Football singularity

Chapter 63 63 LeBron

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I demand your power stones as I was deemed to be worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.]


"LEBRON!!!" I loudly exclaimed staring at my mom with glowing eyes just waiting for her to confirm my conjecture. Honestly, I felt crazy even considering that it could be King James himself, but he is the only one I could think of that is joining the Miami Heats around this year. I did not follow much of basketball in my past life but even I have heard about the scoring record holder.

"Yes it's Mr. James" she replied casually as if she were not saying that she would be training basketball royalty. Although I only know of some minor things about him from my past life, like how he is just so naturally gifted for the sport amongst other things. From the past three months of living in the US I have gotten to first hand see his skill on live TV.

"You sure it's Lebron James and not Jerome James because it's not funny to play with my emotions like that," I asked again still not buying into her words just waiting for her to shout sike and say it is a joke. That would honestly be a twisted joke in my perspective as sports is the only thing I do not joke about. For all, I care we could be playing cricket and I would still be giving it a full 120 per cent of effort to win.

"Of course, I'm sure I checked his information when we signed the contract" She answered me sounding slightly annoyed that I didn't believe her. Well can you blame me would you believe your mom if she told you that she going to be hanging out with Lebron? OfCourse not anyone that says yes clearly lacks common sense or they still believe in Santa, which in that case they have a whole different assortment of problems they should be dealing with.

"Let me see the contract maybe you read it wrong?" I told her not believing her words as I leaned forward from my chair expecting her to spawn the documents at once from her handbag.

She gave me an odd look after noticing my actions probably questioning where she went wrong in raising me in the short three months or so. Well, can you blame me though Women's handbags seem like dimensional storage devices to me with the number of things they store in there. I swear I once saw a women pull out a rabbit out of her handbag, then again, she was a magician, but you get my point.

"You brat just sit back down you will know when you meet him later won't you," she angrily said whilst knocking the top of my head prompting me to lean back into my chair. For the rest of the car ride, we continued to have a pleasant conversation with one another with me occasionally trying to chat with Emma only to be ignored. She only forgave me when I promised she could go with me if I had to move.


"I missed you" I exclaimed with a satisfied smile as I slumped onto my bed. The feeling of my own bed felt exactly right. It was around 6 PM when we arrived home and I was tired which was odd since I would usually still be training around this time.

"Are you going to sleep already?" I heard Emma ask from behind me, but I was too tired to bother turning around.

"No, I'm just going to close my eyes for a moment," I muttered out as I slowly relished the comfort of my soft metres. Before I could even realise it, I was fast asleep of into dreamland playing football against a guy who could shoot fire shots. This made me realise that I might need a hobby if I am starting to have weird dreams about football.

[3 Hours later]

"mmh, ten more minutes... just one more goal and we will be world champions," I muttered lightly as I dribbled down the left flank deftly dodging a slide tackle of a guy who somehow managed to kick out what looked like ten kicks. Ignoring the obvious ninja, I quickly made my way across the edge of the box sending a powerful shot towards the top right.

It was then that I noticed that my shot had sparks of lightning, but then again am just that good so it should be normal. However, before I could celebrate my Thor-imbued shot the goalkeeper's hand glowed in a golden light as he held it out towards the ball. The next moment a giant golden see-through hand flew forward enveloping my shot and smothering all the power out of it. In the next moment, the ball appeared in the keeper's hand without any fuss.

"Nice try but you need to wake up if you want to score against me," The guy spoke out flexing his biceps as if he did not just use magic to stop my shot. The massive friendly grin he was giving me started to piss me off the longer I looked at it.

"You were obviously cheating using that Magic hand face me fair and square," I pointed at the guy a little annoyed that he was looking down at me. Ignoring the hypocrisy of the fact that I have a system that helps me get better at football. Then again, it's also a part of the chance I was given so I would be stupid not to use it to the fullest.

"But you used that lightning shot," He pointed out trying to defend his actions as what looked like a sad raincloud appeared above his head. I could swear I saw rain slowly dripping down on the guy but somehow he did not get wet.

"That is not the same bro, I'm just built different, a little lightning here and there is completely normal," I told the guy as I quickly made my way back to my position not knowing that the guy almost fell over due to my comment.

"Wake up you need to eat something," I Suddenly heard as the world around me froze with giant cracks appearing on the field that was now empty. Before I could even make sense of this bizarre situation, I was hit by a ball causing me to fall into the abyss. Looking back on my way down I saw the smiling face of that keeper rubbing the back of his head as if he had just done something wrong.

"I'll get you for this," is all I could say before my vision went dark as a comfortable silence washed over me.

"I TOLD YOU TO WAKE UP!" I heard a feminine voice scream in my ear jolting my eyes open as if an electric current went through my body. What came into my sight was my familiar mint green ceiling reminding me where I was. Turning to my left I was surprised to be met with the angry face of Emma who seemed to be irritated by something.

