Football singularity

Chapter 5 Instigation 1

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"Do you want revenge on Finn?"

There was a pin-drop silence between us as soon as those words left my lips, it was almost as if the world came to stop. You could hear all the kid's voices around us with unnatural clarity as if they were screaming in your ear.

"Brat what did you say?" he said as he pulled me close on my shirt cooler, I could see the veins in his hand's bulge as he was ready to unleash them if my answer didn't satisfy him.

Throughout his action my eyes never left him, I knew once I showed any signs of weakness I would be finished. If I want my plan to work I need this hot head to help me, but it needs to be his own idea.


Ian has been in this camp for many years and knows all the ins and outs of this place. He usually runs errands for the gang that has captured us and keep in mind it's not your regular errands like grocery shopping, it's more like dropping off certain packages to people.

These packages usually contain a plethora of things in them from kilos worth of drugs to body parts of family members to send warnings to enemy cartels. However, due to his resourcefulness, he has managed to create a lot of side hustles for himself one of them being able to get u anything u want for the right price.

But there lies the problem; for one the gang does not know of this and the only person other than Ian who knows where his storage is located is Finn as they are partners to some extent. Now you might be asking if they are partners why would he betray Finn?

It is very simple actually 'Greed!' Both of them are very greedy and hate the fact that they have to share such a good pie with the other. So if I can push the right buttons I'll be able to steer them on a collision course of mutual destruction.


[Ian Pov]

"You heard what I said." The kid in my arm choked out between gasping for breath, he's got some balls ill give him that. It's been a long while since one of the little pipsqueaks talked to me in this manner.

hmm, The last one who did so what was his name again? I can't really remember, it is probably not important, anyways let us just say that poor fellow didn't enjoy garbage day.

"Do you not have an interest in living?" I hissed back at the kid with a bit of venom as he was starting to get on my last nerve. "Explain yourself now!" I told him as I slightly loosened my grip on his cooler so he could breathe, he was beginning to look a little blue and that can't be good.


[MC Pov]

"huff" I breathed in and out heavily trying to calm my raging heart, everything is going as expected so far. I've got his attention now just need to spin a yawn so great that even the court troubadours would be jealous.

"That hurt you know," I said to him whilst massaging my neck trying to ease the strain from just now. Looking at his impatient body language though I could tell I wouldn't get much more time to breathe if I don't get to the point soon.

"Someone told me you can get me anything for the right price?" I spoke up again finally getting to the point at hand.

"what's it to you? And what's it got to do with getting revenge on Finn?" He answered looking a little apprehensive that I knew of his side hustle, usually it's Finn who gets the orders and he is the one that delivers.

"It's nothing really I just want more food and you can provide it at least I've heard so?" I told him in a serious tone making it clear to him that I was done beating around the bush.

He released his hands in order to get a better look at me and seeing my malnourished body seemed to make him realise I was not lying to him. Guess my poor circumstances over the years helped me cast a psychological shadow of someone whos desperate for the slightest amount of food.

"Everyones is hungry in the world, but no meal is free you know that right?" Ian said with a voice that could only belong to a scammer who is about to get u you to sell your kidneys and make you pay him for it.

"I understand that, but I heard information is very valuable?" I felt like a matador slowly raising the red cape over this bull's head, in order to make him focus and charge in one direction.

"That depends on the information you are offering, the newspaper has got information doesn't mean that it's valuable to me." He shot back at me with a slightly disinterested look, believing I was just a brat wasting his time.

"That makes a lot of sense, guess you getting robbed tonight doesn't count as valuable" I spoke under my breath but still loud enough for him to hear me.

"Say that again," He said with a serious look as all the nonchalance and calmness seemed to have vanished from his body instantly. "Never mind that who is going to rob me?" he double down on his question as if he was getting his priorities straight.

"Finn, Who else here would dear to rob you?" I told him in a calm voice to make me seem as assured of myself as possible. "Don't believe me? well, I overheard one of his goons talking about emptying a warehouse in Camilo." After saying that I waited patiently to see his reaction to my words.

I didn't have to wait long after I mentioned Camilo, as his face constricted in anger and he clenched his fist hard as his veins bulged all over.

Just as I was worried that he's gonna blow a fuse right here by how red his face was getting from all the anger he asked me "what time are they going to do it?" It seems he did not put it past Finn to rob him so he didn't even question the validity of my information.

"Will you give me my food if I tell you?" I asked to further reinforce the Idea of me only telling him this for the sake of food. I'm doing this because it is a lot easier to trust something if you paid for it than when u get it for free.

"Yes yes you will get your food, just hurry up and spill it and don't leave anything out," he said impatiently as he pulled out a paper bag filled with bread from the bag he kept under the bench he had been sitting on.

I quickly grabbed the bag with a feline's agility before he could even think of taking it back. I opened the bag to make sure there was food inside making it seem like I didn't trust his integrity. For the record, I don't and that seemed to piss him off but he did not say anything.

"They said they will rob you tonight at midnight before going to some club," I mentioned the club as Finn's goons have been talking about going to the club all week and this would further eliminate the seed of drought.


[Ian Pov]

Listening to this kid I thought I was getting pranked at first especially when he said that Finn will rob me. who would believe a five-year-old kid when he tells u something like this, he's probably thinking he can get some easy food and looking at him god knows he needs it.

However just as I was about to dismiss him after a small beating he named the location of my warehouse accurately which can only mean that what he overheard is probably true.

Normally I wouldn't think that Finn was able to betray me to this degree but lately he's been trying to get more control over everything and that psycho would do anything once he sets his mind to it.

Another reason why all this makes sense is that after our last argument over how we do business he and his goons started freezing me out. They did say we were ok a few days ago but they didn't let me go to the club with them tonight which I thought was odd. Now it all makes sense those dogs were just giving me a false sense of security.

"That's enough boy, you can get lost now," I told the kid as his presence here would only distract me from formulating a good countermeasure for those snakes. They do say the best psychopath is one that is dead, let this snake be a testament to that.





[Mass Release Goals]

[ A Magic Castle = One extra Chapter]

[ Two Magic Castle = Two extra Chapter]

To Be Continued...


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