I call a warm welcome, I'm your host Jason Lee let's go ahead and introduce the teams," The Mc spoke up again as he made his way to the closest team to him seemingly wanting to let them introduce themselves.

"Who among you is your captain?" He asked the group probably wanting to avoid a situation where all of them introduced themselves at once.





To Be continued...


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