"Hi Emm's, what's up?" I asked her slightly puzzled as to why she was there and giving me an annoyed look at that.

"(sigh) Just hurry up you have to eat dinner is already 10 pm" Is all she said to me as she started walking towards the door. I was slightly confused but my body seemed to move on autopilot as I climbed out of my bed. I did not have to change since I was already in my PJ's, so I just followed her leaving my room and heading down the stairs towards the dining room.

"Where are Mom and Dad?" I asked her as I sat down on an empty seat. There was a stack of sandwiches with all kinds of toppings in them. The bread used is some kind of brown bread which is a lot healthier than regular white bread.

"They went to the lake for a stroll," Is all she said as she started stacking my plate with all kinds of sandwiches. It was like a colourful hill of food, from a BMT sandwich, a chicken curry sandwich, chicken tomatoes, and a simple melted cheese sandwich. Lucky for me I also got a warm cup of chamomile tea that was being kept hot in a thermos.

"You don't expect me to finish all this right?" I asked her slightly speechless at her actions, but she only gave me a confidant nod that seemed to say she believed in my abilities.


"That was amazing, I didn't even know I was that hungry," I lightly exclaimed whilst rubbing my slightly bulging stomach. After today I do not think I will be eating anymore sandwiches for a while, well maybe just for a day or two because those tasted great.

"You know you didn't have to finish all of that right?" Emma said from my side slightly glancing up from her phone to meet my eyes.

"I know I just didn't want perfectly good food to go to waste," I answered her as I stood up to put my plate into the dishwasher.

"You know you could have just kept the rest in the fridge and eaten them in the morning for breakfast," She commented as she stood up from her seat and started helping me clear the table.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked wanting to quickly change the subject as it does not look like I was going to be winning this one. After clearing the last bit of the dishes, I was ready to just relax, mom makes sure that we clean up after ourselves and if we don't we will never hear the end of it.

"Let's go sit at the firepit, do you still remember how to light it?" She asked me as she started heading toward the back terrace. Not wasting time, I quickly followed after her to the firepit outside, which was located to the left of the swimming pool.

Quickly putting a couple of logs into the firepit, I added a little bit of lighter fluid making sure not to overdo it. I made that mistake when dad first taught me how to start a fire, so when the flames started, we almost lost our hair. Good thing this time the flames remained calm and just lit up the logs slowly spreading a wave of heat.

"I didn't even get burned this time," I told Emma with a bright smile as I took a seat next to Emma as she handed me one of my hoodies. Which If you are wondering I do not know when or where she had gotten it from.

"Yeah, your hair is just growing back so you might want to keep it away from fire," She commented as she started running her hand through my hair. Ever since I've known her, she has been using my hair as a sort of stress ball saying that it's just too soft.

"Anyways what you got planned for the week?" I asked her wanting to get a conversation going, I love comfortable silence, but my thoughts tend to be wild the moment they get that freedom.

"I have a bunch of dance practices lined up with the competition this weekend, you should come and watch," She answered me sounding quite excited at the prospect of me coming to one of her practices. I've seen her dance quite a few times, but I have never actually accompanied her to one of her dance lessons.

"Yeah, I'll go with you on Monday, what are we doing for the weekend though?" I told her after realising that it was Friday and she should not have any training sessions during the weekend.

"I don't know but we can go explore the surrounding lake, we haven't really seen what it has or offer," She answered me sounding way too excited about exploring what is basically her backyard.

"Yeah, why not if it's warm we can go for a swim," I answered with equal excitement about exploring our surroundings. I just love being surrounded by nature, and this seems like a fun way to unwind after putting my body through so much stress in the past week.

"You'd have to be careful of Gators though," I heard someone say behind me startling me slightly since I didn't hear them approach me. Looking back, I see that it's just our parents which I am quite grateful for because I wasn't ready for a fight. Seeing my shocked surprised face must have amused Dad as he started chuckling.

"Don't sneak up on me, you could've given me a heart attack," I told them slightly glaring in an attempt to get my point across. That seemed to only amuse the more with mom smiling and dad full-on laughing.

"It's alright one of my sisters is a doctor so go ahead and have all the attacks you want," Mom said in a comforting tone adding more salt to injury.

"Hunny, isn't she a therapist?" I heard dad ask her after he was done laughing causing mom to stop smiling and carefully think about it.

"Now that I think about it, she did say that her job is to listen to people's feelings, but I thought she was joking since I was complaining about my dad to her," she said after a moment of silence as if she had a sudden enlightenment. Hearing their conversation caused my lips to visibly twitch, like how do you not know what kind of doctor your sister is?

"Just ignore them or they won't stop annoying you for a while," I heard Emma say as she pulled me into a small huddle so the two of them couldn't overhear. Deciding to trust her I just nodded at her words, after all, I'd only known the two of them for three months and she's had 9 years of experience.





To Be Continued...


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