Football singularity

Chapter 47 47 Training (2)

[Coach James Pov]

What did I just witness? This kid is a monster, this must be how it feels to find a diamond among gold coins. He looks like a newbie to the game making a lot of simple mistakes. Not even the worst player would make them if they had an inkling of football training as part of a team. I'm surprised he was even in this camp because no one has ever heard of him before yesterday it's like he just appeared out of nowhere.

When I checked how he got registered I realised that he got in through his father's connections. I usually hate brats that get into my camps with connections but I don't mind this one. Just the thought of missing such talent because he couldn't get into the camp is worrying. It's saddening knowing that so many talents are being wasted each year just because they don't receive the right support.

Even this camp doesn't primarily focus on talent, I mean half of these kids are only here because their parents are somebody. It's not that they are bad talents its just they arent the best of the best that this camp is supposed to nurture. Those who are average at best only got in because their parents knew someone.

Anyways this boy named Rakim has been a breath of fresh air. He is seemingly at a rate of rapid improvement rapidly picking up everything. Let's hope his improvement continues to progress this way then this camp would actually be worth it.


[MC Pov]

"All right let's try this again," I said to myself as I started the exercise again. I had to spend like three minutes trying to cover a bunch of holes I had created before I could start again. The feeling of the ball as it left my foot felt a lot more comfortable and controlled. When I received it again I felt more in control of it than I usually feel when I dribble the ball.

'hey, Eva by any chance has my ball control improved?' I asked her as I continued to pass the ball back and forth.

[Yes Just a little since you achieved a sort of mental breakthrough you should check your stats] She answers me sounding a little bored at my question.

'Alright Eva let me see my stats then,' I tell her as I stop my movements so I can focus on my status. The timing is just right since coach Brady is explaining the next exercise thus having everyone's attention.


USER: Rakim Rex

AGE: 6yrs


Singularity Points: 1100

Position: RM, LM

(Evaluation: A boy with a lot of potential for becoming a professional soccer player, who possesses a lot of talent)




[ SYSTEM SHOP (locked)]

[ SYSTEM LOTTERY (locked)]

[ SNOOPING TOOL (locked)]


'Hmm, looks like my main menu hasn't changed since the last time I checked it' I muse to myself as I open up the stats menu.


>Physical Fitness: C

>Football Technique: B-

>Game Intelligence: E+

->Mental Ability: S


'Nice my technique has improved' I exclaim in my head happy about having my first B rank stats. If I keep going like this I'm going to be a real menace once I make it to the professional stage. My happy mood soon deflated after hearing Eva's next words.

[Just to let you know these stats are for those below the age of sixteen, this is because at that age is when your body reaches the requirement to join the professional stage.] She tells me in a neutral tone as if she was giving me common news you could find in the morning paper.

'So you are saying that these stats are basically for the youth-level competitions, so what will my stats look like after I turn sixteen.' I ask her slightly confused about what this would mean for my future.

[To put it simply these starts are a whole grade worse if you were to enter the professional stage. For example, your C-level physical fitness would only amount to E+ on the professional stage. So the host is encouraged to work hard as the youth stage is a cakewalk compared to the pro stage where the best of the best play] She tells me clearing up the confusion. Letting all the information sink into my mind I realise how far away from my goal I really am.

These stats are just compared to those in my competition group. After all the age divide is a massive challenge that all athletes must face. The reason why most rookies struggle in every sport is not only due to experience but also due to physical strength honed over time. This problem puts rookies at a higher risk of injuries at the start of their careers. That is why in the later year's teams started protecting their talents by letting them play fewer games until they were physically ready for the game.

After checking my stats I refocused on my training again as coach Brady had just started demonstrating the new drill. The next drill was similar to the last as it focussed on passing and control. The morning continued like this Coach Brady made us do a bunch of exercises that would improve our passing and control of the ball. I think the point of this is to show us that we can do these drills at home. So there is no excuse for us to continue to be bad at this in the future unless we are lazy that is.


Sitting in the canteen with my four new friends we wasted no time devouring our late lunch. We were eating at two in the afternoon since the morning training took a little longer since we wouldn't have afternoon sessions. They said that it is to let our bodies rest and recover for the next day.

"Hey, Rakim do you want to join us? we are going to the pool to relax a little," Yunus asked me interrupting my train of thought.

"Yeah, why not but I'm going to relax for an hour or so to analyse some matches on my phone first," I told him as I picked up my tray of food that was now empty. The other three soon followed not wanting to waste any more time here.

"Oh, I think ill join you then I could use some rest" Dest spoke up looking the most tired out of all of us here. Then again all the people who were a part of the defensive and attacking group looked like they had been through a lot.

I even saw some of them struggling to make it to their chairs in the canteen. When we asked Dest what they have been through he said something about being tortured. Apparently, coach Chris was angry at their poor level of fitness and body coordination and made them do physical exercises all morning.

"That's fine Join me you can help me analyse some games while you recover your energy," I told him as I helped him get to our room. The boy could barely walk from all the running drills he has been doing all morning.

It didn't take us long to reach our room where I ended up dumping him on his bed. He was getting kind of heavy and I was happy to finally be rid of the extra weight. Yunus and Giovannie didn't stay in the room long, leaving soon after grabbing their swimming trunks.

Plopping down on my bed I wasted no time whipping out my phone to look for some game highlights. It took me a while to find one but eventually, I found one that seemed to be pirated by someone who put it on the site. I wasn't complaining though as this would help me a lot.

The game was a premier league game between Chelsea and Man UTD that took place earlier in the year. Dest hopped onto my bed as we both started watching the game with interest fully focused on the happenings on the screen. Judging by his interested look it seems like he hasn't seen the game yet which was good for both of us.

"Why do you think about how they move the ball around the pitch," I asked Dest breaching the silence that was between us. Looking at how they moved the ball it looked a little slow and rudimentary compared to the twenty-first century.

"They are all some of the best players to ever play the game of football but it looks like some of them are restrained by their position." He said after a moment of contemplation as if he was answering an equation. It looked like he noticed this too some of the players were simply playing their position and didn't seem to want to do more.

For example, this one right-back called Bosingwa has never gone past the halfway line throughout the game. Maybe it was due to his coach's instruction but the way he played seemed like he lacked creativity.

"Yeah, It's like they are doing the one job they were assigned to do and not more," I told him after a while of thinking over his words. He seemed to agree as he simply nodded and refocused on the game. Unlike the lacklustre defenders, the attackers seemed to enjoy full freedom to create attacks to score goals for the team.

The most exciting player on the pitch was Ronaldo who seemed to have no fear as he charged at his opponents. He looked to be having the best time of his life as he performed a plethora of skill moves. Looking at him dance it's hard to imagine that Manchester let him go this summer. In my opinion, it's like packing a legendary player on FIFA and just simply selling them to your strongest opponent for the UEFA cup.


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